Sunday, 29 December 2019


Sometimes, one should sit down and face the various facets of oneself. You will at first, not be able to pinpoint very many and will draw a blank. But as you keep at it, you will be surprised at what you can find out about yourself. That is if we can accept each one of them and embrace them as a part of us. Yes, embrace them after acknowledging them. Because shunning them would mean shunning we and we wouldn’t want to do that. If you shun these, you will find a mirror effect in people. They will shun you. That’s the way life works. So, accept yourself and be accepted by others.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 26 December 2019


Justice has always intrigued me. In many cases, there are layers and layers of human emotions that compound the process of justice.
At the end of the day, any injustice done to anyone else has to be a mental aberration of some kind or an unmanageable emotion, like anger, jealousy, frustration ....or simply an innocent act gone wrong.
Everything ultimately boils down to the fact that we have little option but to understand the people around us. How they think. What they feel. And why they do what they do. A deed is done and cannot be undone. The justice tag is in the eyes of the beholder, like beauty. Because the wrong, the injustice, is only a perception which need not be perceived as such by the person on whose action the judgment is being made.
This way of thinking is a most liberating one. Unless you see a matter of life and death happening. Justice holds an important place in such eventualities. No question of sitting back and smelling the coffee here because we have a sense of duty and responsibility towards us and society.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 22 December 2019

The importance of communication

The importance of communication! Very close bonds have been broken, only due to a lack of communication, usually more by one person. Sometimes, by both the warmth of communicating have not many substitutes. Communication is that warm energy that keeps even the love flowing in relationships.
Isn’t it true that when we keep in touch regularly, it demonstrates a certain caring that says, “I am thinking of you”.
It is different in case of people who have lost touch with each other. But a distance does tend to develop if you don’t hear from someone for months and they don’t think it is a big issue. Sometimes, it just boils down to a one sided relationship where the efforts made are unequal, Of course having said that, the needs of people differ in this matter. This is where the role of understanding comes in. And this is where one must see the reasons for a particular status in bonds being close or being diluted or even severed.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Nature of happiness

What is the nature of happiness? Someone called it an idea the other day and I was intrigued. It was quite a thought. Is it merely an idea then? So, does one make a difference between being happy and feeling happy? Are they the same thing or not?
If happiness is an idea, then it disappears if and when the idea disappears. If I feel happy, feelings can be transient and that status can therefore, change anytime.
Being happy seems to be a longer lasting concept. The “being” happy is a state of being that is not dependent on external factors. You just ARE happy. No one and nothing was responsible for that state of happiness. Evidently then, it comes from within. And that is the coveted state which all humans search for but in the wrong way.
If happiness were on sale, people would buy it in a heartbeat. But if they were offered just being happy, for no reason, the price would be too heavy to pay because it requires some difficult measures that might spill over to many lives.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Fear and Insecurities

Have you noticed that our thoughts, our actions are mostly based on the expected responses? Have we thought or acted for the sake of thinking and acting? That anticipated response or the expectation of a certain kind of response is vital to our basic health. Because the result is either a “feel good” one or one that brings out our fear and insecurities.
We are so dependent on other people! Their opinions, their good will, their liking (or not) shape and even create us. Quite scary, actually, because we all believe we are independent, thinking individuals pretty much in control of our life.
Yes, we have to live amongst people, but what percentage of the self can we salvage after succumbing to all the influences?
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Monday, 16 December 2019

Quote of the day

Spiritual energy

The faith in Shirdi Sai Baba escalates by the day. Youngsters are being drawn into Sai baba temples and bhajan groups. He is a Mahatma in Kalyug who is a spiritual energy like other elevated souls. Then how come he has become so popular? People claim to have even seen him.
What comes to mind is that there are no heavy rituals around him. No dress codes in his temples, no discrimination of gender, caste, creed and religion. No old baggage of politicization of spirituality.
He is a healer and a saint, a recent one. The new generation understands him in the context of equality of human and devotional rights.
When monopolistic sects try to retain their hold over and attempt to force old, discriminatory belief systems, they don’t realize that it is a matter of time before they will be forced to step aside to allow for a new human order . The agitation for equality in every way can’t be stopped nor its tide stemmed.
Sai baba has been projected as a saint who helps people without any vested interest and in today’s commercial world, this comes as a breath of fresh air. Youngsters want to believe in the path of love and goodness. And they don’t understand the older religions which should have give peace but are steeped in conflict and human destruction.
Sai Baba comes as an anchor and a faith that humans desperately want to peg their spirituality on.
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Mind and happiness

To wash away the impact of karma, one must necessarily dwell on the plausible reasons for the state of the mind. We don’t realize that we have many people inside us, not only our own energies from other lives but our memories of every age we have crossed in this life and many of them needing healing.
Healing is not such a complicated task if we can even just give rational thought to why things are the way they are. “Could be” has many vital possibilities that can relieve us a great deal when memories are relived and re scripted.
That we could have thought, spoken or acted differently is always a later realization. But we need not kill ourselves over such thoughts. Even if we had done things differently, who knows the final outcome?
It is therefore wise to lighten our burdens everyday and treat ourselves with kindness and compassion, because we can give genuine caring to ourselves and put our arms around ourselves instead of waiting for someone else to influence the condition of our mind and happiness.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

The light of day

Routine gives us that anchor, that steadiness of mind that actually makes creativity easier. Imagine if we were in a frenzy to create something all the time! Our minds would be nothing short of yo-yos. Ideas germinate and take time to manifest.
Have you seen a write scribble, then bunch up the papers in frustration and relegate them to the garbage bin, again and again? The mind can become that garbage bin if we don’t watch out. Ideas, thoughts, millions of them might emerge and nothing might come of them.
But when the mind is steady, at least some ideas would see the light of day. Everything needs a steady base to create the required movement.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Quote of the day

Sunday, 8 December 2019


That prayers bring results is really to be experienced because it is a fact. Genuine and pure intention is a brownie point in our favour. What we call genuine surrender just seems to bring a new hope, a new kind of calm and peace. These are not permanent though, and one requires a daily cleansing through prayer.
We are all past masters at desiring instant success in everything. But that’s not how it works. Consistency of purity and prayer cannot fail. What fails or falters is our faith.
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day

Thursday, 5 December 2019


There was a time when truth prevailed more often than not. Today, the rumourmongers and mischief makers, inspired and encouraged by vested interests have spread such a wide net of falsehoods , misinterpretations and misrepresentation of facts and reality that people are in a state of utter confusion. What to believe and what not.
Money exchanges hands and “ facts” are born / created. We have all become storytellers. There are many twists in every tale , reality being a huge casualty. But who cares !! People want to believe what appeals to them, not what is the truth. So, everyone watches the “Tamasha” while reality quietly sits in a corner , ignored and rejected.
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day

Monday, 2 December 2019


I don't believe that anyone can really teach anyone anything as per their own convictions. Unless the mind is open. And the mind opens to listen to another if there is respect for the person teaching . However much the teacher tries, the response has still to come from within each individual.
Learning comes only when and from where it is supposed to come. Did we necessarily learn from the wisdom of our elders ? No. We were busy defying them at that point. Years later, when we arrived at the same point, we realised that our elders HAD told us this but we never listened.
This is the story of most people's lives. If pure knowledge is sought, it really doesn't matter if it comes from someone we consider our worst enemy. But we probably will shun anything that comes from that source because we perceive the "enemy", not the "knowledge". And thus, out of our prejudice , we tend to remain on the same level as before. We forgo that source of knowledge which was a god given opportunity that came with a test which we did not pass. And this becomes such a habit that we don't think about it twice. It becomes a normal pattern. How much we stand to lose we cannot even imagine !
As it is said , don't ask a sage what caste he belongs to. Just take the knowledge he has to impart. By implication, the rest is really none of your business. Is it ?
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day

Sunday, 1 December 2019

Strength and Courage

The world is going haywire in search of happiness. Yes, the most elusive goal anyone can have. I am wondering now, is it a realistic goal ? We know that we live in a black and white world. A world therefore, of dualities. The most practical way to live then is to build up a strong coping mechanism for what life unfolds before us. The moral strength and courage to assimilate all experiences . And if this ends up in the feeling of happiness, that would be super and a definite bonus. Can only happiness be a goal then ? In our Puranik tales, we have seen even sages and kings getting angry . Who is considered " happy" ? The tic, the famous, the educated, the lazy, the restless, the businessman, the home makers, movie stars , professionals, the married, the unmarried ????
In pursuit of happiness, we have to deal with day to day challenges and that is our reality. So, actually, " don't worry, be happy" seems to be a bit of a mindless saying. Are we actually forgetting to live in the quest for happiness ?
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day