Wednesday, 28 September 2022
it is okay to go with how you feel. And actually, also do what we feel like.
There is enough we do that we must do clinically. And that is a part of the
duties and responsibilities which it would not be right to shirk. But outside
of that, it is okay to have some “me” time to restore the equilibrium.
like the candle burns brighter as it becomes smaller, so, sometimes, we grow
more spiritually aware and kind of withdraw a little from external activity.
Withdraw into ourselves a bit. It comes from within. Only from within.
is an inevitable part of maturing, changing, evolving towards feeling peace and
becoming tranquil.
Speakingtree Blog:
Tuesday, 27 September 2022
Friday, 23 September 2022
have to be not only confident, but also open minded and intent on self-improvement
to be able to take frankness about yourself. It is very important to let your
loved ones point out certain traits in you which need tweaking. Very often, you
cannot see yourself as others can see you. But if you don’t want to know, no
one will tell you. Be sure though, that the only sufferer will be you. Because
improvements will not come your way and you will tend to stagnate within your
state of denial.
state is better? That you swallow even a bitter pill to get better or take a
sugar pill and insist you are getting better?
Speakingtree Blog:
Monday, 19 September 2022
would you define morality? Can there be a set of moral values common to all? Sure!
Because what is wrong cannot be right. But who defines what is right and moral?
Today, anyone can do anything and get away with it. Mostly! Where are the
values that prevent people from venturing into the space of others so easily
and without remorse or guilt? We want. We take. No looking left or right. This
cannot really go on forever. Something has to give and once more, some
semblance of decency that befits Indian culture must return to stay.
Speakingtree Blog:
Saturday, 17 September 2022
Thursday, 15 September 2022
Level of awareness
When you do the right thing by others, at whatever cost to yourself and your desires, there is an immediate raise in vibrations. You feel that your higher self has revealed itself. The joy is apparent. So, don’t do anything that directly or indirectly, has a detrimental repercussion on anyone. As a rule, this contaminates your energies. Don’t ever doubt this or defy this view, because there is enough evidence to prove this.
of energies attracts more contamination. The Universe sends you more of what
you have because it only vibrates with what you ARE. It cannot discriminate,
like humans can.
are already with people and in places that you need to be with and in. No use
fighting this . It is karmic. It is meant to be. AND, if you leave your
prejudices aside, it is meant for your good. To learn to heal all the dark
aspects that people in your life are there to show you. You may not have a
memory of your karma but the people around you ably compensate for this. If
only you venture in that direction , which is not often.
also, if you stop hating and blaming, the truth is, you are always amidst your
soul groups which are “ coercing , “irritating” you into
the reality, which you must be aware enough to understand.
acquires a different meaning once you reach that level of awareness.
Wednesday, 14 September 2022
Tuesday, 13 September 2022
Monday, 12 September 2022
you hear people lamenting about how goodness does not pay. What do we aspire
for in return for it? What payment? It is strange that we have to be
calculating here as well. I always thought it had everything to do with
qualities like caring, wanting the best for someone, protecting someone,
looking out for someone etc.
as people close to me say, I live in an alternate world and am completely
clueless about where the world is today. Not quite! It is one thing to know
where it is and another to agree with everything it stands for.
today, respect is earned with the same old “obsolete” values. More so because a
majority is moving away from them that their value is ever increasing.
they are considered to be outdated. Because it is too much work for the rapid
climbers today. Yet, when we see someone way above in ethics, in moral code of
conduct, the discerning among us must realize it as
a tough call requiring a lot of faith in oneself and the determination to go it
alone if one has to, to respect oneself first. Before others respect you.
Absolutely commendable!
course, those who have travelled a long way, away from home, are kind of lost
and don’t want to be told this. And so, they have to find their way back to
their core. Until then, the way out is waiting and praying.
Friday, 9 September 2022
Work is worship. A popular saying and truly a very pertinent slogan for us all. The opposite side of the coin that says, an idle mind is a devil’s workshop.
work keeps the health and happiness quotient on a consistent level. It’s been
my experience. It is a way of giving back to yourself what you know to be your
core as a part of divine energy. What you think you are giving outside is
actually what you are returning to yourself.