Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Quote of the Day


Stereotypes and mindsets! We live with them all the time... in fact; some of us do not know how to live without them...because if we don't believe them, we are lost. Our whole foundation of survival is based on them. 

Change, therefore, becomes a generator of fear...fear of the unknown. 

Like, I am holding my mom's finger for security…what will I do if I let go of it?

The mind has no existence unless we fill it with thoughts and emotions according to our perceptions, prejudices and thought processes. When fear rules, we try to find solace in stereotypes, because they have been tried and tested and provide a certain comfort level.

But these will never encourage growth. On the contrary, they can limit us to a point where we begin to live with closed minds which can breed all the negativity in the world.

Surekha Kothari

Monday, 23 May 2016

Quote of the Day


“To kill with kindness” is a wonderful formula. And deeply spiritual one. “Killing” metaphorically.
The thought can bring a smile to your face but it is not easy in reality. We are so accustomed to reacting in the manner of "an eye for eye" that to remember to be kind to a "least deserving person" (in our perspective) is out of question.
To sustain kindness no matter what is not impossible if we continue to be who we are
You must have noticed that to return cruelty with kindness repeatedly is painful for the other fact, unbearable. The only way to bring a positive change in another is not to exchange the good for the not-so-good.

Surekha Kothari

Friday, 20 May 2016

Depraved or deprived

Depraved or deprived? This is a very basic subject of analysis when we see young and idle minds engaged in activities like rape, violence, anti national activities etc. Are these partially or completely depraved minds? Or, are they pampered and throughly spoilt, depraved minds who have been brainwashed, or completely out of control, or dangerously criminal minds whose spirituality is dead?

Strange, isn't it that this is the land of sages and the highest levels of spirituality in which the darkest deeds are happening? Sure, it is a world of dualities!

Surekha Kothari

Quote of the Day

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 17 May 2016


Would we appreciate light if there was no darkness? How would we see the good in someone if there was no bad in this world? We live in the world of opposites so that we can make a move towards the right choices for our soul.
It is all about our vibration levels. Humans function at different levels of energy. Density gives more body consciousness and less of subtle awareness. But unless we learn from the Universe what it teaches us every minute, we will not be able to take significant steps towards understanding the realm of the unseen phenomena.

The idea is not to expand our external worlds but to discover our inner world in its micro form. Once this is accomplished, the understanding of the macro world will be automatic. Because they are the same.

Surekha Kothari

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

Friday, 13 May 2016


To be in sync with life and ourselves, a huge body of inner work is required. Every thought has to be sifted. Every word has to be measured for the hurt it can cause and every action for its consequences. 

Sometimes, we don't realize how we compromise our principles for just short time gains. We try to justify our false deeds by an outer coating of pretended genuineness and then compliment ourselves for being clever...though we know we can't hide from ourselves. 
THAT should be the catch phrase for us. That we can't hide from ourselves.

And therefore, sifting and transforming our pretences to honesty becomes a necessity, not a luxury to be experienced just now and then.

Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Quote of the day


The day you start feeling the hand of God in your life, you will gradually start letting go of many things that may look good but not necessarily an integral part of your journey. We cultivate some undesirable habits which we realize are undesirable...but they become habits.
When you are meant to let go and don't, then God works through circumstances to force you to quit.
The signs are very evident to a sensitive person. But sometimes, the timing goes wrong and it is too late. For example, if you are a chain smoker and believe nothing will happen to your health, and you see your family member or friend passing from the world due to cancer of the lungs, it is a sign. 

Or, your car has a puncture when you are about to leave home but you have an important meeting. So, you ask for a cab. Half way, the cab stalls. You still don't see the sign and call for another vehicle. And this vehicle has an accident. See what I mean?
The Universe always speaks to you in such ways but you do not give importance to these and walk straight into a danger zone.

It is very useful, therefore, to be aware of what life is showing you through signs.

Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 10 May 2016


Guilt is a wasted emotion. There is no merit in it. Because we make the rules and we break them. Don't you think we know what we should not be doing? And yet, we do it and feel guilty for having done it.

For example, sweets are not good for diabetics. But often, they say it is forbidden and the very next minute, they have helped themselves to a piece. And then they are ridden with guilt and worry.

So, instead of bringing upon us a situation which ends up in guilt, can we avoid the very reason which makes us guilty? And you know what that is?


Surekha Kothari

Friday, 6 May 2016


Do we see the disconnect of words and action in some people? They say something completely opposite.

We don’t realize how damaging it can be to us. The mind and intellect have to be sync. If they are not, it creates confusion over a period of time. The intellect gets clouded and the result is disturbing.

The old values advocated “saying what we mean” and “meaning what we say”. There was a valid reason. It encouraged being true to ourselves.

Today, it is all about being really nice outwardly and harboring many grouses within. This bottling up is dangerous if done over a period of time because it can manifest as serious and even chronic ailments.

Prevention is always better than cure...some kinds of cure are very long term and very difficult to achieve.

Surekha Kothari

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Quote of the day


I have noticed that there is a threshold of tolerance for life's events and once that is reached, the wells of dejection and depression become very easy to fall into. Most if the time, it is people who don't support people in such cases. They feel that supporting will take away something from them. But the Universe gives more to those who give with a pure intention.
We say "man is not an island" when we refer to relationships. But it is equally true that the soul does stand alone on the earth, unfolding its, unfolding its own journey with some pointers and help from other souls here.
And yet, we gather so many insecurities along the way...about people being critical, people not liking us, people not wanting to socialize with us, isolating us etc.
Our perceptions can be really narrow. If we expand our thought processes, we will understand that, we are all like passengers on a train, travelling together in our own compartments, with those others who travel with us. When we arrive at our station, we disembark. Others carry on till their station comes up.
So, there are those who will travel with you, whether with good will or criticism. Both are necessary for the soul. If we can see everything and everyone around us as helping us in one way or another, the first emotion we will let go of is stress. Our challenge is not people but what they are mirroring in you.
Surekha Kothari

Monday, 2 May 2016

Quote of the day


 Working on yourself constantly is a necessity many disregard. The greatest impediment to growth is the lifestyle. Affluence deprives us of the delights of spending time with Mother Earth…living in villages, walking on green grass with bare feet, having simple food cooked with great love by simple village folk…these are great exercises in grounding us and enabling us to experience real people and real values. It also connects us to our real one.

Even today, if you go into the fields and meet the farmer, the hospitality is tremendous and genuine. What you wear or how you look does not matter in the least.

“Atithi Devo Bhavaha”  is a reality even today, though sadly, not so rampant in cities where we have buried ourselves in dense matter and forgotten to swim in the flow of genuine emotions.

India, despite centuries of abuse, has survived on the very strength of its spiritual and value heritage which has been able to defeat the dark forces of subversion since centuries and it will    continue to be a forerunner among nations.

Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day