Monday, 27 September 2021


 There are many attitudes and philosophies rampant in this world. Some believe that it is best to live and let live. Some feel extremely entitled. Some are very class conscious, especially economic status. Some help the needy for publicity and some out of compassion. Some want to be forerunners all the time while some don’t like racing with others and are contented.

It takes all kinds to make this world . The only factor lending to strife is we feel our ways must be accepted by all. It has become a dangerous trend in this world and nothing good can ever come out of intolerance .

It just takes a small amount of wisdom to start minding our world and finding happiness in it. And leaving others to do the same within their worlds. Collision of any kind produces friction which can be avoided . Wisdom is all about knowing when to treat things at face value and when to dig deeper.

One thing is certain. If we must dig deeper, let us do it within ourselves. At no point is digging up the lives of others going to help us .

Let apples be apples and oranges be just oranges. Let us enjoy the different tastes of life instead of getting obsessed with cloning. It can be very boring.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Friday, 24 September 2021

Purity of intention

 Our points of view create our reality , not the other way round. But we don’t take the responsibility of creating our own future. We prefer to blame the world, the power centres and everyone else. We don’t think we are important in helping create that reality which is currently ours.

What can we do to shift our gears into what kind of a world we want to live in ? We are constantly looking for that one person or people to make our world better. But only WE can make our worlds better. We just don’t get it !

Any salutary action, any small shift into the light can work as an inspiration to so many . And soon, waves of benevolence will be created. I can CHOOSE to be who I want to be. And this has absolutely nothing to do with anyone but each of us. We can influence, inspire hope and a higher consciousness in those around us. And alleviate the hopelessness around.

The thing is , the tools to heal even in tough times like these are simple. Provided we keep ourselves simple. If only we could just feel the elements outside and within us and leave all judgement there ever has been.

If we don’t start, we never reach anywhere. It is so easy to get embroiled in the trivia of this world. Let us light our lamp and then those of others with our purity of intentions. .. to light up the world.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Tuesday, 21 September 2021


 Kaliyug means the age of darkness . In people. Dark thoughts, conflicts, blame , callousness, envy and what not.

People pretend to carry light when they don’t have it . To mesmerise people. There is no sense of belonging as known earlier. Everything is judged in terms of money and power. Those who have it will not share it but will use it to influence and dominate the weaker souls.

The weaker will serve the stronger, follow them, make a cult around them and never move forward for themselves.

To reach a point of ennui under the circumstances would be natural. But we plod along the beaten path, beaten by life and beaten by our own selves but grateful for the crutches people provide us so that we can serve them.

Our country became independent long ago , but did we ? And if crutches is what makes us comfortable, why not opt for a divine crutch ? At least, it gets us somewhere.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Quote of the day


Monday, 20 September 2021



Life’s experiences take you into the subtleties of behavioural pattens which unravel the deepest psychological aspects of people and of yourself, too, if you are transparently honest with yourself.

Otherwise, we tend to skim the surface of life itself and maybe, also come to the conclusion comfortably that ignorance is bliss. There are so many ways of living and who else can say what is right or not right living for you but yourself ?

Life is such a creative process that its essence is just becoming, not reaching , for there is no destination while in this transient world.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Friday, 17 September 2021


 I often think of why and how we find it in our hearts to be ungrateful at all ! Right from gratitude to God for this life as a human being, to every little support that we get from nature, from our loved ones, from a pin to an elephant.... everything needs gratitude. For every human connected with our lives, endless gratitude. Gratitude for what we have and are, to what we don’t have or are not meant to have, for there is always a reason for everything.

For teaching us , for spurning us so that we turn to God, for rejecting us so that we understand that our source is not this world.

The inability to see what is so obvious is the same trait that exists in people who, otherwise, profess to be intelligent in many ways.

Only the heart can go beyond. To perceive the value of gratitude . Because it is the bridge between the world and source, between earth chakras and divine chakras. It is indeed a pity to waste a life in ignorance, that gratitude begets more worthiness to receive more abundance.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Monday, 13 September 2021




 What is it that we old timers were taught about living gracefully ? About making sure we said our “thank you” and “ please” to everyone. First, at home, for even small acts by our parents and siblings and staff . And of course, to others thereafter. The habit was formed at home. That’s why we believed that charity began at home.

In short, we learnt that taking any one for granted was akin to bad manners and was not appreciated.

I have often wondered why gratitude is so hard to feel and if felt, then hard to express. Is it due to carelessness , or, a feeling of entitlement , or ????

I guess change is imminent, though, sadly, the traits we valued and which gave respect all around should not have been a part of that change.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Wednesday, 8 September 2021



The worst thing we can do is beat ourselves up for everything that turns out to be a mistake. No one makes mistakes deliberately. Mistakes are generally a hindsight , based on the consequences. The tendency to self criticise is good for growth, but too much of it can rob us of our self esteem and confidence, specially when we get put down by others also. Let it go. Only humans can make mistakes.

The best thing you can do is to keep going : Don’t be afraid to get back up – to try again, to love again, to live again, and to dream again. Don’t let a hard lesson harden your heart.

Life’s best lessons are often learned at the worst times and from the worst mistakes.

There will be times when it seems like everything that could possibly go wrong is going wrong.

And you might feel like you will be stuck in this rut forever, but you won’t.

When you feel like quitting, remember that sometimes things have to go very wrong before they can be right.

Sometimes you have to go through the worst, to arrive at your best.

Yes, life is tough, but you are tougher.

Find the strength to laugh every day.

Find the courage to feel different, yet beautiful.

Find it in your heart to make others smile too.

Don’t stress over things you can’t change.

Live simply.

Love generously.

Speak truthfully.

Work diligently.

And even if you fall short, keep going.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Monday, 6 September 2021


 As water chips away a stone bit by bit, so do our egos get chipped away slowly, with every experience that knocks us out. Specially, when we thought WE were the doers with arrogance.

We all have been endowed with the gift of free will, but you know what ? We MUST choose the straight path of ascension. Choice is also an illusion like everything else.

And we are seeing the results of not choosing the right path. Drop all layers of mind pollution and the path will be seen shining brightly.

How do we benefit in the long run, by running away from reality ?

If we don’t climb down the ladder of our egos steadily, we could fall with a thud. Sometimes, the cussedness of personal choices is really amazing ! But, the fact is, every soul is on a journey. So, let it be. Mind your own journey. One does not go in groups to The Divine.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Aspect of life

 The concepts of right and wrong, and truth and honesty survive in the minds of men only as long as there isn’t a tendency of people using people. At that point, everything boils down to keeping the people you need , happy and in good humour. At any cost. To oneself also.

The winds against non materialism are very strong and sweeping people off the ground , so to speak, since a long time. No wonder there are so many grounding techniques being circulated.

It is not as if it is so necessary for people to focus on the karmic aspect of life. Being aware of it itself can carry us forward to understand the true value of the values we don’t support anymore.

Amassing “expensive” objects is like collecting dead wood. And when people must be used to amass dead wood, then we must conclude that people must have severed their connections with what they were to have been connected with.

The expensive commodities , not available for purchase are the real wealth. You carry THIS energy with you. Dead wood, however expensive, must be left behind to perish like our physical existence.

Yet, all we see around us are unimagined covetousness.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog: