Monday, 18 January 2021


 Life is such that despite having so many relationships around you, you need that one hot line with God that makes everything else make sense.

We go through life observing ourselves involved in so many situations. We share issues with whoever we feel close to. But sharing sometimes makes us light but sometimes heavier, too. Often, the more we discuss unpleasant anecdotes the more agitated we are.

But share with God and you feel so much relief! There is so much affinity with the Divine, so much synchronicity with the universe, probably because we know deep down that this is a temporary abode. We recognize our source.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Sunday, 10 January 2021

Quote of the day




I am glad that some irrational mindsets are moving out today. Like beauty and brains don’t go together, the jokes on blondes being dumb, the Sardar jokes when the best positions have been occupied by them...

Mindsets, in any case, defy the actual creative powers of human beings. We said women’s role was as homemaker. Today, she IS that and a lot more. We said, men were made to be the bread winners. They ARE but not the only gender. We said, women were the weaker sex. We turned out to be very strong.

Why is the human mind always more focused on limiting us? Why we are unable to see the wider angles, have a broader vision? Living in boxes can be really claustrophobic and many of us fail to realise that this is exactly what we are doing and feeling like something is always missing in our lives.

To feel free and extraordinary that we all are, we need to climb out from that self created box and look at the vast scope of opportunities to grow and evolve.

You are your own Creator. So, the sky is the limit if you have the proper tools. There are two texts to be applied to ourselves: Purusha Suktam and Nirvan Shatakam.

We are as vast as the Divine and as pure as the Divine soul which is not to be identified with the body even when it is encased in the physical body for a few years between birth and death.

Friday, 8 January 2021

Soul graduation


Soul graduation seems pretty real to me. We speak about new and old souls. Their tendencies, their inclinations, their interests say a lot. However, becoming an old soul is a matter not necessarily of many births but many experiences and learning from them.

What we DO with this life is crucial. How we respond to it is important. Whether we blame or count our blessings is vital. Whether we hate or love determines our progression.

Old souls seem to understand this sooner. But nothing is written in stone in this vast creation.  The possibilities are endless.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Wednesday, 6 January 2021


 It’s all about how sensitive you are to people around you and how often you let go of their mood swings.  Sometimes, the masks slip because there is pain. Criticizing people who actually are suffering from within is like kicking someone who is down already.

Why do we have to keep our hearts partially open for selective compassion when it is one of the greatest virtues of all times?

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day