Wednesday, 27 November 2024


 Self-improvement starts with the surrender of arrogance, ego and cultivating humility. We are constantly becoming aware of what we should be giving up to gain a foot in the door of heaven, so to speak.

Spirituality implies a gradual elimination of the unwanted that we have wanted all our lives, in our ignorance.

Yes, it could shake comfort levels. It could isolate in a small way and later, as your practices increase, in a big way also. But this kind of isolation does not necessarily take you away from people. It may lead to a dropping of people whose energies are not on par with yours at that time.

There is however, no cause for any lament! That is a natural phenomenon. It WILL happen.

Ultimately, this is not a loss but a gain. A gain to strengthening your energy to be directed towards a higher awareness and higher goals.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Friday, 22 November 2024


 The mantra for life, I have discovered, is “that was THEN, this is NOW”. If we reflect on our thoughts, how much of our thinking patterns come from past experiences? A maximum percentage, I would imagine. We judge people from past experiences.

Our relationships, more often than not, are dictated by the past experiences too. Our trust factor also comes with time, again only from the past. Our behavior stems from early conditioning. Our guilt comes from what we did wrong earlier. Our lack of forgiveness is because someone has hurt us and that becomes a negative past memory. So, the past, which is really a ghost, rules over us even though it has passed.

It is incredible that we still won’t let go. Irrational that we won’t give our present a chance. The more we read about living in the NOW, the less we actually do. The past has occupied so much space within us

Popularly said, “nowhere” can be changed with a new perspective, “NOW HERE”. But our mind is here and there all the time. Never in the NOW.

Awaken, people, to what we are doing to ourselves during our life here! Improving every moment in the present, trying to clean each such moment is the only thing we can do.

As we clean, and declutter, we create new spaces to attract the energy which can change our lives and bring in what we call miracles”.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Monday, 18 November 2024



Ironically, the day you start healing is the day you realize that you really have no control over anything anyone says, thinks, understands (or misunderstands) or acts. You realize that you are constantly pushing yourself or being pushed into corners all the time.

And suddenly, the tipping point happens and you just invert the bag of baggage into a dust bin instead of your mind becoming the dustbin where the unnecessary baggage should have been thrown out long ago.

I guess karma could also be a sudden realization after a lot of struggle. That change could be lifesaving, better, soul saving.

Any realization comes with awareness. When, how and why will depend on our own reflection.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Counselling Session


Wednesday, 13 November 2024



I wonder when you reach a point when you are able to streamline your life. When the transition is happening, it could be confusing. You might opt for something and then opt out of it. You might be really enthused one minute and lose interest the next.

One tag which you might acquire may be “erratic”. But no! It could very well be a streamlining process active within you that is leaving behind old ideas, old patterns and learning new ways to evolve.

I have never believed in tags pinned on others. We really are not qualified to judge. Are we? Because we are constantly changing, or so I would like to think.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Monday, 11 November 2024


 Everyone has difficult circumstances to tackle in life. But, it is disturbing to see so many people developing a victim mentality. Worse still, making their victim card a weapon and playing it to their advantage to gain sympathy.

Today, we need more courage than ever before. Life is fast and no one has the time. We need to do things for ourselves because the support systems of families and elders is crumbling.

To blame life is completely futile. Nothing just “happens”. The fatalistic card of “woe is me” can only mean defeat / lack of motivation to get up and walk again. There will always be supporters around you in strange ways though you may never see them as such out of wallowing in self-pity and confused feelings. I have seen many an olive branch by well-meaning people, rejected again and again.

Actually, you can beat yourself up all your life, with comparisons, maybe for bad decisions made or a karmic onslaught, branding yourself as “unlucky” or whatever. But you know what? It only makes it worse. Only you can turn your life around.

Again and again, I come back to the courage needed to transform a negative pattern of thought to an “I can do it” mode. It is hard work and sometimes, many tears before you smile again. But that one smile is worth the tears preceding it.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Tuesday, 5 November 2024


How long can you be apologetic for your evolution? At some point, you have to be prepared for changes around you. Your comfort levels WILL be shaken. You will enter a new space where you may not find a known ambience.

The people around you might even wonder how they ever felt aligned to you? And you will not be able to explain any of it to anyone.

Still, regression into the old ways is neither easy nor advocated. Because empty spaces get filled very fast with new energies that are attracted to that quality of space.

This is why, forward movement is better, even on unchartered territory. New experiences can be exhilarating and profitable for growth. And each will be a new learning as well.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day