Thursday, 29 April 2021

Lack of consideration

 I think the human species is accelerating the pace of its own destruction. We have gone a little out of our minds due to the virus induced compulsory house arrest and restrictions imposed on us. The frenzy is totally unbelievable!

Europe is under lockdown. International Borders are soon going to shut down, we are told. All the kith and kin, separated family members are not going to be able to travel to their families.

Every mindless gathering is infecting several people, young and old. Yet, weddings with hundreds of guests are being allowed by hotels. Beaches are full. Why not? Rules are merely on paper. Who implements them?

The worst thing is the complete lack of consideration for others around us... the fact that WE, because of our stupidity and lack of control, are risking the lives of so many, family and friends.

No one is happy with the situation but does it help to run amuck? Imagine the loneliness of single senior citizens who have no recourse to any company and are still living more intelligently! This inability to live with ourselves is going to spell doom if we don’t watch out. Maybe, the virus has come in the form of “pralaya” which is the beginning of the end. We had better reform drastically and quickly or take the consequences.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Monday, 26 April 2021



Our 3D world is full of contradictions because we see separatism everywhere. But actually, it is a manifestation of the feeling of separated ness within us. The fact that we have been endowed with a free-will gives us the freedom to choose. The responsibility therefore, rests with us.

But, working within our low vibrations, we let our prejudices, jealousies and low self esteem dictate our choices.

This was one of the reasons I wrote my book... to say, this will only pull us down. Nothing positive comes out of negative thinking.

The problem of having choices is that if we are not connected with our hearts, somewhere along the way, we will make choices by influencing our intellect with our cloudy and prejudiced minds. The heart is love and minus love, there can be only fear and insecurities.

This situation won’t last long. Those who cannot take a leap from 3D into a 5D unity based world, might actually opt to leave the world.

We have arrived at a stage of rapid transition and must awaken to it.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Friday, 23 April 2021

Aspects of our lives

 The most realistic and practical aspects of our lives elude us. These are relationship factors which we consider of prime importance. These are also accompanied by mindsets which may become harmful if we are not careful. The worst of them is attachment. You are done for life because moving on will become extremely difficult.

Children who are like the rising sun often accepts change better than their parents. Coming up in life is like climbing a mountain where all the energy and focus are directed. On the other hand, those who are going down with the setting sun miss the light around them which their children had brought into their lives.

What they must seek now is the light within which is the real light in us all. Going downhill in the darkness becomes easy when we focus our inner light to see the path we are traversing.

Unfortunately, this inner light is blocked only by us and no one else. Out of the pull in the opposite direction which path we have already traversed trying to understand that the light of others is illusory. Why then should we seek illusion yet again, instead of reality, which is our inner light?

So much does not make sense but we continue the senselessness and don’t want to understand anything beyond.

When our eyes become weak with myopia, we wear glasses to correct that myopia to see the very same illusory external world clearly once again, knowing that this is not our destination. So, How about going inward to illuminate our beautiful inner world? Why is it that a majority deprive themselves of this joyful existence? No answers!

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Wednesday, 21 April 2021



One of the worst traits we can have and should definitely not have is ingratitude. It’s a popular saying that the people who you meet going up are the same people you will meet coming down.

A saying in Gujarati, translated, says, in life, there may come a time when we may need even a particle of dust. This is not to say that we should use people according to our needs. It means that whatever the circumstances, be grateful for everything because everything and everyone is important in their own unique way.

We grumble when the sun is so intense that it burns but if there was no sun at all? When we get heavy rain that causes damage to property but fills up the catchment areas and provides an abundance of water, should we curse it? Imagine what would happen if there was no water for us?

Two mantras in life are valuable.

One, this too shall pass

Two, it could have been worse

Everything is so relative in this world that only contentment can help in sustaining gratitude with the realization that what we have is a lot and this thought is enough to fill us with a sense of abundance and well being.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Sunday, 18 April 2021



Everyone has ups and downs in life. Those people who are respected are the ones who hold their head up high with dignity and undaunting faith in themselves as sparks of the Divine. Depression, helplessness and dejection are futile, for they achieve nothing but damage to the individual. There is always light at the end of the tunnel if we can focus straight ahead and move on.

Surekha Kothari


Quote of the day


Friday, 16 April 2021



In the process of our evolution, we come across phases where we become so negative that we would not recognize a solution to our problem even if it was staring us in the face and in some other phases, when we are in a happier state of mind. To find solutions is no big deal.

The common denominator is our mind. So, why do we feel so intensely negative at times? When we try and fail. When we reach out and get no response. When we expect results from the wrong quarters and more...

What might serve us best is a simple attitude that innate peace and contentment solves many issues automatically. When we try very hard, it does show desperation to get something. So, what flows easily is the best solution and such solutions are the result of a calm and logical mind which is away from afflictions.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Friday, 9 April 2021

Social media

 The human psyche has changed substantially with the onslaught of social media. And I say “onslaught” because it has swallowed a considerable amount of the time and productivity of many.

So, it IS a wonderful tool in some ways. If one can use it to be intelligently productive ironically, though, social media has hindered the “sociability” aspects. Conversations don’t flow due to cell phone breaks. Even before the covid phase, this had become evident. It used to be considered bad manners to either watch TV or be on the cell phones at a get together, Unless you were meeting to watch a match or something like that.

Today, the earlier definition of “manners” is not relevant, especially in the younger crop. “Casual” is the name of existence today. No rules. I do what I want to and when I need to, and that is the only way it goes. I don’t mean to criticize. Just pointing out that the world has changed rapidly and drastically with old concepts crumbling, giving way to new ones.

Personally, I love social Media because it is a great tool for self expression, sharing knowledge, connecting with old friends and making some new ones. And I would like to think that being of the older generation; I have the balance not to go hospitalizing myself on account of either social or phone mania.
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Wednesday, 7 April 2021


It is amazing that many of us don't know how to live in the moment right now! In the present moment either we are reminiscing about what has already happened or planning for what we will do next.

My feeling is, we are restless living within structures of brick and mortar or whatever the current advanced technology may be. The soul craves a natural habitat to become peaceful.

In order to feel connected, we need to be amongst nature. To feel the beauty of the present moment, we need to feel the green grass under our feet, a gentle breeze on our faces, the sun energizing our spirit and all the elements enveloping us in their embrace.

When we say things happen to us, it is true provided we are receptive to the Universe and egoless, in awe of the majesty of creation. How else would the Universe help?

We are strange creatures. We love to pray for abundance but block it ourselves. We want happiness but do everything in our power to become harbingers of unhappiness due to our own misdeeds.

And the crowning glory!!! If anyone points this out, God help that person!! We have amassed all the tools of disquieting our minds ourselves. We don't have to look far.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog: 

Quote of the day


Friday, 2 April 2021



If only! Sometimes, I wonder what life would have been without these two words "if only". We always wait for ideal conditions to fall into our laps which will hardly happen, and we know this, too.

If only we had a son...

If only we could go for a holiday...

If only I could avoid going to school today...

If only I had more money...

If only it were the right time!

Our theme song is "if only"

We certainly don't subscribe to the power of "now". But of course! How can we? Procrastination is really very comfortable. Inertia! Inaction! Relax! Take a chill pill and watch the world go by.

It’s a great plan..   

Seriously speaking, there is no "right" time except when we make an intention and carry out the intention the power of NOW.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day