Thursday, 31 October 2019

Happy energy

Who is the enemy? Over a lifetime, we develop enmity with a few people extreme word and also a deeper form of dislike. We often remark,” With such friends, you don’t need enemies”. And you begin to stay away from these few people, get restless when you see them or have to be within their vicinity.
But, who is the real enemy here? The actual enemy is within. It is that negative patch of dislike that WE harbor for someone. And because we have not been able to cleanse it, it reflects in the others. Just as, if you hate your face in the mirror and try to hit it, it is your hand that will bleed. And once you heal your hand, the mirror reflection will also show a healed hand.
Hence, don’t look for external enemies. The enemy within you is your memory reactions. That’s all. Good to
Just let go of those memories or transmute them into happy energy.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Intelligent decision

The aftermath is an encounter with a person of toxic energy can be an extremely debilitating one. Even retaliating makes you feel you are hitting against the wall and often, bleeding.
The tragic part is that you discover that you are not devoid of toxicity yourself because you actually did pretty much what you despised in the first place. Evidently, it is somewhere within and bursts forth without warning triggered off by the other person.
Walking away from situations is probably an intelligent decision. Ignoring is another solution. Gritting your teeth and smiling is another but jokes apart, although it gets tough to not retaliate when someone is being plain obnoxious, it is wiser to step aside. And if you have a relapse, try and try again.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 27 October 2019

Life is fragile

Taking life for granted! Yes, we do most of the time. Only when we see death around us do we get a shock, though for a while only. And then we are back to normal.
But we don’t realize that life is fragile and we need to thank God every day for each day.
Every breath that we take is very valuable. It is the elixir of life and must be treated with care. We tend to abuse it through anger and many negative emotions.
Nothing and no one should be able to take away the value of your life. Living it with happiness and a freedom to make choices for your life is the way to go. Some things and some people will always enter or go out of your life. Let it happen. Keep breathing in love, nature, light and peace and bliss will be yours.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 24 October 2019


It is refreshing to see honesty and forthrightness in a person in these times of guile and pretence. There is automatically a “don’t care” attitude in such people because they are who they are. They don’t really bother about being liked or not. They say it as it is and actually, earn many friends precisely because of their honesty.
Isn’t it but natural that you have a great sense of comfort with such friends? They are frank but not judgmental. They like you for who you are, not because of who you pretend to be.
These are rare gems that you hold on to. Life becomes very simple around them. And you can be yourself with them, which is a huge bonus.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Time to rejoice

As women, we pass through many stages before coming into our own space and being comfortable in it. Our strength lies often in being silent when we want to scream. Our strength lies in smiling when we want to bawl our eyes out. Our strength lies in pretending we didn’t see the hatred in someone’s eyes and being pleasant no matter what. Our strength lies in loving our children whether that love is returned or not. In fact, there are many relationships that we hold close because we feel the emotions.
Gradually, we begin to learn from our different reactions to different episodes in our life , until one day, we realize that we have emerged stronger and are able to smile where we cried, hug those who we know could do without us , love those who we know are never going to care as much as we do, forgive those we have hurt us and also forgive ourselves for the hurt we have wittingly or unwittingly caused others.
And we women become stronger and stronger as we start depending on ourselves instead of always looking for crutches. We learn to deal with situations independently a time to rejoice.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 20 October 2019

Enviable and admirable!

There are people who are so calm; however much is the frenzy around them. Enviable and admirable! They keep to their own pace, don't get pushed by anyone to do anything or go anywhere unless they want to. They don't rise to bait and lose their cool. They don't retaliate. They pick their battles out of their own choice. And they don't judge people and get affected by them. How wonderful is that!
To have this art is a blessing. Because then, you are your own master. It doesn't mean that you don't go through your karma. It just means that you know when to lie and when to act without having any personal animosities or agendas.
It would be a boon to get even close to this stage.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 17 October 2019


When we think negative, we tend to think and see the worst in everything. We also tend to be more pessimistic during such phases. It can turn into a vicious cycle of thinking the worst, losing hope and again, thinking the worst because we lose hope. This pattern goes into a loop.
But I have also seen such patterns replaced by some very remarkable positive ones. The trick is to always visualize a candle in the darkness. And that flame can expand and expand until there is no darkness. After all, darkness is just an absence of light, isn't it?
The power of thought and of constant positive visualization is irreplaceable. If only humans knew how to channelize their higher self which is a powerhouse?
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Self image

One of the biggest fears we humans seem to have is to be proven wrong. We go to any lengths to give excuses, explanations and justify ourselves. It is a malady! We are humans after all, and what is wrong in saying, "I was wrong?" It clears the air between two people if you admit the truth, that of being wrong.
But no! We will severe the connection itself if we have to, but will not confess. To say "I am wrong" requires guts and courage. You feel people will judge you and think negatively about you. But on the contrary, you will be respected for stating your truth because very rarely do people come out with simple, straight forward admissions of this kind.
If you lie to yourself, try to do a cover up of your mistake, people know what you are doing. I had a teacher in school who, if she didn't know an answer to a student's question, simply said that she didn't know but would find out the answer and tell him. She was one of the most highly respected teachers, for her honesty and simplicity.
It is such a burden to carry and such a false self image! What's the point? It can only cause stress. And you find yourself shying away from people for not having the courage to look at them in the eye. Not a single winning point there, right then why?
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 13 October 2019


Letting go is the only way to spiritual upliftment that is, if one is looking for it, letting go of any sentiments of attachment which become bondage. People generally misunderstand this as letting go of caring and compassion. Anything that ties you down is not really healthy either a relationship or a city or people who depend on your energy to feel good.
This awareness is extremely important. When the weaker ones feed on your energy, it debilitates you. And you become ineffective for your own forward movement and are also unable to help others in the bargain.
This is likely to happen when, in a relationship, one move on and the other needs to hang on. The auras don't match and there is an issue, a conflict of sorts. We live day to day with many such situations but don't know how to read these situations correctly; In terms of the changing equations of energies. Once we know what is happening, we will be able to take proactive steps to prevent reoccurrences of such episodes in our lives.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 10 October 2019


Sometimes, we reach a deadlock within ourselves. Which way to go? What to do? These are times when probably we don't want to do a trade off to make choice. We want it all.
I think it would be great at such times, as someone said, to write a letter to your future self. Great idea! To visualize your future self and then make choices, how do I want to be in future? What kind of a person? Accordingly, you make your decisions today. There is less probability of going wrong. And we will learn to take corrective measures more easily.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 8 October 2019


Disappointments are a part of life. Especially when you set your heart on something, strive passionately to achieve your goal and either fail or achieve it only partially, certainly not to your satisfaction.
"Satisfaction" is the key word. At what level is there a feeling of satisfaction? And what gives that satisfaction? Is it personal recognition? Being a celebrity? Having plenty of money and power? Or touching the lives of people? To name just a few, and there are so many more.
Someone gave me a wonderful perspective on why we don't reach high points of success despite efforts. Or why there would be a break in career patterns, for example.
The soul comes with an agenda which does not necessarily include demands of a worldly ego. So, you are presented with episodes which are there as your lessons for this life. What YOU yourself have chosen to come and learn on this earth. When the soul is satisfied or saturated, it does not need for you to continue the effort towards what was really not meant to last beyond its time. You therefore, drop old activities naturally and new things and new opportunities start to happen to you.
So, disappointments are odious. It is the ego identity which creates a negative impact on a positive outcome. Everything is positive, if you understand the soul as being your core, not the body.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Interesting exercise

The irony of life is that it can be understood only on the rewind mode whereas it has to be lived in the play and fast forward mode. Another contradiction is that we are told not to delve into the past whereas, if we didn't, how would we learn from it?
Learning from the past works in two ways. Learn what to do and also what not to do. Going forward then becomes an interesting exercise. Like experiencing every wave as it washes over you, each one different in its quality, speed and impact. There is no warning. You can get knocked down or learn to tread water. But learning is definite.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day