Monday, 28 September 2020



I have learnt that one should never reach a point of no return. There should always be a little window open to jump out and return. Anyway, life works out invariably to bring us face to face with what we are studiously trying to avoid. And what for is we doing that often, due to our weaknesses, our inability to face situations.

There is a little space to be maintained between us, people and episodes. It gives us a clearer vision, a balanced viewpoint and a better action orientation. Maybe, others might sometimes cause a desire to burn bridges. It is good to maintain a status quo at such times. To be neutral until you see which way the tide is turning.

The problem with us is, we won’t even exercise our own wisdom because we are so busy just reacting and reacting more. Let us just understand when to withdraw into our own space and when to emerge from it. Then, there will be no need to reach a point of no return or to burn bridges, at least, from our side.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Quote of the day


Thursday, 24 September 2020



Whether peace, conflict, anger or restlessness, life does not stop for anyone. You get over grief (mostly). You experience life in many shades. You love, you lose, you win, and you battle. But at the end of the day, nothing pleases more than peace and harmony. And in learning that this is what you ultimately wanted, you have almost completed this journey.

But that is the law of life. You learn what NOT to do very late in life. You keep repeating wrong patterns of thinking and acting. Why? Why don’t some of us learn what works for us and just work with that? We create conflict situations and then we do it again and again because our responses don’t change. Our perspectives don’t change but as they say, better late than never. So, a change in favor of establishing better patterns is welcome at any time and the sooner the better.

Surekha Kothari


Quote of the day


Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Saturation Level


When you indulge in excesses, sooner or later, you will reach a saturation point, enough to turn away from that activity for good. And I don’t mean addictions. Addictions kind of drag you down and generally, have no satiation nor saturation levels.

Certain activities have the same deterioration quality that perhaps, repeated jokes that get stale over a period of time.

When that happens, it is time to graduate into more interesting activities. And if you can’t do this and get stuck out of habit to what has stalled, you will be breathing the pollution into your life without realizing why you are falling sick. We need to explore more facets of life, like we did as kids.

Surekha Kothari


Sunday, 20 September 2020

Contentment levels


The reason why we humans find life difficult is because it has so much to offer that we lose our instinct for choices also, because we lose ourselves and don’t find a direction.

Just like if you went out to dinner and the spread was so huge that you could not taste everything and later, you regretted not trying many of the other dishes. Of course, if you had, you may have ended up not liking a few.

Similarly, we also skim the surface of life, not tasting all of it , experiencing different tastes from others and therefore, unable to understand why others are not like us. And, like food, we end up liking and disliking, sometimes, without any apparent reason.

That’s why the best attitude is that what comes to you is meant for you. And that should be your contentment levels as you have new experiences.

Surekha Kothari


Thursday, 17 September 2020



I have realized that you can change the responses of others to you without actually trying to do so. How? Simply by being yourself. Instead of changing colors according to what comes your way from people. There is no need to change YOUR energy for anyone.

Think of it this way. You can only project a moving film on a stationery screen. Similarly, people will, sooner or later; be in sync with you at some point because you have not moved from where you were easy to find you.

It’s like the question we ask: which watch is better, the one that stops or that which is slow. The one which has stopped will show you the right time at least once in the day. But the one running slow will never do so.

So, stay steady and the moving will be compelled to meet you.

Surekha Kothari


Quote of the day


Tuesday, 15 September 2020



Relationships and insecurities go hand in hand. When you are trying hard to secure relationships, you are also communicating to yourself a need within you. A need to be liked, a need to be popular, maybe and a need to belong somewhere, probably because the idea of belonging to yourself is alien.

But it is true that if you know how to belong to yourself, then you can go anywhere and there will be only a lightness of being. At that time, you won’t bother to even think of what people say or think about you.

Every day, there are situations in our lives where we could react and react strongly sometimes. But that, we must be aware, would be our insecurities speaking. There is great merit in being unfazed by the episodes of active energy around us and remaining steadfast.

Surekha Kothari


Sunday, 13 September 2020

Quote of the day


Alignment of thoughts


We have a lot of theories of how to live life many formulae too, some tested and some speculative. We are also too good at advising people on this.

But how many of us can really apply these theories to transform our lives by living those theories? Advice is good for others. The same advice is not applicable to us. Maybe, someone else’s advice will be applicable to us and applied to ourselves by us strange, right?

A classic case of Wisdom for others and denial for the self and so the conflict continues....without trying. Without application hopefully, there will be an alignment of thoughts and action.

Surekha Kothari


Quote of the day


Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Wishful thinking!


The real world does not disappear just because we close our eyes. I know it is easier but is also wishful thinking! One has to come to grips with real life and keep energizing the coping mechanism. It is truly mandatory because the converse is not a healthy option.

The moment you give up, you lose the opportunity to change things around to a better status for yourself. And will continue to wear shoes that pinch. Good to remember that a new and comfortable pair is required often.

Life is all about a graceful acceptance, not a defiant denial. Those who hit their heads against a wall bleed. Those who create doors in the wall always are a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.

Surekha Kothari


Quote of the day




If we stop thinking of ourselves for a minute, we would be able to focus on one of our major responsibilities, that is, consideration for others. Right from the time we are born till the end of life, we have to live amongst people. We cannot absolve ourselves from the duties towards others. This attitude itself is an aspect of consideration, of extending the package of kindness and of understanding the needs of others.

Consideration is a highly reciprocal quality. It gives happiness and a sense of well being to both people, the one who shows it and the one who receives it and gives it back, so starting a chain which is deeply emotional and binding.

The true essence of being human is experienced when you recognize that the world is a mirror, and for you to see it smile, you have to smile into it first.

Surekha Kothari


Thursday, 3 September 2020



Some relationships end with a lot of bitterness. There is always blame in such cases, Very often, failing to communicate often, failing to understand. Also, karmic parting sometimes as they say, “not meant to be”. And each time, there is anger and pain worse still, the inability to forgive.

All through these years, I have felt that the hardest thing to do is to forgive. Because there is a lot of anger, a lot of resentment and an equal amount of pain, even agony. And we so wallow in it and us so blame the other for it that we lose the rational quality within us.

It is always good to give time, even if our paths are different, and after that space is given and taken, talk things over to clear the air. Because feelings had been strong earlier, it would be best to seek an amicable closure from both sides. This way, you retain some good will towards each other. Why not be at peace?

Surekha Kothari


Quote of the day