Thursday, 28 October 2021

Life Journey

 You know why we love looking at old family photos ? Not necessarily to see how we looked and how we have changed in appearance but how bonded we looked and were then. When closeness and love shines through photos , we want to relive those moments, days, years.. and so on.

As adults, life changes. Each one’s journey becomes different and as the modern day world is, family members are scattered through the world. Times are very different. Only zoom shots can be shared and saved. The warmth of physical presence, that hug, that tangible energy of love felt in being in the same room is rare.

In any case, after a certain age, photos acquire a very huge emotional importance in the lives of senior citizens. Those are memories to hold onto in their lonely moments. A reason to smile, however wistfully, at the faces looking out from the photo frames, faces that are not within reach , to hold , to caress… children, grand children…. Miles away , for whom we dare not pine for rationally, for isn’t it time to gradually wind up ?

There will come a time for us too, to bid farewell to our loved ones and travel into an unknown space and into the unknown future of our soul whose journey continues … into unchartered waters !

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Quote of the day


Tuesday, 26 October 2021


 Unless we resonate with each other, I am comfortable within my own space and also in leaving you to your own space.

There is much merit in this thought process. First of all, respecting the space of each other ensures an enduring association between people. Not distancing due to some mistaken perspectives but consciously proving the same space to others that you would like for yourself. Simple enough on the face of it and until you keep it simple and not encroach on personal space.

This desire to be close to people also spells entering someone else’s energy . And sometimes, that person may not have firm boundaries in place and may end up more vulnerable and easily affected . 

Energy poaching is as harmful as poaching. Sometimes, Even more. So, this learning is a huge learning and is slated to bring in more awareness.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Monday, 18 October 2021


 Who is a “sat guru”? “Sat” means the absolute and undeniable reality and “guru” refers to one who dispels the darkness.  Of what ? The darkness of ignorance of who we are . It has been often said that a guru finds you when you are ready. And this being ready could be the evolution of our soul through multiple lifetimes. It also appears that when you are in need of a guru, you may find one.

Whatever the ways, a guru is one who activates and guides the spiritual path. This does not happen suddenly unless it is the grace of the Almighty. We have to keep working on ourselves through a multilayered pattern of discipline directed to achieve this goal.

A true guru also energises a student to move ahead without him or her when the time comes and when the ignorance transforms into knowledge, studied, reflected and meditated on , before internalising it.

It is serious business because the transformation is on the gross, subtle and causal aspects of the individual. Today, an awareness is slowly creeping in , that goodness must be cultivated and harvested to embark on the path of purity and spiritual awakening. Different ways are available and any one can help if understood clearly .

Yes, there are challenges in the form of the many temptations the body and mind can fall prey to. And here is where a firm resolve that “I know this is good for me and my soul” works wonders.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Wednesday, 13 October 2021



It is amazing how we gradually develop a lifestyle on how others function and how they want us to function, pretty often like them, to form a “like minded” group. There is nothing “like minded” about this, because the urge to belong somewhere takes away the “mind” . Otherwise, we would not get led away but in fact, would lead ourselves into a more healthy space.

.. until one fine day,you realise the futility of it all. But now, it becomes very hard to reverse a road well travelled , which sadly, never led to the destination that the soul would have chosen.

It is a misnomer that if we choose over all health of mind and body as a priority, that we would become isolated. Yes, there would definitely be habits which would change. But a realignment by the universe is constantly happening. Everything finds its level if we let ourselves get help from it.

I am aware that even one habit is difficult to break. Because it has taken years of a repeated pattern to create it. Our mind also , along the way, has developed crutches to happiness. It rules us in a big way and we think WE are taking the decisions . Not so ! We are being led.

This is how , in extreme habit formation, addiction happens. When you can’t do without something because , that “something” gives you a false , temporary feeling of the “feel good” factor . And so, as an example, liquor is taken to relax. Why not meditation ?

Late nights and partying are a symbol of being cool and feeling happy. Why not getting up early sometimes, and chanting instead ?

Meeting friends through the day fills our lives . Why not try being your own friend for a change and contemplating on why , after all this “full” life, you are not happy still ?

Transformation is difficult because it results in huge shifts in the mind. Because we actually start controlling it and taking informed decisions for our lives. There may be a price to pay in terms of losing some people and some group activities . But, this kind of “ losing” has astounding pluses for the individual…..

What lacks is human will based on awareness . If I don’t know what is good for me, my life will be over without ever attempting to see where it could have gone, with a little courage and faith . A healthy , spiritual life is a choice each one of us makes.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Sunday, 10 October 2021


 In life, we must learn to tread with a lot of awareness. Just as we breathe , so must we understand its value. It is the elixir of life but how much we take it for granted !

Breath awareness each moment can change our lives. People meditate and notice thoughts reducing over a period of time. Simultaneously, the breath becomes calm and slow. There is a strong connection there.

Thoughts leading to restlessness , anger, and such negativities accelerate the speed of breath and agitated mind results in an agitated breath.

If you start watching your breath, you would be in an almost meditative state through the day. Moreover, thoughts would automatically be controlled and so would emotions.

The trick is to observe everything happening within : the breath, thoughts , feelings, emotions … everything !

But breath is God. And to feel it each minute is the answer to many an issue of the mind.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Friday, 8 October 2021



I have found that creating emotional distances with people who are a part of your life spells some measure of weakness and fragility of the mind which may not want to accept its faulty thinking and dark areas.

Spirituality speaks of being simple and honest, precisely because both traits are to be internalised into the self first.

Honesty asks a direct question and in a simple way. “ are your being honest with yourself?” People think that honesty means revealing private matters to others. Absolutely not !

If we want to live within our supreme consciousness, we need to acknowledge with complete honesty, what we need to change within ourselves. It is a part of self-speak. Nothing to do with others.

Secondly, the more simple we are in our self speak exercise, the more effective we can be in accepting tge need to change and the change itself.

I smile with compassion when I see people obviously uncomfortable about their dark spaces and running away from them. It never helps ! On the contrary, it complicates your inner self and your relationships as well.

There is so much to study, analyse and internalise by meditating on it.

As someone said, unfortunately, there will always be less thinkers who take the trouble to look for their “ is ness”. Others will just hang between the illusory and maybe, mere glimpses of the actual reality.

The awareness, the determination to go beyond the seen takes time, perhaps a few lives , provided we set the seeker goals in stone.

So be it !

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Emotional Dependence

 A constant emotional dependence on people is a sign of not being able to live with oneself comfortably. Wanting company , wanting to party ... no harm in that. But your well being should be always under your control. And that’s where we do slip up.

In everyone’s life, some decisions made did not work too well. And there were consequences. They may have resulted in being single, or wounded through a relationship gone wrong.. whatever.

The issue is , we should have analysed our thought processes to understand enough to avoid mistakes in future. But life happens in repeated patterns if we are not careful , and then the wounds become deep and bitterness might set in.

Not worth it ! At all ! A way to catharsis would be to remove all such energy , imagine a fire in front of you, and surrender all such toxins to the fire. It is a process that provides instant relief. A regular practice can mitigate a lot of the self imposed misery.

And then start afresh, whatever your chronological age ! It doesn’t matter.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day