Thursday, 28 June 2018

Self help

It is a pity we don't make a special effort to find pointers to solutions within ourselves. Others can help you only to an extent. No one knows your story the way you do. And the Universe does. And it also helps when you start to engage with it.
Small instances about intentions working! We were standing in front of an immigration desk, awaiting our turn. The man behind the desk was angry and had sent out one lady rudely for some mistake made. We were wishing we were in another line but it was too late.
And lo and behold! Just before our turn came, the man got up and was replaced by a pleasant woman. And we were through like a shot.
Many such experiences later, I have concluded that self help is complete help and always works if you are in sync with the purity of your intention and surrender before asking for help.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Academic excellence

As much as we need to move along superficially in this world, paradoxically, we do need depth as well. Fine Arts, Creative arts develop a fine and detailed understanding of the emotional aspects of life and people. Dance gives you an understanding of your physical body and postures. Going beyond, both music and dance give insights into our soul. Any classical form is divine.
Once we develop that depth on all levels, physical, emotional and soul levels, then there develops a wholesomeness to us that can create a major bond and understanding with ourselves.
It is vital for generations to develop the creative brain along with academic excellence. We need to harmonize the many facets of us, which we can't, if we don't develop them.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 24 June 2018

Happy living

Saving good energy is vital to happy living. Once you get sensitive to energy, it becomes much easier to sense what we call "bad vibes" from someone. Means negative energy directed towards you. And you need to be very strongly positive to be immune to it. Mostly, we are not.
So, until you become strong, it certainly would be the wiser option to stay away. Contrary to neither what many term this it is, not running away nor cowardice. It is merely a self protecting method. We owe it to ourselves because we seldom find someone who would act as a protective shield.
I say this from personal experience. Stay away and cleanse yourself from anything you don't want others to foist upon you. The more you are unaffected, the more you will continue to cleanse and be less and less affected until one day, you will smile and deflect the "vibes" you don't want to accept.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Friday, 22 June 2018


Have you noticed that when you plan and work towards something, there will most certainly be last minute glitches and little, little obstacles coming your way, Sudden changes and sudden diversions. It is uncanny. And this goes on through life. I often ask whether some people go through more and some less. Whether some go through less but more intense experiences or little irritants throughout life?
But then, you have to find justifications to accept that which is beyond control. That is the bottom line. This thought is perhaps a continuation of my earlier thought in a recent post:
That life happens when we are busy planning it according to our desires. However, let us not dwell just on these but on the larger happiness beyond the immediate hurdles that makes life worth living.
Surekha Kothari

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Lessons to mankind

It is not a coincidence that nature was created. It was to give lessons to mankind. . Look at a tree. The deeper its roots, the more tall and sturdy it stands. And the more it becomes an umbrella to provide shade. It is the same with us. The stronger we have our roots in spirituality, the more meaning our life has. And the more we can expand ourselves into the Universe to be of help.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 17 June 2018


There is a great happiness that lies in our hearts and which springs forth from our hearts when there is harmony within and without. The laughter of friends, the gushing of a waterfall, the drenching in the rain together, bus journeys playing "Antakshari" amidst much merriment... and even in the silent companionship.
Life can be beautiful if you give it a chance.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Quote of the day


Getting to know someone up close and personal and getting to know that person through the eyes and experience of someone else are completely different pieces of knowledge. Often, we become judgmental with merely surface an impression which is not really fair. What we need to do is to spend time with someone one to one and then decide who they are or can be. You make an honest heart connection and ninety to one, they will show a side of them which is pleasant and even endearing. The question is, do we have the ability to extract the good side of people?
Surekha Kothari

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Self assessment

It seems a dilemma when Krishna asks Arjuna to surrender all his actions to him and act according to dharma. On the other hand, we are taught to take ownership of our actions. Those who go into these questions find no easy formula to master. When to surrender and when to own our actions?
A constant self assessment is a way to understand the qualitative difference between these two. Even surrender is not that simple. To surrender completely is not even to plan and just let things happen. Just flow. Can we do that? Generally Impossible.
We really need to understand all the layers of our mind that we create for ourselves and then find ways to peel them off when understanding dawns. Meditation is a powerful tool to scan ourselves in a way no MRI or ECG can.
The inner voice speaks only when there is silence around it and it can be heard.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Quote of the day

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Self doubt

Self doubt may be a result of your not knowing your capacity, not trusting your commitment or not trusting your knowledge. If I ask someone, "can you really do this for me", I could be concerned about that person or simply not trusting.
I learnt yet again today that it is important to trust yourself and the power of the Divine. I find that choices confront you and your self doubt may act up in either of the cases. "Can I do this with the way I am?" Maybe, thinking of health issues or thinking I may need support in which case, should I trouble people? Doubt! Doubt! Doubt!
Ultimately, you are led into a decision and if you trust the Universe, magic happens. We just need to tune in. And then everything falls into place and confidence creeps in to reign supreme. The way to go!
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Intention of people

Have we ever thought that if we never accepted the dishonorable intentions of people, how untouched by negativity we would be! Imagine, if someone wanted to deliberately humiliate you, for example, but you just didn't react to the intention and instead, continued to maintain your politeness and dignity, how foolish that person might end up feeling?
Try it, not once, but again and again, through life.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Sense of excitement

If only every human being had that one ingredient for life: a sense of excitement! Like, when we are sitting at the edge of our seats in a thriller movie, just waiting to see what the next scene will bring. If we could translate that into our lives and wait for the next thing to happen!
Of course, there are sad episodes one can't possibly equate to anywhere close to exciting. There are "Navarasas" or nine types of emotions, all of which are within us. Yet, our attitudes make us. Or break us very easily said than done though.
When life happens, the best of us crumble at times. But we accept that we crumbled. And then the resurrection happens. And we look ahead again at what life brings to us next.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 3 June 2018

Quote of the day

The Universe

The Universe is buzzing around us, giving us so many opportunities, so much support, so many kindred souls to help . Yet, we are unable to move forward and create experiences at an optimum level. Our eyes scan far away horizons when everything is so close. Perhaps, that is why we can't see it. It is too close .
The formulae for our well being are also perhaps as simple as the gifts from the universe are closer than we think or we know. We simply look in the wrong place.
Reminds me of the woman who lost her needle inside her hut but was looking for it outside in her yard only because the light was in the yard, while her hut was dark.
Similarly, we also look to raising our vibrations through external sources whereas the tools lie within us. We constantly look in the wrong place.
Surekha Kothari