Monday, 29 November 2021

Quote of the day


Spiritual Wealth


I strongly believe that every citizen of this country must take up a cause. This is the only way we are going to wake up to those around us and their needs. Not only that, we also start waking up to our own abundance which, sadly, we don't ever understand because we are always looking to acquire the trivia we don't possess because someone ekse has it.

If we can just do this exercise : put down what we have on one side and what we want on the other . Just examine how many things that we want are really worth desiring. And examine the worth of what we already have.

Strangely enough, we never ask for : god, give me more goodness, more generosity, more compassion for those around me. Or, please help me be honest and simple in my relationships.

We ask for more of what money can buy. More power. More fame. People lining up to praise you to the skies for what you possess. Gautam Buddha left all the pomp and glory , and years later, emerged as the most glorious of humans.

The moral : Only in letting go do we find spiritual wealth and glory.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Thursday, 25 November 2021

State of confusion


Very often, we are not sure of ourselves. A state of confusion , perhaps. Be clear in your intentions. WHY you are doing what you are doing. Very often, we do things grudgingly and are not happy doing them. This is going against one’s real self. There really isn’t any need. Honesty to ourselves is most important. Keeps the head and heart clear.

At some stage, all of us will realise that after going around gaining many experiences , we ultimately come back to ourselves. And if we don’t, then we have a long way to travel in our journey.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Quote of the day


Tuesday, 23 November 2021



The art of life is a constant readjustment to our surroundings.  

                                                                          — Kakuzo Okakaura


You must welcome change as the rule but not as your ruler - Because things do not change; we change as the change is for a cause. Do you know that it’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform.

Change is often uncomfortable, but always inevitable. Life has a way of dodging our best-laid plans, so it’s important to learn how to adapt and roll with the curves we’re thrown.

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.

It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Monday, 22 November 2021

Quote of the day




Pain is inevitable. There is no growth or evolution without it. The triggers causing pain could be either from other lifetimes or this one. Even if our life’s path has been chosen wisely and in the right direction , periodic tests , some intense, will arrive along the journey. Some will be unpalatable and challenge our attachments.

But you know what ? This is exactly what we need to reflect on what we want in our lives and what we must accept as not available. There is another angle too, which is, what we had but didn’t work .

So, at every step, knowledge is incomplete unless we learn and move in the chosen direction.

The release of knots does not mean disconnection. It just means smoothening out and getting back into the flow. Surface waves which have been calmed.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Friday, 19 November 2021

Spiritual growth

 Everything that we possess to go through our life’s journey is like a tool kit: our thoughts, emotions, our financial flexibility , our bonds .. everything. Yes, our relationships too… very much so.

The next realisation is how we accommodate all of these with love and gratitude. The “I” that has the tool kit is the one which now needs the wisdom to understand the blessings bestowed upon it.

There are always ways to live , using all that has been gifted to us. But , along with enjoying the journey, we need to see that the journey is not fraught with disappointments and depression. That strife spells out the wrong usage of the kit.

If you have financial flexibility, temper your entertainment desires with spiritual growth. Spend the finances in learning, going for retreats , cleansing , healing … or , just praying from wherever we are. Accelerating the pace of prayer really brings miraculous results because we are one with God and no third to dilute our concentrated energy.

Unfortunately, as long as these remain words and theory in people’s minds, there will not be any change . We actually have to take up a commitment to DO and to practice healing modalities for atleast a desired minimum time to observe their effects.

Many of us don’t turn towards this direction at all. Our choices are directed towards what seems to be , from the external world, a source of happiness . But, soon, that myth explodes. For, behind transient happiness lies its opposite: misery.

The sooner we realise that our real joy lies in developing our soul and witness consciousness, the sooner will we embark or continue on a journey of a God ordained path.

Money, name and fame cannot be our ultimate goals. If we have been misled into thinking that they are, life will teach us that it is not so. And harming God’s beings will definitely not result in any good. The physical world exists to help our consciousness and awareness develop a clean channel which reflects God within us. Nothing less. It depends on each of us as to when we arrive there… in how many lifetimes.

Because I AM THAT.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Monday, 15 November 2021



It is the ego that judges people. And it is our self esteem quotient that become critical , both of ourselves and others. We tend to judge others by what we don’t like within ourselves because there is a resonance between the two. It is almost like you dislike someone because they , in some way, show you what you lack. A mirror effect. And you don’t want to go there. Is denial the answer , is the question .

This is how we block our own evolution. The ego denies and falsifies evidence right before us. And we hurry away from truthful realisations. Does not solve anything though. In fact, compounds the issue , because now, we are trying to bury it deep inside. But it is going to trigger repercussions some time.

To step out of an uncomfortable darkness, the door needs to be opened to let the light in AND to move forward. And only WE can open that door.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Tuesday, 9 November 2021



I always wonder as to how much even the person closest to you really knows you. Can anyone know anyone ? Maybe, to some extent, as much as they are predictable , I guess. But there are so many hidden and hence, unpredictable facets of any personality that have perhaps yet to be triggered and therefore, remain within the concealed part of the personality.

And yet, how easily we say that we know someone completely ! I don’t think we even remotely know the extent of our own selves for that matter. And knowing this would be definitely more productive .

One lifetime is certainly not enough to peel away all the layers that we have painstakingly piled on to our persona. It is always wise to explore our own space and to clean it up when and where required. Therein lies the illumination possibility.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Sunday, 7 November 2021


 Generally, people think that if you are simple, you are a fool. They call such people “simpletons”. They could not be more incorrect.

Simple people can be highly intelligent and very spiritual. They are pure minds. They just live their lives based on austerity and truth. Their minds are uncluttered and they probably seem like they are from a different world to others , because they won’t resort to cunning or deviousness. They choose to be simple. And straightforward. This is the whole point that people miss.

People who value simplicity are definitely in the minority and as we know, minorities may be very special but the majority sets the trends.

At the end of the day, it is found that only the Divine sets the trends and many people are defaulters though they might think otherwise.

Simple means uncluttered, automatically working on a high vibrational level because too much negativity does not exist in them to make them heavy and polluted.

So, “ be simple” is a mantra to follow.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Friday, 5 November 2021

Forgive and forget

 Be generous . Forgive and forget. After all, it does not cost you anything but your ego. And that is the best and most spiritually elevated sacrifice you can make.

Vedanta teaches the reasons for doing this. Once we understand this, we understand different people’s journeys, and our own connectivity with them.

Ego just separates us from each other. And the whole purpose of our being here is lost. So, first, lose your ego identity. Which means losing the body and mind consciousness. And then focusing on our collective consciousness which runs through us all.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog: