Thursday, 26 January 2023

Quote of the day




It is all about expectations. We feel “comfortable” around certain people because somehow, they don’t threaten our self-image. We accept only such people.

If you analyze why some others are kept at bay by you, or criticise or pick on, you will learn a lot about yourself.

The moment you reflect on your thoughts, you will get the link within yourself. It is never outside of you. Keep reflecting and cleaning up as you go along. This is the only way to growth.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Friday, 20 January 2023



Compassion is possible because we are all mirroring each other. I can feel your hurt because I have been there or close to that feeling myself. I also need to understand that reactions to the same event can be different in different people. And suffering is on different levels of intensity and ability to cope.

And yet, why do we start judging instead of understanding when it is impossible to get into anyone else’s shoes ? I have realised that when we judge others, we have forgotten to be kind to ourselves ! Or compassionate for that matter. Yes, sounds paradoxical ! But not really so.

When we are not comfortable in our own skins , we don’t want to accept our selves , especially our darker areas. So, in order to feel good, however temporarily, it is easier to point a finger outwards for the same weaknesses we may also carry. Because we always attract similar people who mirror our weaknesses. Through them, the universe is teaching us to accept those areas within us, heal and move on in our journey.

All we need is the realisation that we are all imperfect and the journey is about our own learning and healing. Not about judging others . Let them look after their own journey.

It is not our business to treat anyone as small or inferior . This is where kindness / compassion come in. If you must , help people who are struggling to heal, instead if maligning them and throwing brickbats. And shunning them. Human weaknesses are not contagious diseases . So, Our censure makes US inferior people because our lower self is at work at this time. WHY are WE intolerant of someone else ?


We need to ask ourselves this question which may lead to a can of worms within ourselves that we are afraid to open.

Compassion and kindness, therefore, need a much deeper understanding.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Wednesday, 18 January 2023


 One of the greatest maladies of our existence today is the superficiality with which we deal with people. Relationships have become “contacts”. External image has become prime! We have classes and professionals in all aspects of external grooming and image building. And a great source of income, too! Because only that is accepted in society and work places.

“Family “spirit is gradually dying out. More families are at feud than ever before. And more “friends” are being cultivated. It is a classic case of giving your best to friends and becoming intolerant of family members.

Have we thought why? It is a jumbled up mess: of self-seeking, avarice, ambition, popularity and very little ethics. Also of distances. If Manipulations and hypocrisy work, why would anyone be foolish enough to practice virtue?

Today, we just WANT and WANT and WANT: contacts we can use, money, power. everything! And to hell with anything that smacks of old values!

Do we remember how sacred the vedic marriage rituals were? The depth of the core of living? Or the code of respect? Nope! We are losing it all.

I understand that lifestyle dictates values. But ethics dictates your spiritual journey.  The latter however, mostly loses to self-aggrandizement.

Controlling and more controls spell power, whether of wealth or people. Or anything else….

We are so busy pointing out the weaknesses of others that we forget, that however successful you are, you need to be a good human. Also, that it is


wiser to look at yourself as you are and work on your dark spots than feel happy pointing at others. This will not light up your darkness anyway.

Qualities like compassion need time to understand connectivity. We are so divided today that connectivity is not up for discussion. 

Praise be for spiritual teachers who are trying to reverse these trends through imparting the right knowledge. And hope there will be practitioners instead of critics.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog: