Sunday, 31 March 2019


Awards and their value in modern times! Being up close and personal in this knowledge is disconcerting. Since many years, there are organizations writing to people of some merit, asking them if they would like an award and requesting for contributions or "donations" to a cause. I guess they capitalize on the publicity opportunities that excite the awardees who want the limelight. Human, I guess but....,
How many awards are genuine? Richly deserved? Not only awards, even artists often pay for their concerts. Obviously then, every such organized activity is purely commercial, with less bearing on caliber than ever before.
And if you have a string of awards along with your name, people are impressed, not knowing the merit orientation of these awards. Undeserved awards raise expectations of the masses but do not necessarily result in an elevation of the caliber and hence, credibility.
It is very sad that sometimes, not always, there is such a huge gap between receiving an award and deserving it. Sadly, it depends on who you know in the business. It should not be so wherever it is so. Today, press and media are equally in this business.
Genuine talents remain without recognition. But I also know some very talented stalwarts in their fields who have declined awards merely on the grounds of a certain meaninglessness that has set in the very system of recognizing talent; Unfortunate in a land of so much talent but appreciation for mediocrity merely for commercial gains.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 28 March 2019

Path of experience

Every phase has its own brand of joy. There is nowhere to go, just on the path of experience. As kids, we were joyful, period. There didn't have to be a reason. We just were because nothing affected us.
Growing up, joy was when we had the freedom to experience what WE wished to. And depression when we were forced to do what our heart did not want.
Later, joy meant realizing our dreams. Depression when we couldn't. And later still, it was comfort and a settled family so that we set ourselves free.
So, joy has always been linked with a sense of freedom of spirit which is completely natural.
As Jean Jacques Rousseau said, "man is born free but everywhere, he is in chains". Joy is emancipation from such bondage. Most of the times, we tie ourselves up.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Home of God

I always wondered as a young girl, what being spiritual meant. Everyone had a different understanding. But somewhere, the common denominator was goodness, and dropping the ego. Since our revered guru stayed in our home whenever he was visiting, the pristine atmosphere that prevailed combined with extra strict and protective parents kept me away from the real world. Growing up to the insecurities and complexities of people was hard.
But the training imparted in the early years never quite leaves you, even if it doesn't work for you at times. But if you stay on a spiritual path, not deviating for anyone, your path becomes an elevated, though lonely one. On the flip side, it becomes possible to help those that struggle; especially when you have been there yourself.
There is no point in getting validation from even family and friends. If you can validate yourself, it should be enough provided you are thinking clearly, simply and honestly. The Divine validation is the only and ultimate. Otherwise, we are just playing roles here of a parent, a child, a friend etc: When this drama, dream ends, so will all the roles that we play today.
Never cry or grieve at being excluded by human beings. Grieve only when you lose your Divine connects. Wake up to the ultimate reality. As someone said, your lot will be in the other world what you have made of this world.
Life is not an indulgence of egos but merging into a higher order and channelizing godliness through you. And this cannot be done unless you get connected to everyone and everything with love. Nothing else works in the home of God.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 24 March 2019

Learning and understanding

Why is it that quiet people are generally ignored? Just because they don't indulge in constant chatter even if it is trivial or meaningless, just to make their presence felt? I have also noticed that they are not given credit for much brain either. Almost as if, being quiet is being dumb.
The quality of being judgmental is our birthright, you see. So, how can one let it go? How will we form opinions then? They are generally formed on this very premise and such premises, on others and their lifestyles and personalities.
One should always look beyond the facade. Very often, quiet people have much depth of learning and understanding. It is also a fact that those who elevate spiritually find their minds quietening and so do their speech levels. It is true that they don't feel the need to talk and comment incessantly on something or another. One should never judge them hastily. They could be thinkers who don't need validation from external sources.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Transformation of energy

It is a fact that mental and physical blocked energy manifests in the body. Similarly, any intense emotions like hatred or jealousy also manifest in retaliatory or aggressive reactions. It is almost impossible to camouflage these. They show up. And sometimes in the vehemence that comes your way. Or in a look or body language even.
But as is again a known fact, these reactions harm only the ones who harbor them, Such a self destructive exercise; But very difficult to explain this until they have their own experience.
It takes a lot to peel off the layers of our own emotional skin and reduce its thickness bit by bit. There is much microscopic study required on ourselves, because thoughts and reactions come with lightening speed. So much so that there really should not be time to study others before ourselves; A humungous task for those that have sensitized themselves enough so as to feel the transformation of energy. But there is no time like the present moment to start.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Monday, 18 March 2019


Something to think about, I read today that intuition is nothing but a synthesis of feeling and intellect. Most of the time, we feel but don't understand. Or, understand but don't feel. It should not be like that. Generally, we are closer to our feelings more than understanding. We ARE our feelings. But understanding needs to sink into it. And this will happen with introspection.
So, if we feel we are separate, everything appears as separate. And this generates a different kind of activity within us as compared to when we feel one with our feeling and intellect. And we realize that there IS no separation. It is a mere illusion.
A thought and its quality, therefore, dictate and give character to our actions. This introspection should be done minute to minute as a priority, wherever we are and whatever we are doing. Only then does it become YOU. And then there is no dichotomy.
Surekha Kothari

Tuesday, 12 March 2019


Any pursuit leads to its destination . Anything prayed for with intensity happens. But, there is a proviso. There should be no doubt. There should be consistency and relentless pursuit until it is achieved. No deviation either. Getting off track spells lack of success until you get back on track once again . It will now possibly take you longer because you lost focus.
For those non achievers who felt disappointed , they probably did not put their heart and soul into an activity with one hundred percent positivity and certainty. Even one percent doubt could distance you from reaching your destination. The trouble is, we are unable to sense minute misgivings. Even those should not crop up.
Actually, there is a difference in "doing" and " being done through you". The first is ego driven. "I" am doing it. The second is what the Universe channels through you. When and if we reach the latter state, there won't be a feeling named "doubt". Because the doer and the action are one, not separate.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 10 March 2019


Sometimes, people talk without thinking . They live in a world of mindsets. Like, a healer friend had high Blood pressure and she happened to tell another friend this. The immediate reply was , "how come, when you are a healer yourself ?" So, A healer is not perceived as a human being.
So, a musician should always be calm in the wake of all odds. An affluent person should always be on top of the world because what could be HIS worry ? He has everything.
These kinds of mindsets are so mechanical and so much of a habit that I wonder whether these people listen to themselves. Moreover, mindsets are a well which you can never emerge from if you don't feel the need to. That's scary.. to not feel the need. To stand still.
Worth thinking about.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Essence of a human being

The "Ardhanareeshwar " concept is again coming back into discussion . The symbolism of half man and half woman is the essence of a human being. Both the male and the female are within each of us and it is necessary to balance the two sides for happy living.
Actually, our conditioning is just the opposite. Separate perceptions and therefore, upbringing also. The imbalance is created very early in life from which many do not surface at all. Families and Societies become troubled and in conflict because the role play of people itself is faulty.
I hope the new generations will understand how to raise their children with better knowledge.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 3 March 2019


We indulge in many impression creating words like "empowerment". Sounds... hmmm.. like a powerful word. Well, it is . But again, we dilute its significance by attributing the need for empowerment merely in women and then , in children. It seems to be by default that if men are not included, they are already empowered.
A truly empowered person cannot inflict pain or resort to sadism or abuse even remotely, precisely because "empowerment" is a sum total of many humane qualities. We always hear that women need empowerment because they work against each other or don't make productive use of their lives. Not to mention being second class citizens.
But, I think men could very well have men empowerment organisations where they learn how to respect, support and care for the womenfolk . AND teach their own kind to abstain from abuse of all kind just on the prowess of their physical strength as is evidenced by the rampant crime against women and children all through the world. After all, they were all born of women. When heinous crimes are committed, mothers and sisters are probably kept behind doors to be protected from people like themselves.
Capital crimes without capital punishment. Statistically, how many women rape and kill ? And yet, THEY need the empowerment ? Requires major thought, doesn't it ?
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day