Thursday, 22 June 2023



Day by day, things are becoming mechanical with an ever increasing nuisance value! Just look at what we have to tolerate! Keep a cell phone and you are inundated with a million messages, completely meaningless, from call Centre’s you can’t even block! Mindless communication.

You have sales calls harassing you anytime of the day… mercifully, not at night! As yet!

If you block one number, they call you from another. Social media tells you what to watch, who to be friends with and even gently questions you as to why you have not communicated on it for a while.

Money / profits being the whole game, humans are being dragged towards addiction and to losing their sense of good and bad, besides being controlled.

Look at the games we play from the app store. The same level is tough and then made easy when you are giving up, so you can continue and not quit! To keep you on the app, just spiking the challenge a little bit every now and then.

Worse, new inventions are going to create non thinking generations… robots more than humans, thanks to every answer being at their fingertips through just pressing a button. Brilliance will not be defined the way it is today. Artificial intelligence and progressive inventions will render the human being powerless before technology. A huge crutch! Total dependency on technology!

Today, even if our computers pack up, we can do mental math, and much more, because we have been taught it perfectly. We know how to think, feel, understand. We are not helpless. Our thinking faculties still work very well.

Tomorrow, without aids, I wonder what will be the lot of our kids and grandkids, with more ego and more crutches! Where emotions are being programmed into robots, what will happen to the human beings themselves?

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

External Mask


Why is it that we are unable to be peaceful Consistently? It’s not as if we don’t know what constitutes peace. We are very well aware. Yet, we allow it to be disturbed every now and then.

Other humans affect us whether we like it or not, or want it or not. A super human control I have yet to see! Except in my guru who is far more elevated.

Instead of perfecting our external masks, ideally, we must master being our intrinsic selves. Our minds are devious. We have learnt the art of hiding our turbulence as an ocean would conceal its waves to create the illusion of appearing calm. But it takes forever to actually BE what we are pretending to be.

Also, the fact is, the more you try to BE the path, the more severe the obstacles that confront you to challenge you further. And the stronger should be your courage, not only to overcome these challenges to forge ahead but also to pay the price the universe demands of you. By leaving much behind you, for, unless you learn to leave the baggage behind, you will have to struggle more to BECOME the path.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Quote of the day


Quote of the day


A Pinch of Wisdom


To get even a pinch of wisdom, we go through a lot of struggle. Of experiencing desire, cravings, anger, envy etc. and then finally, the acceptance that some things are not in our hands. This is one pinch of wisdom but the struggle may be a very long one. We all live on hope. And while there is hope, we often fail to see things as they are.

Hope is not a bad thing. However, an acceptance of the current reality makes life easier, even if it is unpalatable. And change can happen too. Anytime!

The whole world prays since there is a basic realization that only that X factor called God can help. That is the bottom line after realization dawns.

The pinch of wisdom! Surrender!

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Wednesday, 7 June 2023


 If you lose sight of the winds, your journey on water can be turbulent. If you lose sight of the flow of a river, your journey can be rocky! And if you lose sight of your spirituality, you can become a rudderless ship with no guide.

The soul is the guide to your physical being. It is the voice in the wilderness. It is the chirping of the birds, the music in the valleys, the echo in the mountains.

Close your eyes and your mind and the world disappears for you to hear these sounds of your inner being.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog: