Thursday, 31 March 2022


 This new age diplomacy comes as a double edged sword, because it does not always support the truth. So, you may end up trying to make a person happy by saying what makes them feel good but may be not so truthful.

But we forget that people can sense energies of words too. And so, they may see through the white lie and end up feeling not so good , after all. And there could be a little distancing thereafter.  And diplomacy could have failed to achieve its goal.

I really have never seen the point here. There is something about being false that comes through, however hard you try to mask it , or even succeed in making it an art. Even that is temporary. It will show through ultimately.

So, if truth may hurt, better silence than “diplomacy” which could become the most undiplomatic thing you could have done !

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Monday, 28 March 2022

Quote of the day



 How does it help to get desperate to get something in life ? I wonder ! If one has to get so desperate for anything, it really has to be worth it.  But, is anything really worth it ?

You lose your peace of mind and what you are ultimately left with after all that desperation and even some amount of frustration , is not peace but just a piece of your mind which has been fragmented many times over.

Such a waste of energy and your mind , too. Even scientifically speaking, this state is a state of imbalance. It would be a good exercise to imagine all that we can actually do without , and the conclusion is mind boggling. Because we can do with a lot less. And this means many things in our lives are superfluous. Which in turn means, there is no need for any desperation to achieve the superfluous.

This brings us into a state of balance. If you achieve it, great ! If you don’t , great ! This attitude keeps the mind as well as our peace quotient intact.

And isn’t this what we strive day in and day out : a slice of peace ?

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Friday, 25 March 2022


 I don’t understand when people say “it is too late”.why ? How ? When is it too late to salvage a situation ? Maybe, the feeling of “ too late” is within us and WE want to give up. Because we don’t see a reciprocity … Yet, Often, success is just beyond your giving up. And if you had tried just that little extra, a lot could have been redeemed.

Yes, there are exceptions and once in a while, it IS best to let go. But that instinct needs to be cultivated.

We generally seem to persevere when things are important to US. But sometimes, we need to create that balance between us and others’ needs.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Attitudes in life

 When we get tired of sitting in one position, we change the angle . When we are sleeping at night, we change sides frequently. All this in the name of comfort…

But, when it comes to negative thoughts, why don’t we change them into positive ? Why are we unable to change the angle here ? Why do we look at only one side and let it disturb us ?

 Isn’t really it odd ? More so, because we are disturbed when we don’t want to be. And yet, even for our own sakes, we won’t do anything about it. We will hold on, and keep holding on to every burden , carry it on our heads, refuse to off load it, and on top of it, cry foul ! Blame others and situations for our wrong attitudes in life !

Where then is the flow, the harmony in our lives ? Try walking in a river with a huge burden on your head ! You can’t even walk straight, let alone swim without a risk of drowning with that heavy burden like a weight pulling you down !

Teaching oneself to be sensible, even selfish in the right way would be to teach them just two words : LET GO !!!

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Quote of the day



 At the end of the day, we are completely responsible only to ourselves .  Our thoughts are cobwebs from which extricating ourselves to separate the wanted and unwanted thoughts is very difficult. We react so quickly to them that the outcome is seldom envisaged.

How much is genuine and how much a mere lip service has to be dwelt on if there is any aspiration to emerge from that cobweb. There has to be a need felt to do so. And that comes only from an awareness and introspection  thereafter.

Our thoughts, words and actions are energy. Once we set them in motion, the outcome is already determined. So, we had better watch out for ourselves.

Today, words designed to please others are uttered without meaning them… very loosely. Like, “ call you tomorrow. “ or “ talk to you later”.  And days and weeks May go by before that happens.  Perhaps seemingly trivial, but significant nonetheless.

There are always two ways to look at this. First would be ..” so what ? I am

Not harming anyone“. A second would be, “why say it at all if your don’t mean it ?” The reply to the first is, “yes, you are harming yourself”.. and, many would call the second hair splitting. Because everyone is so used to this inane conversation today… however, there IS still an outcome which , to split hairs, is not based on sincerity or carrying out the spoken word. So, yes, it is harmful in the long run.

The tendency to pooh pooh such a thought would be commonplace but when self awareness dawns, , it triggers many subtle questions within from which there is no escape. Perhaps, that is why it is easier to look at others and not oneself.

There are many lessons we have forgotten or never learnt. And those are pathways to illumination, should we understand their benefits.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Friday, 18 March 2022



If we believe that every opinion is just a perspective, then isnt it contradictory that we have such an ego that we are always right ? How can a perspective always be right ?

So, here we are between perspectives and  facts. And how do we differentiate between the two ? We only act out of what APPEARS to be right by our standards , our values  or sometimes, a lack of them, too.  And only later do we understand what the outcome has been. Which also means that when the outcome itself is unpredictable, there is something beyond us that is set in motion, unseen and not immediately apparent.

Wisdom therefore , is also beyond  changeable perspectives and lies within deep convictions born of transcendental experiences.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Wednesday, 16 March 2022



Sometimes, we extend a hand in friendship and then suddenly withdraw it. I wonder why ?

To include a new relationship often gets difficult if we constantly wonder what the people who are already in your life with think about the new entrant.

This is so common a phenomenon that it is amusing when it is not tragic ! It shows us up as subservient to others, and lacking independent courage. Plus, a fear of losing what is there.

Sometimes, new , fresh un-clone-like people are like a breath of fresh air. They might bring a certain zest in our lives , beyond the known and the mundane. How does one grow if not through different influences ?

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Monday, 14 March 2022

Spiritual Journey


From immoral to moral and from moral to spiritual is the journey. What we call “Maya” or illusion is the cause of the cause and effect cycle which leads to innumerable births. The way to break this chain of illusions is the ultimate realisation that we are not the doers at all. And if we are not the doers, there is no consequence of our actions that translates into karma . And thus, if there is no karma, there is no cycle of cause and effect either. So, what am I saying here ? Only one thing. As Krishna says, surrender all actions and doership to him. Let HIS will happen through us. Stop the mind from interfering through its confusing patterns of thought and behaviour.

Once your mind stays clear of you, the soul connection with the universe becomes apparent and recognisable. It is not to the exclusion of the world but becomes highly inclusive , in fact. Because you understand and accept the world as transient and not to be given undue importance to. Because I am THAT supreme consciousness that transcends the world. More people should try the formula of surrender , except that it is difficult unless you do a lot of forgiveness, gratitude and recognise all the blessings from God that are constantly showered on you , but you don’t see this because you work from low vibrations in this world and think the world is real and all there is in our lives.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Quote of the day



 The worst thought within us us ,” I wanted to, but…”.

Hello ? Then why didn’t you ? And therein hangs a tale. Our culprit mind that won’t let us act from our intuition because we have given it too much power to rule our actions.

Our gut gets covered with too many layers of a polluted mind to make itself heard. And the beauty is, we don’t even know what or who is driving us ! We think we are smart and we are taking all the decisions. But someone is having the last laugh !

The point is, why do we allow ourselves to reach this state at all ? Why is it so easy to drown ourselves into a whirlpool of conflict and surrender our sane faculties to that whirlpool ?

It is our false belief systems that mislead us at the best of times. If we tear them apart once to look into the falsity, we can then learn better and create a new persona. Until then, we are doomed to stay within the whirlpool.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Monday, 7 March 2022



Among the thousands of thoughts per day, if you analyse them, you will be shocked to see how many are merely ego driven reactions. There is no substance there. But we still internalise them and then go into a frenzy of an emotional whirlpool. “I” am hurt. “I” cannot forgive this.”I” will hit back.

What is this “I” ? WHO is this “I”? Only this one question and its answer can relieve so many toxins that we build up in our systems. What is the point ? Has anyone become happy harbouring so many unwanted toxins ? In fact, quite the reverse.

To be at peace, letting worthless thoughts and reactions slide off you is therapy. For the self , and indirectly that which spills over to others in the form of our attitudes , our mentality.

Nothing should  matter except the pain of our loved ones as well as of those we can help. The energies that we fritter away aught really to be kept intact for benevolent acts , both to ourselves and to others. The main purpose in life is to give back in equal measure what life has given us.

I have understood that by expecting anyone to behave as we want is also an ego exercise to force “other” behaviour into making US feel good. No one is duty bound to make us feel good. That is a personal choice. Happiness is an internal fountain.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Quote of the day


Tuesday, 1 March 2022


 Some expectations are so unrealistic, they are often amusing if we didnt get all hot and bothered about them. There is so much ego and so many self esteem issues around that god only knows when this realisation would dawn and when working on this trait would even begin ! For it takes a lot of humility and self search to ferret out these subtle negativities from the dark corners of our minds.

Even on social media, we share so many posts that we think will benefit our friends and us. But , there are people who get offended for not “liking” or not crediting the person who shared that post with us  which we shared with others.

Now, twenty people might have sent the same post and if all of them wanted to be acknowledged, how would that work ? And they haven’t even created or written that post .

I find it amazing ! We all share whatever we feel adds value to

Our page. Being a healer, I like to share posts which are thought provoking and will add to our journey. That’s all.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day