Sunday, 29 December 2024

State of Lightness


To reach the state of lightness of being, you have to pass through so much heaviness of being that it finally exhausts you! And finally, when you can take no more, you let it drop! You just let go! That moment, you experience that lightness, that freedom from the inflated baggage that had taken over your life.

The problem is with the mind. It holds only one thought in each moment and if not changed quickly, deepens that thought until it becomes baggage. This is more so with the baggage of negative thoughts because they are the ones that give pain and discomfort.

Each day, you train yourself to let go. Some days, you can and others are not so successful but you need to go on trying. And one day, it will clear.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Wednesday, 25 December 2024


 All conflict arises out of opinion vs opinion and the insecurity this creates, leading to intolerance. “I don’t like who you are”. Or, “I don’t like what you stand for”. And you gravitate towards those who

You find some commonality with. It could be similarity of thoughts, of religion, of physical appearance, language… and the like.

While the thinking people may say” so what if we are different, accept me and I will accept you as we are both human beings”, the herd mentality when taught intolerance can lead to dangerous and destructive action, as we have seen constantly. When your mind is taken over by another more powerful energy, you begin to take on borrowed thoughts. Your power of discernment is clogged or has never been developed.

This is when we need to gather good energy to project into the world. In order for there to be peace.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Dharma by Design


Sunday, 22 December 2024


 If you depend on other people to motivate you, you are on shifting sands. If a word of appreciation is a trigger to do your best, you can be swinging between movement and inertia.

May a time, you feel,” wow! I never knew I could do this!” But someone comes and brings down your castle of self-esteem in a flash by poking many holes in your edifice of creative joy. Sometimes, it may be just an honest opinion aired irresponsibly! But if it affects you, it will certainly hamper your productivity at least for a while. Which is why the courage of your own convictions should override everything else. Because everyone looks at you with a different lens. But yours IS the best lens. It has the power of thought, intention, creativity AND motivation before the final action. And it is YOU all the way, which is most important.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Friday, 20 December 2024



I can’t imagine why people would not speak about how they are feeling! In fact, they would rather spend on psychiatrists than clear their minds of the hurts they harbor by telling the people who have been responsible for those hurts.

Many times, hurt is an outcome that was never intended. It could just be a perception of a sensitive person or a person who is not too confident even, or already hurting. I can never underestimate Buddha’s saying that suffering is self-inflicted. 

I have always been a great advocate of communication because I think direct communication, if done with simplicity , can be less complicated than a third person stepping in. Especially when we are not attributing hidden motives to each other.

Having said that, I have seen multiple misunderstandings over simple attempts to improve matters also.

We certainly are a complicated species with an inherent ability to be simple . For various reasons, we don’t exercise the latter too often.

At the end of the day, we are busy creating boundaries all our lives, not all of them justified.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Dharma by Design


Sunday, 15 December 2024


 To be productive in any field, the motto should be: “plan the work and work the plan”.

There are people who cannot stay with one plan. They plan and then they change the plan. They make a new one and change it again.

This speaks of a very confused and conflicting mind.

The inability to stay with a plan and the constant search for a “better” plan ultimately gets nothing done.

It is probably better to just be given a plan to execute. Someone leads, others follow.

So, conflict and confusion are products of situations where choices are given. And it takes wisdom to make an informed choice.

That’s why we probably see more followers than thinkers.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Thursday, 12 December 2024


 Productivity has a lot to do with positivity and self-image. Wherever we are, we can be productive if we have the will. Important also is how we feel being productive. Because it also has much to do with feeling relevant.

Do we value ourselves? Do we have the courage of our convictions? Are we happy doing the smallest chore? Can we streamline our thoughts to improving our own journey?

Having a small sphere of influence is valid if we can make even one person happy. Your name does not have to be in neon lights for you to feel good. Many of us get unrealistic in our ambitions, and unhappy if we don’t fulfil them.

I am so convinced that there is a plan that unfolds for all of us. All we have to do is apply the universal laws and live by their truth. And the unexpected starts to happen, almost miraculously. The universal system of justice never fails. If we can increase one’s awareness to extend beyond oneself to observe the large canvas before we start painting on it.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Monday, 9 December 2024


 People think self-validation borders on arrogance. But not so every time. Self-validation becomes very important when people put you down. The worst thing you can do is get your self-esteem from others. Self-validation works as an energy booster to your self esteem

when you respect who you are. And so, you can deal with people who they to strip you of your personality, your talents, your goodness because they can’t tolerate them.

Always be your own friend, your own angel, your own mentor and your own judge .

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Friday, 6 December 2024


 At some point, we must recognize the fact that we are very limited beings in the general scheme of things. We would like to attribute to ourselves qualities which give us a sense of well-being. A lot of this comes from our ignorance and from deluding ourselves.

We are creatures of perception, often quite superficial, I might add. We live in a three dimensional world but some of us are one dimensional.

Each of us has to grapple with what life doles out. Can anyone live someone else’s life and karma? The reply would unanimously be a “NO”. And yet, what do we do? We are busy trying to teach others what we have not learnt ourselves yet. We are desperate to control others, wield power enough to change them. But let us look within and ask how much WE have been able to change! But we would still judge without knowing even ten percent of their stories. Prejudices and conflict dot the lines of our horizons.

I have yet to understand why we feel deserve “better” than others or feel entitled to invade the privacy of others or malign them. What basis do we have?

We have, due to our insecurities, created a sad society in which happiness means running down people, hurting them unnecessarily, living selfishly and keeping the whole cake without attributes like sharing and caring.

Each day takes us a little closer to the end of this life. Do we not care ?
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Tuesday, 3 December 2024


 Sometimes, when the world lashes out at you, you react with random things. Angry and quoting many past events which have no bearing on any present situation. And that’s not ok. It is a realization that dawns after many such episodes.

When you register anything negative, letting it go immediately without storing it is wisdom. Only, we don’t wear those imaginary helmets which would slide off reactions without storing them.

When keeping the mind clean becomes a necessity, it becomes easier. As we move into different phases in our karmic cycle, this is a great way to keep tossing out any thought or reaction that may become an impediment in your journey.

People will be people. Why worry? Why not worry, instead, about how much you can face yourself in your own mirror and find yourself smiling at it one day? Perhaps in triumph!

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Monday, 2 December 2024

Dharma by Design




Duty consciousness takes care of so many potential grievances. It is sometimes better to do what you are supposed to do, mechanically, than fail to do it.

Freedom without duty consciousness is really a recipe for grief! Not for anything else but for oneself! Time and time again, I have seen that defiance to do your duty can bring in a lot of guilt later. Because we ignore some universal principles.

The “should” and “must” have a very important place in one’s quest for freedom. To do what one should do by oneself and for others is the balance we need to create in our lives.

We are all connected by invisible dots which have to link harmoniously. A tug of war of any kind can upset the equilibrium.

Each one has a role here. Nothing more. And how well we can perform is our mastery over this art before we leave the world , hopefully as a better place for future generations!

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day