Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Happy Existence

What is your first thought on waking up? And the last thought before going to bed? Both are of immense value. Just as we take a step in the right direction to reach our destination, a happy thought of contentment and abundance takes you happily through the day without any stress.
There is a popular thought that you must pray at bedtime. To remove any unwanted patches of darkness which may have clouded your day?
And to start afresh for the next day.
If you link this with living moment to moment, this method can really facilitate a happy existence each day.
Surekha Kothari


Quote of the day

Sunday, 25 March 2018


It is not always necessary to retort, retaliate or have something to say every time. Sometimes, silence is more potent than words, especially that which is voiced with a deep hurt or accusation.
If you have noticed, words have a way of coming back at you. They have a license to be returned to you, if you know what I mean. But imagine, if you were silent and that silence was returned in a healing way! How very beautiful would that be!
When people have a mutual understanding, they just look at each other with a smile and in silence and all is said and understood. Silence sure has its own language and is more forceful than speech. Provided two people understand the language. Otherwise, meditation would not be a silent language with God.
Surekha Kothari


Quote of the day

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Transparent energy

It is strange how, with the passage of time, so many things that meant the world to you at one point in time become so completely irrelevant, even inconsequential. That includes people too. What happens?
Needs change for one. Often, focus shifts to other things. Some things work for a while and then become redundant. We move on. But some don't. And the latter category thrives on memories which are not so pleasant.
Obviously, only when we outgrow something does it become redundant. But nothing is written in stone in this universe and some of this can come back and become relevant again if we don't block it out with negative energy.
It is called an open mind. Never consider a door closed. If an experience has to come back, it will. Also, because it was required for one's evolutionary process.
So, to be so transparent energy that light can pass through and experiences can flow through is the best way to go, to just be.
Surekha Kothari


Tuesday, 20 March 2018


What often becomes a wound, regret and a cause for depression is the memory of what we aspired for but didn't get. I would really like to meet one person who got everything, haven't yet met one.
But neither have I met many who are able to count what they HAVE got. If only we could use a magnifying glass to view our blessings, we could find it in our hearts to feel very foolish at our myopia.
From the smallest toy when we are kids to huge empires when we are adults are on our wish list. Avarice rules us in wanting the world, beyond ambition. And the whole conflict is about being deprived of the few desires in life as compared to the ones achieved and these being the reason to feel happy and blessed.
Surekha Kothari


Quote of the day

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Valuable Thoughts

“I have to accept that I am never going to be the old version of myself again”. Words all of us say to ourselves at least once. But the thoughts behind these words are often of regret. Almost as if we lost something valuable, something we could have or should have retained. The fact that we keep reminiscing about the past is indicative of the fact that there are many happy memories lodged there. This also demonstrates that there is something within our present reality that is not a happy one. Or, maybe, something of value has gone out and we regret it.
It is also true that we are unable to look at our present moment and evaluate it. And this is because we live either within past memories or worry about the future. After all, the conscious mind is where we live. And this mind is a busy bee, planning and plotting, sharpening the ego, even immersed full time in the rat race to power and what not or timid and resigning, unmotivated and lethargic.
On the flip side, the statement can be a positive one if the old version of you was not really a great one depends! This can be a matter of great relief and joy and a moment of upgrading yourself. Feels really good!
So, what does the statement stand for, for each of us? Looking for a thinking cap?
Surekha Kothari


Quote of the day

Thursday, 15 March 2018

Quote of the day


"Grace" is a graceful word. When we pray, we say "grace". When we speak of behavior, we talk of graceful behavior. Even postures are graceful ... or not. The walk is called graceful. What is this grace we refer to?
It is definitely something positive. A refined trait if you will. I think of alignment to the universe when I think of grace. And when we are graceful, our physical system is aligned. And our mental and emotional systems are also aligned.
Sophistication is sometimes used as a synonym for grace. I remember the one role model of grace that we admired as kids was Maharani Gayatri Devi. She was grace personified in every way.
Today, we hardly value that old world concept of grace. Grace in conducting yourself, in dressing, in speaking to everyone with poise and warmth, in being hospitable to each one, to exhibit qualities of kindness and gentle generosity, to treat everyone equally... all this is a part and parcel of grace to me, a rare gem in a casket of personality.
Surekha Kothari


Quote of the day

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Align and Realign

Every time we align and realign ourselves with people and situations, we are realigning with the universe, trying to find the perfect alignment, the perfect fit. But is there anything like a perfect fit? Each time you want to finally rest there, something changes again.
It feels somewhat like...when you have taken the support of someone's shoulder and that is suddenly jerked away from under your hand. But that's ok, because there is a new support forming already. A constant Movement and changing alignments are a kaleidoscopic reality. And that's the way it was meant to be. We were not meant to be permanent settlers here. And so, movement and destination became linked.
How the outside world is turning was always reflected on the inside of us. And the graduation has to be inwards; into subtle realms till reincarnation is not the norm anymore. Until such time, we will continue to look for that perfect fit which is our journey till the truth is revealed.
Surekha Kothari


Quote of the day

Quote of the day

Sunday, 11 March 2018

Love and morality

This world is preoccupied with love and morality. Everyone craves for love but it is the most hidden and rationed emotion. Almost as if we fear to love. And where there is fear, there can't be love.
We often tend to camouflage love within the layers of morality. In every day and age, there are different ways of expressing love. We take the love of parents for granted. Yet, some children do feel distanced from them also, for many reasons, but mainly due to their perceptions which may or may not be close to reality. As is the case everywhere, we don't express love or are scared of feeling it because we don't know if we will be loved back or whether that lonely core we have within us can or will be filled by another human being. Very few feel love at the soul level which is the true nature of love.So many conditions are attached to this word "love". "If you love, you can't do this.” And, “if you love, you just must not or cannot do that". Etc.
Love could be a part of morality but morality cannot be beyond love. Love is like space, vast and eternal. Morality is an attachment to be used as a tool as and when required. If love results in guilt, it gets attached to morality, the concept of right and wrong. If you believe that anything is right from the bottom of your heart, it is beyond morality. The condition is , the intention should be pure and should stem from our higher soul consciousness.
Surekha Kothari


Quote of the day

Thursday, 8 March 2018


To bless everyone who hurts you wittingly or unwittingly is the soul purification exercise we need most in our journey. The older you get, the more the realization dawns that everything was meant to be. All your efforts come to naught if your destiny lies elsewhere. From
The moment of this realization, a burden seems to fall off. All the guilt, the disappointments, the anger and self criticism for taking wrong decisions just dissolve into nothingness. We thought we were in charge. But we could have been channels with awareness rather than without.
So, we need to become light and actually feel amazed at our beautiful journey which is guided and where each moment is designed towards building strength and wisdom by the unseen hands of compassionate kindness which is within us and all around us, which we unnecessarily look everywhere for , out of our own innocence and / or ignorance.
Surekha Kothari


Quote of the day

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Quote of the day


The biggest challenge we humans face is to keep our thoughts clean. Something or the other always comes in the way of pure action because thoughts are not so pure.
The way it works is, your thoughts transfer to your emotions and emotions to decision making followed finally by action. Naturally then, positive thoughts should be preferred for the entire cycle of thoughts to action to be positive, too.
I hear many people say they are very positive among their own groups. It's also like kids who are well behaved outside but not at home. The cycle of energy breaks this way. You can't have a half positive and half negative approach. If you are good, you are good, in any situation.
I see a lot of conditional responses from people. And that does not make them wholesome personalities. On the contrary, these are more reactive personalities. If you notice, the day you wake up with a smile, all goes well and you end up in bed with a smile. It is one happy day. But on another day, one small unpleasantness can ruin your whole day. Not at all worth it but it is hard to philosophize and move on at the time.
You can train yourself to give the correct responses with a fair amount of common sense and intelligence.
Surekha Kothari


Monday, 5 March 2018


We constantly speak of evil and good, making and marring, right and wrong. We get exhausted just trying to understand what we are all about and what life is all about. I often feel that over analysis of anything can never have a solution. Looking at something from different angles and then coming to a conclusion is not that simple, because in most cases, you will find a bit of both the extremes and variation only of degrees. So how do you come to a perfect or the right solution anyway?
So, it pays to take the surface value instead of trying to get into details. Details have many layers and peeling them may be a painful project.
Simple perceptions can keep life simple. Convoluted perceptions may be temporarily exciting but in the long run, they can be very tiring.
So, my funds is, keep it simple. In every way, including keeping simple friends, simple food, simple lifestyle and generally, a simple life based on simple thoughts.
Surekha Kothari


Quote of the day

Quote of the day

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Qualities of people

Ultimately, it is all about us. And one of the things relevant here is also spending time with people who make us feel good. We don't make it a point to spend time with those we can learn from. We prefer to be in the company of people who we are not threatened by or develop a complex from. We definitely avoid such individuals. This attitude prevails more in the modern world of competition and one unman ship. At one time, there was much respect for the learned class, the evolved class. And being around them was a blessing because just listening to them developed our own process of thinking.
They say you develop the traits and qualities of people who you befriend. It is certainly something to ponder over in the context of what we have become and where we need to go from here.
Surekha Kothari


Quote of the day