Friday, 31 January 2025


 When truth itself becomes a multi headed hydra, it has little chance of surviving or winning. There was a time when people used to say “truth shall prevail”. Even today, it is said that truth will come out one day, that a covering of lies cannot hide it. Today, you can twist the truth even if people have personally witnessed a lie. We only believe what suits us to believe these days.

But I wonder why truth ultimately (if it does) emerges when it emerges and not when it was required to present itself. When there was a dire need to show itself. When you are aware of energies, truth being one, it is all a game of subtle vibrations. Just like the sun emerging only when the clouds disperse.

That’s why less and less people are now inclined to share their thought energy, their stories because they will be stripped of their truthful element , twisted and made a mockery of. We don’t have the energy of courage to speak the truth out aloud. With conviction and fearlessly.

Therefore, we have a convenient umbrella of diplomacy under which we push in all our pretentiousness. The umbrella probably hides us also, after the so called “diplomacy” has been delivered with success, leaving that person a little emptier than before.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Monday, 27 January 2025



All these years, having been in denial and argued and vented, finally, truth has dawned! Everything happens for a reason. Everything was meant to be. We thought we were taking the decisions but, was it so? Really? Were our reactions valid then?

Actually, what is meant to stay, stays. And what is meant to get over, just gets over. WE reach a saturation point in a lot of the cases. And in some, the choice is not ours.

And yet, all our lives, we fight and stress, and refuse to let go to move forward. We forget that karma is at work constantly. Our debts call out. Also our credits are interspersed with those debts we must pay. When we experience the joy of good karma, we forget easily. What remains and sustains is the unpleasant memories. 

As the wise have wisely said, cut thoughts. Cut memories. They are the source of all the attachment and egos at play in our lives. And when there are no thoughts, it is automatic surrender to a higher power. This is the ultimate in our journey, isn’t it?

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Friday, 24 January 2025




 One thing is for sure! Our agonizing over relationships only defines our own need. Know that story about the monk who was meditating on a boat on the river in the dark and kept getting disturbed by the collision with another boat? He burst out in anger at the person in the other boat, only to find that the boat was empty and was colliding against his boat due to the winds.

In life, we do this all the time. We find situations intolerable and vent our anger! So too, in relationships. If we can think of all relationships as that empty boat, we will cease to be needy. With an attitude that if there IS a person in that boat, smile! And if it is an empty boat also, smile! Nothing can stick to you if you don’t let it.

Observing the fleeting nature of things is a great lesson.

Sometimes, a “best” friend can part with you for years on account of a small misunderstanding. And sometimes, someone recent in your life can give you the support and caring you would never have imagined.

Sometimes, you expect more from those you love and that can really mess you up if that love is not reciprocated in equal measure. It was probably the equation that was to set in but not acceptable to us.

The long and short of this is simply to cultivate happiness from within, not giving much thought to what was, what could have been, why it is not the way it should have been etc. Save yourself the agony. It is completely self-created and harms no one but you.

Hard lessons and often taught by people closest to you.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Sunday, 19 January 2025


The journey of self-improvement is arduous and fraught with trial after trial! To take every day, smiling through it all and letting go each minute of what you do not really find palatable and finally, sleeping well at night because you not only deflected the negative energy that came your way but did not respond, thereby nullifying it almost instantly. This I guess, is the starting point to evolving to a higher purpose through the higher self we possess but fail to access due to the reactionary mode we live in.

HOW can you NOT let your expectations get the better of you? HOW can you observe and accept whatever is happening? Because nothing really happens to US. We choose to think it is. In short, how do you NOT let it stick to you EVEN IF it was meant for you? These are questions which have suggestions / seeds of knowledge within them.

Buddha remained calm and unfazed when a man came up and started continuously abusing him verbally. His disciples were angry on his behalf and asked Buddha why he didn’t say something. Buddha said, the man was giving him a gift but he did not accept it. So, this way, the gift went back to him.

Can we start doing this? Buddha was an ordinary human being before he became “The enlightened one”. So why can’t all of us too?  There is only one condition: that we work towards it.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Hindustani Book



 Human beings struggle with their deep insecurities and a lot of fear. On this base, they create need based relationships which they give titles to, like “friendship”. There is seldom any trust and faith. There is more judgement on how we can put our best foot forward to retain this quality of bonhomie. And fear that one wrong word or action can remove you from the relationship. If we cannot find comfort in an association, will it last? Perhaps only if we agree to keep paying a price with our own self. And that becomes painful after a point.

I think there is loneliness in groups today because we cannot be our authentic selves and pretense and compromise become very exhausting. So exhausting that sometimes, we ourselves want to distance ourselves from joining group activity. The same goes for one to one relationships. Nothing can endure without faith and trust. Can it? Can we re-establish our base then, to faith and trust?

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Tuesday, 7 January 2025


 Transformation is always from within. It is a change which comes to stay. Cannot be external or faked. Also, it comes after a lot of churning within. With a realization that something NEEDS to be changed, that it is not quite right, even makes you uncomfortable.

We have a built in meter within us which tells us. But we may not either realize this or want to listen to it. When we are not ready and have to go

Through some more churning.

Isn’t it strange then that we have everything with us, but we take so much time to actually turn to the right side of the coin?

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day