Monday, 31 October 2016


Spirituality is not a religion. Neither is it a chain of rituals to be performed. It is beyond anything manmade. We can be practicing any religion but we are all spiritual. Our intrinsic quality is to be a spirit.
Yet, people don't seem to understand this. They talk of anything spiritual like it is a phenomenon from another world.
Even if we teach the theory of spirituality, there will be a lacuna, because spirituality is to be recognized as a set of principles which have to be practiced and experienced. If you are spiritual, you have to follow a path which will be fraught with uncertainties and painful realizations. So, people don't go there at all. Understandable, I guess, but ultimately, a deep loss.

Surekha Kothari

Friday, 28 October 2016

A sense of compassion

To forgive and be forgiven is the most beautiful feeling. It removes many blocks within, cleanses our energies and gives us a new impetus to start over. It is often a difficult exercise. But if we look at every human being as a soul and all the layers as meaningless as the ones we pile up on ourselves, we might succeed in developing a sense of compassion.
To let go of grudges and resentments and to try and forgive completely is beautifully demonstrated by the "paryushan" week by the jain community. They ask for forgiveness within their family and friends and anyone else they have hurt. And this requires a subjugation of the ego, although temporary for many. Being human, we do tend to lapse. However, it does teach us and make us aware that we need to make it a part of our lives gradually and with practice.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Wednesday, 26 October 2016


Times change, people change, circumstances change! But we hold on to our belief systems in spite of their getting obsolete, to grudges which we know are not good to keep within because they mess us up, resentments which hold us back while others move on...
Sometimes, I wonder why we humans were given the freedom of making choices when we didn't get the good sense to discern our good from bad. It is as clear as daylight that choices must be made for a happy end result. Happiness for all.
I posted a story titled "UBUNTU" today which says it all....I AM BECAUSE YOU can I be happy when so many are unhappy? This is the only choice to make to turn the tide of our lives to a peaceful, meaningful and a truly spiritual direction. This is a timeless truth for human beings while the soul is encased in a physical body: connectivity!
Surekha Kothari


Quote of the Day

Monday, 24 October 2016

Universal laws

There are many religions and sects and several texts which teach human beings how to live with each other and how to also evolve spiritually while performing our daily karma.
But what gets internalized is basically what some religious heads interpret from these texts and unfortunately, add their own bit to keep their place in the hierarchical order , thus , often losing the thought processes of the writers and the authenticity of the text.
The end result is groups, blind following, and rigid mindsets and therefore, limited minds and a huge amount of intolerance for anyone who does not believe in your belief systems....a potentially ignitable situation at the best of times and the worst of times.
If every human being was taught instead, to read the texts and gain the knowledge written with the pure, undiluted intentions of those writers, this world would learn to follow the universal laws and treat each other with love, respect and understanding.
It is never too late to incorporate such studies within the academic curriculum. There will most certainly be astounding results. We have forgotten our “gurukuls”.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the Day

Friday, 21 October 2016

Life Span

Too much of anything is avoidable. The mind looks for a change when it cannot handle excesses. And why not? A heavy, saturated mind can cause many problems. Like everything in life, the mind needs some space and some rest.
Can you imagine if thoughts never ceased at all? For one, we could not sleep at all. For another, no thought would be complete. Without rest and sleep, we would surely reduce our life span or go crazy even.
As they say, “all work and no play....." and this applies to all of us.
So, if you want to have a happy life, take breaks from everything frequently, even if short ones. Laugh every day. Change unhappy anything to happy. Before a maximum saturation sets in, shift gears ....and be a little wise, a little crazy, a little adventurous, a little determined, a little balanced but always happy.

Surekha Kothari

Wednesday, 19 October 2016


In all my years of counseling and healing, I have known most families as dysfunctional. Today, if people are opting more for friends than family, unfortunately, things have evolved to this situation.
The tragedy is that over the years, economic and social differences crept in and comparisons corroded the fabric of closeness and unity. 

It is amazing how "family" members stake ownership without owning the responsibility aspects in the family. They feel "deprived" without working, wronged without adding value and demand without deserving.Not only are marriages in trouble but materialism has almost destroyed many families.

Another important aspect that has developed is the indiscipline of the youth and their insolence with elders, playing favorites, taking sides and open antagonism. It is disturbing to see that there are no controls on them and elders are so helpless. Or, in some cases, it is elders who encourage this due to their own prejudices. They don't realize how they are damaging their own children in the long run.
We really need to introspect and change our priorities and revert back to some of the earlier values that kept families together. This can happen only if family members also became friends and practice the same modes of attitudes and behavior that they do with friends. Why unrealistic expectations with regard to family members?
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Monday, 17 October 2016


Kindness! It is more important than love. When you are kind to one another, you build up a reservoir of positive energy between you which can be then used towards those who find it difficult to be kind...people who have faced much unkindness and have become hard and hardened.
I have understood that you can be kind to everyone without engaging your emotions to judge them. That's when you fail to be kind...when you sit in judgment.
It requires a certain acceptance of habits or ways that you may not find palatable by your standards (which is understandable). But it is not necessary that people should be like you. It IS essential to view them in their own context of their upbringing, disappointments, thought patterns, experiences etc and understand why they are who they are. Once this happens, kindness may come more easily.
We feel being kind takes away something from us because we are constantly looking for gratitude, acknowledgement of the kindness and more. We often feel people have to be beholden to us. That is really not the way it is. Gratitude is the business of the receiver and not the giver of kindness. So, let us not reverse the formula by giving and then also expecting. This takes away from the giver.
Let the receiver evolve through the right practice of gratitude for it is his on us in the spiritual order.

Surekha Kothari

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Live and let live!

Live and let live! That would be so, so wonderful, right? No interference. No desire to control or clip wings. No poking the nose in other people's affairs. Maintaining a little space within the closeness. Letting the final decision be taken by the person concerned. Agree to disagree in an amicable manner sometimes. Encourage and support independent points of view. But continuing to care and respect all the way...
Sometimes, people can walk along the same path but at their own pace. And that is so wonderful. No need to compete and to overtake anyone.
Walking the path with a spring in your stride, hugging nature, singing a happy song, a lilt in your voice, oblivious of any dissenting or disapproving looks, living your life with wisdom, divine grace and love in your heart.

Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Wednesday, 5 October 2016


The toughest part of living is attachment. When someone you love is unwell, unhappy, however much we preach or believe in detachment, every bit of knowledge disappears from sight at that point.

It is said that "prana" and "prakriti" (our basic nature) leave the world together. I think that is true in most cases. To alter your nature is not impossible but very difficult...near impossible in a way. But life is all about learning and applying that learning. And to keeping on trying to make the transition from ordinary to extraordinary.

Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Monday, 3 October 2016


The heart and mind connection! I read a post that said, the heart wants to hold on but the mind wants to move on. It set me this true? Does the heart not want to move on? And does the mind never want to hold on? Hmm … 

I started to analyze the mind, mine and that of others I know, and I feel the mind can really hold emotions, does not know how to let go easily, especially the negative ones.

The heart on the other hand, finds freedom in letting go because holding on is not necessarily love which is the prime characteristic of the heart.

Actually, it is attachment which gets confused with love and that is what holds on to what is “mine” as compared to yours.
What do you think, friends?
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the Day