Friday, 30 July 2021

Emotional state

 One of the myths going around is that elevated people live with their heads among the clouds, and don’t have their feet on the ground. Also within happy emotions all the time. Well, let’s think again !

We all have emotions and we all have attachments too. It is a different matter that our mind refuses to accept our emotional reactions sometimes and chooses to go into depression. Mainly, we are in the “expectation and disappointment” mode.

What is different about elevated people is , that they ACCEPT their emotional state and live through it. Non acceptance and denial

are both unhealthy. It is a fact that if you push anything away, you have not dealt with it. Because you have not liked it.

A simple point to understand but takes a while to practice. It is not that hard, however, if we train ourselves. It is certainly the wiser thing to do.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Master juggler


Sometimes, life seems like a series of Acts in a long drama. Nothing makes sense and yet, everything is valid. Only because all the illusion is meant to help us to discover  the permanence of our souls which already exists but is not apparent to the limited brain of a human being. Even God loves to play games like hide and seek.

HE is the master juggler, juggling the whole world and each one of us. And instead of joining the game, we take everything seriously.

If we were to stop for a minute and watch this unfolding drama, we would live very differently instead of getting swept away by this grand illusion while HE sits back and has the last laugh.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Friday, 23 July 2021

Spiritual paths


Somehow, and strangely, there exists an impression among people that spiritual people have it easy, that they don’t really run into problems. Well ! Think again. On the spiritual path, many really tough challenges face us. As we move along the path, harder and harder tests keep coming our way. And we must keep working till the end and after.

It is the same as doing preliminary school and graduating to higher studies which has advanced studies and requires an elevated intellect.

Truly, we humans have a tendency to stay very long within the stage of mere impressions without analysing , introspecting and  then reaching a state of conviction.

Spiritual paths are no cake walk. To cleanse yourself to a point where nothing and no body affects you and the transient nature of the world is revealed , is tougher than tough.

I guess many might leave the path midway rather than stay on it. The result would be an incredible amount of spiritual loss.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Wednesday, 21 July 2021



If you don’t want to be criticised, say nothing, do nothing, BE nothing. If you have become your own source of light, and NOT basking in reflected glory, you are bound to incur the wrath of some people. There is a price tag attached to everything, specially success and fame, while we are on this earth.

People don’t understand the concept of “different strokes for different folks”.  Or, “live and let live”. They generally want to be where you are, that is, if you ARE somewhere.

It is really all about blocking your destiny through your own thoughts, feelings and negativities that would arouse antipathy towards those whose life has worked out better. But the whole point is to find out WHY It didn’t work out or isn’t working out as well for you.

I know many who would say, “ well it’s all very well to talk when you are successful already.” No , sir ! It’s not that simple. Success is very relative . And WE create our own energy blocks and many who you see as successful have probably been clearing them along the way.

The law is as simple as being able to see the sun only when the clouds disperse . Likewise, by transforming a clouded mind, you can tune into higher frequencies and source your own light. Develop your own star shine. Become the light.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Percolation of knowledge


Being intellectual and  indulging in spiritual pursuits is commendable . But if these lead  to intellectual or spiritual arrogance, we must watch out ! Studying texts like Ramayana and Bhagvad Gita, reciting shlokas and being able to talk about them is wonderful. There is one word of caution though.

Such people often get the impression that knowing these is actually understanding them. Understanding is the percolation of knowledge which inspires relevant behaviour as well.

But, this does not happen. Precisely because even in depth knowledge only makes a scholar , at best. Never a practitioner. There is much ego in many such people whereas , if understanding had set in, humility would be the result, not arrogance. Arrogance gives a person an illusion of being always right and superior to others. Arrogance makes a person constantly talk about how learned they are but practice of all they “know” may be sadly lacking.

In life, we fall a million times, get up a million times and need to go on. Success is relative . But when people think they are perfect, the best, and really infallible, then one needs to look at them again and understand that they have a long way to go. They took the wrong path when they thought they were perfect and found it easy to deride those who were not , in their eyes.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Monday, 12 July 2021

Quote of the day



 Whether peace, conflict, anger or restlessness, life does not stop for anyone. You get over grief ( mostly) . You experience life in many shades. You love, you lose, you win, you battle. But at the end of the day, nothing pleases more than peace and harmony. And in learning that this is what you ultimately wanted, you have almost completed this journey.

But that is the law of life. You learn what NOT to do very late in life. You keep repeating wrong patterns of thinking and acting . Why ? Why don’t some of us learn what works for us and just work with that ? We create conflict situations and then we do it again and again because our responses don’t change. Our perspectives don’t change.

But as they say, better late than never. So, a change in favour of establishing better patterns is welcome at any time. And the sooner the better.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Tuesday, 6 July 2021


 Sometimes, the clouds suddenly disperse and the sun shines in all its glory. And sometimes, we wait and wait for it to emerge from the clouds. Exactly the way life happens. Sudden happiness and often, we have to pass through “ this too shall pass” phases. And they do pass.

Just remember not to store the wounds and the reasons for them. That won’t help. What WILL help is dropping those memories. Forgive. Forget. Gratitude. Abundance. Nothing lasts. So, why should memories ?

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Sunday, 4 July 2021


 Developing crutches is really not such a good thing. Dependency can become a habit and the inner strength to deal with circumstances gets lost somewhere deep down. It is precisely the challenges of life and our gracious adjustments to them that bring out the strength in us . It is closely related to an attempt to become largely self reliant by living within our means.

An inability to chop and change our lifestyles makes us acquire crutches of many kinds. We are all in different stages of evolution and so, must understand that adversity confronts us just to challenge that spirit within us which is a toolkit that has every solution , provided we stay calm and positive. That itself is a challenge.

There is no need to live a life that is under the microscope of people. Every life is, to an extent, under a microscope and vulnerability to this aspect promotes the crutch syndrome .  Because the judgement of others becomes important enough to become a crutch for life.

When opinions start mattering, the energy levels dip and we lose the wholesomeness of our spirit. So, a word of caution ! YOU matter to yourself. Period. How do you feel about this aspect ? How many crutches do we walk on in the name of love and needs ?

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day