Thursday, 27 June 2019

The actual difference

How beautifully we humans have been created. Every part has a role , never mind that we are so clever we abuse it again and again.
We have two ears , one to listen and one to remove the filth we hear very often. Same with our mind. Thoughts should come and go. But what happens is the opposite. They stay and then starts a reaction and this habit lasts lifelong very often. The eyes , the windows of the soul, become myopic because they can't see clearly into the soul. The senses, which are given to us to experience all facets of life choose to act jointly with the ego and destroy the feeling of joy. Just to describe a few.
So, we are our own worst enemies in every way. All the academic excellence is on one side and life on the other. I can't see negative emotions ever as a wise choice if it feeds the ego. If we go through life without learning the useful lessons, we could certainly end up being truly scholastic but still without the experience that makes the actual difference.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Law of resonance

At the right time, you meet some right people who , by their words and good energy, uplift you enough so that you move away from people whose energy tended to pull you down.
Someone I met told me, " keep praying when you need answers and they will come". So true ! Also, Keep a vigil on your thoughts as they come in, recognise them for what kind they are and then decide if you still want to give them shelter or send them away.
I got into the habit of doing one guided meditation every night and then switched on my 8 hour "Om" chant to sleep. It has worked like magic . Most times, there is calm and you don't get either offended or affected by the negatives around you. As a bonus, you start building bridges with people who have meant something to you and are perhaps distanced.
There are three stages :
First, you react to negativity because it is also present in you. The law of resonance.
Second, you work on yourself, still know it is happening, but start to get immune to it. The percentage within you reduces.
Thirdly, you now learn to smile at what you see and it doesn't affect you anymore.
A little crude but an apt example is when I was always counselled that if dogs barked on the streets, would you bark back ? In a manner of speaking, teaching non retaliation. Because until you retaliate, you are not cleansed yet.
How much there is to do and how little time !
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Ego battle

There comes a time when you are absolutely saturated by all that goes around . Which you were a part of earlier in life. But somewhere along the way, the falseness, the meaninglessness of all conflict, all separatist tendencies, all pettiness, all self absorption, all cruelty , sadism, merciless killing and destruction... becomes so over the top that the mind just wants to switch off. And words fail.
Finally , this time, silence dawns . There is just no speech that can describe any of it.No opinions need be given. No judgemental statements may be spouted. Everything is just an ego battle. What's the point ?
Silence is the best policy. Watch the world go by. Remain sane by stepping aside.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Divine love

I don't know why people feel that praising anyone takes away from them. How ? I have never understood. In fact, lauding people for their , accomplishments or achievements or talent makes you feel so good ! So connected to the Divine energy that stands illuminated in each one of us.
Being generous is a true gift. Many times, if we don't like someone, we only criticise . And praise ??? Never !!! Sad but true ! Envy ? Probably . Low self esteem ? For sure.
But once we analyse this, we must make a genuine effort to cleanse this aspect within us . Because this block really acts as a big obstacle, a hindrance in our personal growth. It blocks the heart which carries the Divine energy of divine love.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

World of dualities

We know that we live in a world of dualities. So, some good , some not so good. Then, we learn that we should not look at the not so good as not so good. Everything is to be accepted . Change what you can and let go of what can't be.
And then starts our work. On ourselves, folks. Not on others.
Likes waves hitting the shore and thrashing anything that is within it, we get carried by wave upon wave through the ocean of life. Not being uplifted, now hurled, now thrashed. But moving with the wave nonetheless. And moving sometimes alone and sometimes being thrown together with some souls whose journey is with us at that moment. But definitely "alone" as the persistent state.
Wisdom : learning to enjoy and making the most of the uplifted state. And trying to keep a balance when hurled and thrashed. To know that we will be uplifted again. And again and again if we lighten our burdens simultaneously....until, one day, we will learn how to ride the crest of the wave.
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day

Sunday, 16 June 2019


Alternate healing will be mainstreamed very soon. Those who don't "believe" in it are the ones who haven't even tried it. Strange ! Doctors are turning towards such techniques. Remarkable recoveries have been seen.
My personal experience too. Having been advised surgery for the boils on my upper eyelids, I cured them through a special paste application every night. There are numerous such examples. According to doctors, I should not be walking straight. But I am managing to even shake a leg regularly. We are so brainwashed by allopathy. A doctor means only one who practices allopathy.
Kitchen herbs, vegetables and fruit, pranayama, yoga, juices etc have cured many , many. According to many observations, Allopathy suppresses more, cures less. Other methods pull out the ailments from their root. However, to each her own or his own.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Comfort zone

No man is an island and everyone needs someone. In good times and bad times, a good support system makes life easier and more soul friendly. You don't need many around you. But one should be like three; that caring that desirous of being there for you, as you must be for them as well.
Innocent and sincere friendships are heartwarming. When you see an evidence, your smile also is genuine and your heart happy.
When I hear people say, "but I care so much " in words more than action, this spells a lack of spontaneity , maybe a kind of getting stuck in a comfort zone and not willing to walk the extra miles. Whatever else the reason!
A support group of friends and family is a total necessity at any time.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Divine energy

One should really learn to appreciate the souls around us. In times of crisis, help comes through unexpected quarters and through close bonds. God loves energy being channeled. It is so amazing to feel that. And when problems come, solutions are found and things are sorted.
It is awareness, openness to the Divine energy that works. And you attract good people in your life. Yes, karmic blocks are inevitable. Some curses do work but can be transcended through triggering the Divine will and illumination.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 9 June 2019


When there is a pain in any part of the body, it is so difficult to tell yourself," I am
Not the body but the soul". Pain medication s such an integral part of the human being!
Mental, emotional or physical.
Sometimes, I think, we preach all this which IS true. The body will perish etc. However, to graduate to the "Chidananda Roopam shivoham shivoham” is just very, very, very rare.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Human kindness

When you go through something major in life, like a trauma, a sudden episode where the presence of God really hits you, there occurs a major change in your life, in your priorities. What used to matter so much seems trivial, even laughable? The first thing that hits you is, what was the point of giving less importance to yourself, your health and more to external factors  and more important, the unimportant factors.
Most of us make this mistake. Yes, I do call it a mistake because often, you lose awareness of your own body, mind and soul in catering to outside circumstances and people. Definitely not worth it in the long run, is it? You need people when you are unwell and there is no guarantee they will be there. Instead, just be well. Look after yourself first. Wear your oxygen mask first. And then, use the milk of human kindness to help others.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 2 June 2019


Very casually, we ask God for Wisdom, as if it is there for the asking. Maybe, it IS, but not without human effort. What is a prerequisite to wisdom is discernment, or, shall we say, they kind of go together and one adorns the other.
To be discerning is to be measured, to be aware of how much if head and how much of heart, how much of senses, how much of emotion would make the right recipe for any particular occasion. And when this gut feeling is finally right, then the result may be right for all concerned and that would be wisdom.
We humans are frivolous many a time, impulsive, too. Doing things without enough thought and introspection, often lands us in deep and muddy waters. So, refrain!
Actually, harmony has a way of feeling like a flowing river inside us. In every experience, if we can keep our core unshaken, a "samabhaava", that is pure wisdom.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day