Sunday, 30 April 2017

Our Ego

Banking and karma are very similar. You open an account. You make certain investments, including FDs. Sometimes, when investments are bad ones, they give you losses. And good ones, dividends.
Once our karma account is opened, we should try to make good investments. Otherwise, we will find our account of good karma depleting very fast and then we are left with very little balance.
There is always a tussle between the need to create good karma and the blocks we create with our ego. We need to work on understanding this big time.

Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 23 April 2017


When we go out to a restaurant, there is a huge menu we choose from. These are items we love and want to indulge in . But they are not necessarily good for our health. We still bypass that thought and make the choice. 

We tell ourselves, it is only for that meal. So, we end up eating that food and develop indigestion or food poisoning.

Now, similarly , when damaging feelings enter us, we again must choose either to let them in and adopt them as ours or let them go immediately as being wrong for us. Knowing that this may start a pattern, we still accept these feelings because we want to retaliate.

The main cause is that we have not been able to separate ourselves from our egos. So, who gets hurt ? Who wants to retaliate ? It is the ego. If we learn to make a choice against the ego and in favor of ourselves, we can avert any illness of the mind.

If you want freedom from the ego, the most effective way is to simply acknowledge the undesirable thoughts and emotions that came in and the actions they set off. To say, "I was wrong" is really liberating. To say, "I am sorry" and MEAN it is even more liberating. It just clears the air within us and between two people also. 

Not that you mean to, but this rattles the opposite person and generally forces him or her to introspect.
Ultimately, our purpose is to work with love, not anger , resentment, fear or hatred, isn't it ?

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog: 

Quote of the day

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Quote of the day

Mind control

It is so strange that although the body and mind are connected, very often, they feel disconnect also. The mind rules the body but the body language is unaware that the mind is speaking through it. It is largely the mind that affects the body.
When we talk of a twisted mind, we are also seeing a visible effect on the body through the facial expressions. Likewise, we fail to hide our joy that the mind is generating.
There are books and books on mind control, but few on body control unless you look and yoga and exercise. But even so, yoga is also done for mind control apart from muscle control and toning.
So, the awareness that the mind body complex is interdependent and not separated is the right awareness for the right balance.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Positive Thinking

A popular saying: we reap what we sow true. But between the sowing and the reaping, there can be many unexpected climatic conditions which can negate this saying. So, sometimes, we sow with the right intentions but are unable to reap what we want.
As they say, there is many a slip between the cup and the lip, so there arise unexpected circumstances’ ...

Karmically, what brings us happiness for the moment can result in unhappiness later. For example, a wonderful marriage which can sour later. Or anything else for that matter. The opposite is also equally true. You start off on the wrong foot and end up really positive.
So, these proverbs are very limited somehow. We sow with intentions and that predictably should have good results. But we forget that karmically, we are interconnected and therefore, one man's gain could be another person's loss.
So, living for the moment is the best way to go because we don't know the full implications and the far reaching effects of what we sow.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day