Thursday, 29 August 2019

Educational Institution

At some stage, you realize that life is to be lived like a game. That's why they say, sports builds up character. This now winning no, now losing syndrome has to bring in the ability to take both in your stride. Isn't it?
And that's what we go through in life, now being successful and now, not much. As a young girl, I asked Mr. Vijay Merchant to write in my autograph book. And he wrote:
"It is not about how you win or lose
It is how you play the game".
And this always stayed in my mind. Truly, it is how each one of us chooses to conduct our lives that are the single most important thing. There may have been several pitfalls looking back, but you also see how you handled those and how much you learnt along the way and how far you have come. And nothing is a waste of time. Life is the largest educational Institution. You can give exams as many times as you want but hopefully, each time, the preparation will be better and better.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Divine spirit

Every night, you acknowledge that the Divine spirit guides and protects your life. You also say a prayer in gratitude, for health, safety, love and support given by the universe. When things go right, we forget that they need not have time for gratitude.
Many a time, we have a close shave, a near mishap on the road. But we are safe time for gratitude.
So many similar situations have come into our lives as potential dangers, but, only potential time for gratitude.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 25 August 2019


The true measure of a person is dependability. You may not meet for months but the one you think of first in a crisis is a friend indeed or family. How close such people have to be to you!
Can you go beyond the SMS and the whatsapp to reach out? If someone texted asking if you needed help, your instinct would always is to refuse because if you really want to help, you would not be asking.
One has to be very honest and lip service is not honesty. At the end of the day, an offer is just that an offer. Standing at someone's doorstep unasked, unannounced, to be of help is actual help.
An angle we need to work on.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 22 August 2019


If we dwelt on the possibility that anything can happen in a second, how many of us would sleep ? That everything we build in our heads and around us in our physical reality could just be a lot of sand castles.
Does anyone know what reality is ? Is what we imagine, real or is what we see an illusion ? See the kids on the trampoline ? The excitement is how high you can go . But each time, you can't go higher if you don't take off from the ground . It is a normal principle of gravity . The law of life is similar. It says, keep your feet on the ground if you don't want to be swept away like a sand castle. Take off but come back. Like everything has to.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Intelligence on earth

There are wonderful people all over the world. You meet them at various points in your life and they become a source of joy. You don't look for wealth in people. It is the love and caring that even money cannot buy, that makes life beautiful. Imagine how much beauty you miss if you only connect with people when you need them for your benefit.
Upbringing, grace, natural inner beauty are the shining ingredients in humans. Living for yourself is nothing great. When your being responds to those you love, you actually justify your birth as a human being. Because human beings are the highest intelligence on earth. And also have been gifted with a heart.
Surekha Kothari

Sunday, 18 August 2019

Personal behaviour

The thing about personal behaviour is that though you may get several accolades or critics by your side, ultimately, you are your own judge. Your motives are your own , and not always fathomed by the onlookers. So, it is probably better to be in a state of equilibrium on the outside and introspective within. No one is going to give you medals or punish you .
Generally, our conscience does all of this. Because we can't hide from ourselves, right ? The buck , therefore, stops right here, with us. It cannot be passed on. And hence, the periodic need for introspection.
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog: 

Quote of the day

Friday, 16 August 2019


Grief sometimes has a very deep impact. Often, very deep disappointments with very close people can also become a source of grief. What you least expect from a person can hit you hard. So, try not to let the feeling run too deep or it will affect your health.
As I was discussing with someone, as per our tradition, duty and responsibility has been given a higher role than even love. There is a very good reason for this. While doing your duty, you do what you are supposed to do. What is right by you? You don't look at what the others are doing. So, by not being reactive, it is easy to know your "dharma" and fulfill it. No emotion. Health remains intact. It is a win situation for you. You are actually working from your higher self Great way to be.
Surekha Kothari

Tuesday, 13 August 2019


Mindfulness in each present moment has the power to erase all past recordings of all lifetimes. Sounds easy? It sure can be. But we constantly remind ourselves that it is NOT easy. Why because, actually, we don't want to let go.
Just imagine. When we are in a crowd, do we remember what happened ten years ago, while we are being jostled and pushed? Naturally not because we are busy trying to keep our balance and prevent ourselves from falling, getting injured right?
But when a crowd of memories jostle and push your mind, the tendency is to let them knock you down and injure you, isn't it? And your whole personality can change drastically in reaction to these injuries.
But, while being mindful in the present moment, you are focused on just what is happening in that moment. And it therefore, takes that one instant to forget all else. And if you can continue practicing this, one day, you will reach a state of constant mindfulness.
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog: 

Quote of the day

Thursday, 8 August 2019


How much we suppress ourselves because the people around us get used to a set image of us! It is really incredible, isn't it? And you automatically match that image because it is "expected" of you. But YOU may not get the same from others. When you conform, you have to continue to conform, or run the risk of heavy criticism and build a steel armor for yourself for it.
I had to share this post because I do believe we shy away from growing because it means change and too many boats can get rocked. The choice may not be easy, but to grow is the purpose of the soul and why it has come here in the first place. Actually, therefore, there IS no choice.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Importance of affirmations

There are two major planes of awareness necessary in life. One, that I am a soul, not the body. And if I am in my body consciousness, I am in my ego state. Somewhere, that ego is going to try and create negativity and block the channels of communication with the Divine.
The importance of affirmations has become huge only to cleanse the blocks which lodge within our cells. Keep superimposing the positive over the negative and finally, replace the negative with the positive. It is possible to cleanse the memories which we should not store and which disturb us. Unknowingly, we have abused ourselves in many ways. It is time to become aware, zero in on those grey areas and treat them once and for all.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Self abnegation

Sometimes, we make observations like, he or she talks too much. There are many reasons why there are some people who feel the need to talk... to fill in the long silences between people, awkward silences of discomfort. Some people try and fill up these silences to keep conversation going.
On the flip side, there are those who will just look at you but not speak. No reaction comes forth, as I mentioned this leading to the awkwardness. The psychology of the silent ones runs deep and can vary from insecurity to low self esteem to fear of saying the wrong thing; Even the fear of ostracisation self abnegation.
The good news is, public behavior and conversation is a learnt art. You can actually change your current personality to incorporate techniques which will put you in a safe zone, and, in fact, make you a confident and happy conversationalist.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Inner reality

Each day, we create our reality with our thoughts. We really don't realize what power thoughts have. We are not in command or in charge of ourselves to see this even. We happily go around creating a web of negativity around us and getting stuck in its reality. Negative produces more negative. Our inner reality is our outer reality. No two ways about that.
So, better be careful what we think or wish for. What really works is love and blessings, unconditionally.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day