Friday, 31 May 2024


 I was just reading about patience. We live in the days of instant coffee. We are not in touch with principles of nature. If we liked gardening, we would understand that we can only plant seeds. They have a natural plan for healthy growth. They take time and we need patience.

Nurturing patiently! It could be anything from a plant to a relationship to success of any sort.

It takes nine months for a child to be born. Patience!

Relationships can be turbulent over turbulent waters. But patience can calm the storms. Every situation changes and keeps changing. We need to be steady, balancing the extremities. We need patience. As they say, Rome was not built in a day.
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Friday, 24 May 2024

Quote of the day



 Looking for endorsements is a kind of crutch. Can we perhaps develop the courage of our convictions? If we ask ourselves this question, as to why we always find our actions giving us more satisfaction when they are validated by others?

Yes, we are all connected by the universe but within that, we also travel alone from birth to birth. And that knowledge must liberate us and allow us to move forward, looking inwards and cleansing along the way.

When you are a spectator, an observer of all external factors, you will cease to attach too much importance to “belong” somewhere , as all situations are temporary , as we all know but deny the inner knowing.

Actually, the only belonging is to yourself only. Think about it ! The fluctuations outside are reflections of the fluctuations within. We are busy with

Acceptance / non acceptance

Love/ hate

Attachment/ aversions

Generosity/ pettiness

Like/ dislike

Justice/ injustice


Our mirrors are quite clouded. They will clear only when we cleanse. If you see someone’s polluted reflection in a mirror, you cannot clean it for them.

It is an independent journey with awareness each minute, erasing and rewriting as we go along.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Wednesday, 22 May 2024


 Learn one small lesson every day to avoid the big lessons later. Take care of today and tomorrow will take care of itself.

Breathe fresh air and fresh thoughts every day.  Laugh a lot. Learn to be silly at times. You can’t imagine how joyful silliness is, until you try it.

Worry does not help but definitely takes your health away, leaves your mind scattered and emotions in a turmoil!

If something does not work, some of it may not be meant for you and the rest may take time. Just as a cotton seed is air bound until it settles and germinates. Live within yourself because all the answers of life skills are already within you. You are just not tuned into your own frequency.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Monday, 20 May 2024


As humans, we are as negative as many others around us. We struggle with feelings like injustice, reactions, feeling rejected, the unfairness of justifying a wrong deed. Sometimes, these feelings become intense and there is much anger.

Then gradually, as you realize you can only change yourself, grudgingly, acceptance of what you can’t control or change sets in and you begin to seek answers to the “why”.

Finally dawns the light you need so badly within you and have blocked for so long. And when expectations die, finally, some peace dawns.

What a struggle when we could have arrived at this solution so much earlier.

But, right time and right effort is imminent! So much backlog to clear. We have to be kind to ourselves.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Tuesday, 14 May 2024


 EGO! An interesting story! Mullah Nasruddin was sitting in his house when someone entered to meet him. Mullah Nasruddin asked him” who are you?” The man was offended that he was not even asked to sit down.

He said” do you know who I am? I am an MLA. “Mullah Nasruddin said, “please sit down. “But the man was still petulant! Again, he said, “I am soon to be Minister”.

Mullah Nasruddin said, “then please sit on TWO chairs!”

Moral: we desire and expect praise, accolades, respect. so many desires to name and fame. But within us, we are full of inferiority. If we were not, none of this would matter. The more we sit on our ego, the less confidence we really have.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Divine Truth


What is the meaning of mindfulness and to live in the present moment? What is the connection?

We need to understand that time is transient. It is flowing constantly. Even as we speak in the present moment which is extremely short, that moment has become the past. And every future moment becomes the short present before it becomes the past. So, really speaking, both the past and future have no permanent existence.

The divine truth that is within us and eternal shines through in that present moment. This is the only moment, the present moment, where we can feel the divine energy. Mindfulness is just this, the divine shining through the present moment.

Once we start living in the present moment, we will realize that we need to go beyond the present moment even, to feel the divine presence. Beyond time is where we realize that we are, in fact, divine consciousness itself.


For example, the fraction of seconds between two “on” chants, that empty space is where the divine presence can be felt. Meditation can help in reaching this divine residence.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day