Thursday, 30 July 2020

Life moments

The beauty of life’s moments holding your new born child. The first time she calls you”ma”,  the joy of that moment when it would be as joyous as if it was the last word you heard. The warm hugs and the little arms around your neck as you get “spitty “kisses which glisten in your eyes, not your cheeks.
And when this child becomes an adult, she does the same with her kids. The tradition of motherhood continues but she has forgotten that warmth and fuzzy feeling of being held by her mom forgotten that even if a child becomes sixty, she is still the same loveable and huggable kid to her mom.
Ironically, her inner child leaves her while her mom has hung on primarily to those wonderful memories of that little child who, as an adult, has moved into another phase. That’s life. You live with your memories. And live with the fact that life is full of phases. And you must move on. Or life will make you do so.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 28 July 2020


Once in a while, you come across people who give you the respect of being honest with you. You end up building a solid, enduring relationship with honest people because they generally come with a brand of sincerity as well.
Yes, I say “respect” because people who try and play mind games don’t realize that no one is being fooled. And respect is not being shown for the intelligence people have.
Having seen integrity, sincerity, respect and loyalty to a cause at close quarters, you want to choose to be with such people. They may appear to be disappearing minorities around you but they are valuable in that they come with a high vibration tag and teach you to tune in to these vibrations the true “satsang” of vibrations.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 26 July 2020


We play many roles in this world. Familial ties are familiar ties because we are born and bred there. We generally build up a close bond while growing up together.
And then, we tie a “knot” in marriage and reset our lives according to a new person, a new family. And we expect that one person, the spouse, will play all the roles rolled into one, in our lives. Practically, that may not be true. Every human being in and around you fulfils a certain expectation in your life, gives you something different, including your spouse but not to the exclusion of everyone else, however happy your marriage might be.
Souls come and go and each one helps you to learn something. It may not be possible that all the traits you admire may be seen in one human being. Not even in you for that matter, though, thanks to yourself image, it may be easier for you to subscribe to that illusion.
That’s why most of us need to have cerebral, emotional and mental connects with several people, each fulfilling a need or needs as the case may be because expansion is our theme. We are vast, very vast. And we unconsciously try to reach out in that direction through soaking in all the aspects which contribute more and more to our expansion.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 23 July 2020


My guru asked me whether, while meditating, time is slow to pass or passes quickly without my noticing it. And I realized that this is the measure of how successful your first level of meditation is. Some people struggle to sit for those few minutes and some lose track of time.
The latter happens when you actually start enjoying the meditation, when you become peaceful, not necessarily because all thoughts stop but because you learn to observe your thoughts dispassionately. And don’t allow them to affect your inner calm and peace.
People misunderstand the concept of meditation and think it is going to be a drastic and permanent shift. But it won’t be though you CAN increase your hours of meditation gradually to times when you are working, eating, even conversing, by keeping your inner core unaffected and steady with calmness.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Spiritual orators

In the beginning, an attempt to detach is very painful. Humans are tied up in the silken threads of “moha” which is attraction to people and things, even to places. Even silken threads spell bondage, though, it may be remembered.
Spiritual orators recommend detachment to obtain peace and to move forward towards a more elevated state of being. Not an easy task ! But when you pray hard enough, and try sincerely, the Universe helps you. Circumstances arise to help you detach slowly, often painfully.
After the stage is reached when the pain lessens, you can start feeling the relief of being liberated. Because in “moha”, YOU hold on so, only you can let go to experience the feeling of freedom from the huge amount of baggage that you had stored baggage because “moha” leads to much suffering. You are actually trying to capture the intangible and the illusory. What then would be the result other than suffering?
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Monday, 20 July 2020

Quote of the day


Sometimes, the shocks life gives you leave you numb and speechless. But it is silly to react so emotionally. People can be callous and cruel. Are you going to give them more power, more energy by hurting? That would be foolish.
Wisdom lies in choosing when to take anyone seriously. Hopefully, never to take anyone seriously like they say, take it with a pinch of salt. Though why they give salt so much importance, I don’t know may be, because salt retains water in the body and similarly, egos bloat people.
So, take a chill pill and move in life like a free spirit. No encumbrances, especially when it comes to undeserving people around you. Not worth killing yourselves with numbness or shock.
Like my guru said, be a witness. No one belongs to you and you don’t belong to anyone. Nature is unfathomable. It is said that a baby scorpion kills its mother after its birth. Is it a surprise then to see what humans can do?
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 16 July 2020

Brand of confidence

Education comes with its own brand of confidence often, a little arrogance too. However, every educated person is not enlightened. Enlightenment goes beyond. Its canvas is very large In fact, without any boundaries Limitless.
There is an inner light in the enlightened that goes to the depth of understanding phenomena and concepts as also a natural recourse to the best code of conduct there could be . This is also work in progress while we are alive. That is, if we keep watching ourselves and our process of learning each second.
Yes, education may be different from learning. One is theory and the other practical.
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Positive intention

A benevolent thought and acted upon with a positive intention does not fail. Somehow, people do not realize that performing such an act for someone comes back to you in strange ways. It is because the Universe is like an echo. The same quality that you give out is returned to you.
That is why, it is said, the more you give, the more you get and not necessarily from the same place. Just the bonus that you receive is indication enough about the quality of your own deed.
So, never shy away from being generous and never use others for your own ends. Rather, give generously and be satisfied that you have been placed in a position to give.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 12 July 2020

Sense of liberation

A most profound truth we live within the prison of our own making Our thoughts about ourselves, about others, our lives, our emotions, our conflicts, fears, comparisons, attachments, dissatisfactions and more.
How often do we feel a sense of liberation? Hardly ever! There is always some pre occupation which might turn out to be meaningless and completely unimportant in time, but at that time, occupies a large chunk of the mind. And we don’t know how to free ourselves from it, and similar situations.
Actually, it is we who hold on to what we think is holding onto us. The biggest illusion we suffer from. And hence, we fail to destroy the illusory prison walls when there are open doors and illumination all around us. How long will it take?
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 9 July 2020

Anything is possible

When people make statements like, you are older and that’s why you are mature, I really do not agree. There are some very old souls who can stun you with their wisdom at a very young age. They may be born to immature parents. Anything is possible.
Maturity is a very comprehensive word which is not to be looked at in a very limited way. Actually, it occupies a very vast space. It encompasses right thinking, inclusiveness, kindness, understanding , compassion, tolerance, diplomacy , love and respect for human beings and above all, always connecting to your higher self when dealing with everyone.
I think mature people would be like this. So, when anyone is called “mature”, it is not necessarily age related. It is a special grace which either is god given or comes with a lot of work on the self.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 5 July 2020

Paying the price

Living your life with sound principles! Our generation is extremely fortunate that we were imparted these from a very young age. It has given us a strong core and the strength to bear the consequences brought before us. The common parlance is” paying the price” for what happens to us. But the angle of perspective may be looked into. We don’t really pay any price as such. That is only a feeling expressed in this terminology because paying a price really means you are doing something you don’t really want to a trade off.
There is no trade off when we live by principles. They light up our path and we walk on that path. Whatever comes our way, we overcome it because our training has depth. Not that there is no hurt, but that the way to remove this hurt has been taught to us. The core is strong.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Exposure to experiences

Exposure to experiences is the only way to learn. Observe, try and create convictions based on your reality. And avoid shrinking your mind. Expand it and you will see how beautiful life can be.
If you close yourself up in a limited space, how would you build connectivity around you? How would you know how others are faring their pain, their disappointments and sorrows, their moments of joy? How will you actually start counting your blessings when you see people who are so much worse off than you but some of them, so much happier than you? How will you understand the concept of accepting and valuing each and everything you have? And valuing the people who care deeply?
An open heart creates an open mind and an open mind can make you an extraordinary human being.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day