Sunday, 30 October 2022


 We are all custodians of our own conscience. That little voice within us which judges our intentions and a tiny voice in the head that tells us “I did right” or “I did wrong”. Of course, the resulting emotion is either joy or guilt. Rather, SHOULD be if the conscience is more or less clean.

Sometimes, it isn’t though.  And you can make out by the same emotions. If you feel happy in doing the wrong thing, for example! To get back at someone, maybe! Or even overeating! Anything which you know you should not do.

It is gratifying to give ourselves a good certificate for doing what is right, even if no one appreciates it. Ultimately, we are really not looking for kudos from others. We don’t live by the conscience of others, do we?

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Wednesday, 26 October 2022


 Our natural tendency is to freeze the happy moments of our lives and keep revisiting them, often to get away from the unhappy ones. We forget that those have been experienced already but the unhappy ones have not found acceptance and peace within us. It is a subtle form of denial!

Recovery happens with both types of experiences, by learning to repeat the behavioural patterns which brought in happiness and by not repeating the behaviour that resulted in unhappiness.

But, like Duryodhana who told Krishna that he knew what was right but didn’t feel like doing it, we also know what we should be doing, but still continue with actions which definitely must bring in only unhappiness and suffering.

Again, the human brain understands this perfectly. It is just not accompanied by wisdom.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Monday, 17 October 2022



We can only guarantee the quality of our own humaneness and integrity. And uphold a certain standard of goodness.  Just as a flower bloom and has a sweet aroma, so should humans retain their fragrance even when people try to take it away. The only way you can lose it is if you are willing to part with it. And if you are, then you are paying a very heavy price.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Unbridled ego


An unbridled ego, when unleashed among friends, family or acquaintances can be extremely damaging! It just destroys all value systems within such people.

Despite atrocities and destruction, goodness still prevails, though hanging by a slender thread, or the world would have come to an end. 

The most difficult thing to do is to withdraw our inner self when required. Because this is what a wise person does. It is not only about what to do but what not to do as well.

Actually, the unrefined ego makes choices that are harmful and can have a very isolating influence. It disrupts the flow in relationships and will always attract people who are not necessarily there to extend friendship. The ego bypasses straightforward people in a heart beat . All it wants is to be fed with praise, however false. So, ego driven people have no need for sincerity in relationships. They simply don’t dwell there.

The time now is a difficult one and we make it more so, due to our ignorance of the basic principles to adopt, especially when in society.

The calibre of influencers will help the transition into infusing more balanced parameters into people along with the wisdom that precedes this.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Monday, 10 October 2022



Once again, I am reminded of prophecies regarding the downfall of human beings in kalyug. The recent worst-case scenario: this election is demonstrating it. One may as well recognize that not much falls in the category of the virtuous. That we can fall so low! ANYTHING to gain power. Even betrayal of your own motherland! Where does this stop? When does it stop? Does it stop at all? You can actually put up your own country for sale? It offends sensibilities and inspires disgust.

Maybe, just maybe, we are seeing an about to happen transformation for the better, that all the darkness shall be blasted out in favour of light. God knows we need it!

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Friday, 7 October 2022

Peaceful Space


When you reach a stage in life where you have faced the onslaught of life in many ways, seen people who are fickle and not loyal, have taken the heat of many negative moments until your hair is grey and your brain cells groaning for some rest, you have finally made it as a senior citizen. Now, just chill. Relax! Have a char minar, as they say. There is no need to explain yourself to anyone. If people love you, they will try to understand you. If not, God bless them all. Just stay within your peaceful space and let the world fly around you

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Quote of the day


Sunday, 2 October 2022


 An open and educated mind thinks beyond personal desires and looks at the various angles of its actions. The options available as also the different consequences that might arise. There are a number of people who seem to be living in a bubble, in an alternate world, beyond objective reality and these are, for sure, more prone to shock waves from life. Why? Because they never figured out that what they wanted might not actually happen and something else might happen. They never thought of alternatives. And God forbid, there could be a heavy price to pay.

We forget that the unseen hand of God strikes hard sometimes when you are oblivious to everything other than yourself. Definitely, there is merit in observing certain good principles in life and support those who are an integral part of your life. Who YOU chose to bring into your life. And out of all options, know that compassion goes hand in hand with support. AND that we all have feet of clay without exceptions.

We may be born with a silver or even golden spoon in our mouths. But humility before our karmic experiences along with understanding where we are straying will go a long way in bringing balance to our lives. And compensate for actions we are not proud of.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Quote of the day