Monday, 29 August 2016

Quote of the Day


We don't really realize what happens when we violate a universal law. The repercussions have long and far reaching effects. There is a snowball effect for everything. And once the consequences begin to spiral outwards, they complete their circle of movement. And to experience the consequences is inevitable.

Humans are naive enough to believe that if they disobey the universal laws surreptitiously, deviously and silently, they can get away with it. Think again! Like the proverbial fly on the wall, the Universe watches. Every second! But we do many things in ignorance and out of the preview of the parameters of wisdom...this has to change first.

Surekha Kothari

Quote of the Day

Friday, 26 August 2016


Depression should not be allowed to step close to us. It has many, many repercussions. If you examine the reasons, one of the foremost ones would be the pain of unfulfilled expectations, especially of unrequited love.

As we know, no man is an island. But in developing relationships, there comes a tipping point which turns the relationship into one of dependency, into a need of a crutch. Automatically then, this is the start of the end of the relationship. Healthy bonds work differently. They can work on mutual dependency better than one stronger and one weaker link.

There is every need to strengthen our backbone to stand upright, even if to walk alone. Inner strength compensates for the presence or perception of many lacks. And it would be within the preview of wisdom to be aware that we journey alone from life to life. So, holding onto to any form of crutch is going to be nothing short of meaningless. Then why the depression?

Surekha Kothari

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Quote of the Day


I met someone recently after a long time and was really delighted to see some profound changes. Though we had not been more than good acquaintances, the transformation was glaring, even for me.

And I once again started thinking about why we find it in our hearts to have such fixed opinions about people. It is almost as if we write them down in stone and swear not to change them. Either we are blind to people we love or unforgiving of those we are prejudiced towards.
We don't realize that change is a constant for anyone and everyone. We know that the same person reacts to different people in different ways. We see various aspects of the same person. That is because of these very fixed notions about people in their heads that prevent a different perspective, another vision.
Often, those who have not been close are suddenly observed to be very close. How does it happen?

If the motive is not of wanting something from a person, then it is because the change has been seen and forgiveness has set in.
Let this become a norm and genuine integration of souls can happen. I am told by many that I am idealistic. But idealism of today was realism at one time and can be again.

Surekha Kothari


Why people do certain things! Do we understand why people do what they do? Take for instance, card games like rummy and bridge. Although they fulfill a similar purpose, one is a "white collar" game and other is not looked upon as one. No guesses here for which one!

I see card rooms at clubs filled with people, especially the retired and older generation, who love to socialize over a card game. And I also see other club goers who turn up their noses at such groups. The only prejudice for this aversion seems to be that of playing with money. But gambling is another story…it can be indulged in different ways.

I see the other, lonely side of these people who are cut off from work and often, from their families as well. Time hangs and there is much loneliness which gives rise to depression and ennui towards the world in general. This can be a potentially dangerous situation.
There is a need for the older generation to keep their brains working and interest in life alive irrespective of whether it is playing cards, browsing the internet or anything else.
In fact, this may become true for all of us as we age. Card games keep the memory ticking, some social activity alive and enable these people to come out of whatever burdens they carry.
It is very sad to see people who lose their mobility and their youth, languishing for a lack of support. Indoor games are very good for them. In fact, many are now opting to be in special homes where they can be looked after and be with their own kind, rather than become isolated within their families.

So, there is always a larger perspective we fail to see in our conditional minds. What we criticize today may be a great pastime for us tomorrow. The idea is to stay well, with our mental, emotional and physical aspects intact and healthy.

Surekha Kothari

Quote of the Day

Thursday, 18 August 2016


Some days are like a light, happy breeze blowing ...everything just flows without effort. Kind of raises our expectations for the future...when suddenly, you wake up to events not really to your liking and the stress begins. And with that, we start to magnify the small issues on that particular day. For some, the stress and the bad mood can persist beyond just one day, too.
In Hindi, there is a saying "sab din hote na ek samaan". How true! All the days in our life cannot be the same. And that's exactly why we are told all the time that we can only change our responses to events. 
I am not saying we should be like saints, though enlightenment can and should be the ultimate goal. We have to really work at it, gradually and with focus.
But on a daily basis, we do have to come back to the merit of accepting what confronts us before looking at what can be done about it or whether ANYTHING can be done at all. There is always a sense of wisdom in letting sleeping dogs lay sometimes but not always. That is perhaps the key to improving our days.

Surekha Kothari

Quote of the Day

Wednesday, 17 August 2016


Karma simplified! The easiest way to define karma is "what goes around comes around". But is it so easy? That is only a part of it. Let us be aware of the collective nature of karma besides individual ones.
The popular saying, “a father's sins come onto the children" is not meant lightly. One person's actions can involve many people around them. Like the AGHORA book on karma talks about an example of racing where so many people's karma is joined together...the jockey, the bookie, the people who bet etc.
Can you imagine the level of awareness and wisdom one has to develop to experience the old karma while refraining from performing new harmful ones?
We often feel so much intensity of emotion that actions are rooted in feelings, sometimes imbalanced ones.
Let us examine our thoughts very minutely to control karmic fallouts in our current lives.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the Day

Friday, 12 August 2016

Energy flow

People you love pass away from this world as all of us must when the time comes. When people tell you to keep the GOOD memories, I know what they mean. The more hurtful memories we store, the more we harm ourselves. That is not wise. 

Besides, everyone does have a good side, even if you have amplified the dark side in your mind. So, if there are no positive memories you have with a particular person; let even the negative memories go...the past does not return unless you give it space in your mind.

Let the energy flow and never allow yourself to be dragged into any situation unless you have transcended your earlier colored perceptions. 
People change. Situations change. But we hold on to meaningless but harmful memories.
Surekha Kothari

Thursday, 11 August 2016


At some point, when you have been running and running for a really long time, you have to stop and ask, "Why am I running? Has it gotten me anywhere that I really want to be?
Whether you run after things or people or your hopes or dreams, the levels of exhaustion are directly proportionate to the levels of satisfaction and success. And even then, in time this wears off too....everything has a saturation point after which it becomes kind of redundant...stops mattering in the larger scheme of things.
And if it doesn't, then maybe there is a longer journey ahead or a different journey thing is sure. We will continue to search even after all the worldly gains have been achieved, because there is the matter of the spirit which is still pending.

Surekha Kothari

Quote of the Day

Wednesday, 10 August 2016


Every generation wishes it was born in the next generation. There are more doors of opportunity, more evolution every few years…

The minus here is that the earlier generation does not necessarily have the ability to adapt to changes, especially in the academic field. Of course, knowledge brings in many more changes, e.g., in sophistication, behavioral patterns and many personality aspects.

Today, when I see the elders keeping pace with trends, technology and the overall pace of life, I feel a deep sense of respect for them. At least, they try. The youth of today does not probably realize how challenging it has been for their parents' generation to survive within the rapid growth of societies, waiting to be loved and wanted by their children who have moved into a bubble of contemporary life, with not enough compassion for the elders , many of who have not been as privileged.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the Day

Monday, 8 August 2016


It is inevitable that in our journey, some stay with us all along and some fulfill the reason they were in your life and move away. It is absolutely ordained and within the plan of our life.

Forming attachments along the way makes this learning difficult. Much grief, sorrow and unacceptability comes our way, leading to an arrest in the growth process. We were not meant to gather so much negativity. But learning such lessons with wisdom would make our tough karma easier to handle, though inevitable to experience.

Like a child that fails in exams when it has not learnt the right lessons, life is one such exam where learning does not come only from mugging but observing, introspecting, experiencing, making wise decisions and choices and then arriving at the right path.

Surekha Kothari

Quote of the Day

Friday, 5 August 2016

State of chakras

Coincidences! Are there any? I don't believe there are. From a line you read, to a book you select from a shelf to people you meet, the food you attract, and the clothes you wear...our external world mirrors our inner world.

Some days, for example, we may choose some colors to wear and other days, other colors. There is a reason. Colors reflect the state of our chakras and define our moods. Food preferences define us.

Of course, as we change our preferences, so we demonstrate the way we are transforming. Like, when a non veg turns a veg, there is surely a change within. Similarly, if you start observing yourself in these ways, you will know yourself much better and succeed in making the changes you feel you should be making for yourself. This expedites our evolution.

Surekha Kothari

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Quote of the Day


The ingenuity of the human mind can conjure up "genuine" reasons and justifications for actions and behavior. We are masters at the game of illusions which are a product of our creativity.
But there is only one reality. Sooner or later, we will arrive at that. Rather, we will HAVE to arrive at that. Like a derailed train or delayed train that might reach its destination late would depend on how soon the obstacles can be cleared. Life is pretty much like that. The difference is, in our case, only we can clear those blocks and obstacles. We can go round and round but ultimately, we have to find our path to reality. If we won't exercise the right choices, we will be led to the right choice....
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the Day

Monday, 1 August 2016


Taking off from the saying, "Evil is educational", it seems so much easier to understand when you view this from the point of view of individual ego inspiring the evil and collective ego , the sum total of many egos inspiring negativity amounting to collective evil. Like terrorism which stems from a radical belief system honed by dark perceptions and leading to a collective evil, all within the darkness of negative perceptions.

How much cleaning one has to do of the self then is a matter of every person's agenda for only then will our societies purify and our future generations become secure, prosperous, progressive and peaceful.

Hatred is evil. Separatism is evil. And until such memories are transformed, we will continue to attract evil because we have transcended darkness.

Surekha Kothari