Thursday, 28 September 2017

Quote of the day


All these years of my practice have taught me that the one single enemy within is insecurity. It is like the nucleus of an amoeba. Everything undesirable emerges from it.
I can be insecure about innumerable things. Starting at birth, with my environment. Maybe, I was not a wanted child. The family never accepted me. Maybe, I grew up in isolation...a neglected child. Could be my family was financially not sound and I had to pinch pennies....and circumstances like this....
People seldom realize what has transpired in the lives of individuals they meet or know, and how and why they have become the way they are today...
Character and personality are not traits only from one life. We have multiple personalities living within us. Kids who display certain qualities don't do it coincidentally. There is always a good reason.
So, insecurities build up from childhood, not only because of incidents that happen in this life but also those from other lives that we are here to neutralize.
An analysis of these insecurities will bring up effects like anger, complexes, diffidence, lack of self worth, envy , jealousy etc.
In fact, insecurities are directly proportionate to the self image. Feeling good and worthwhile is important to survival. And self image is generally based on the illusory self and therefore, cannot sustain itself, as all illusions cannot and do not.
So, try the antidote to insecurity. Strip away the surface layers of reactions one by one. Realize the power of love as being able to achieve miracles and discard anything that your soul within revolts at. Listen to the voice of the soul from within and understand what the Universe tells you about your life and how to live it. Gradually, you will succeed in dropping all insecurity, the biggest being that of the inevitability of death.

Surekha Kothari

Monday, 25 September 2017

Quote of the day


“I really wanted to do it but could not". " I wanted to actually say something else but I ended up....".” I am going to do this tomorrow even if I have to create a 25th hour."...
Promises! Promises! To myself or others or both....but no action...constant procrastination shows an undefined, undecided mind. Maybe, a lazy mind with very little positive energy. Someone who is carrying a huge weight on them. Or, a diffident mind.
Sometimes, I think the journey is so darned complicated! Such different mindsets! So much emotion! So much distrust...Lack of courage…among those "lucky" people who have much to thank the Universe for.
And on the other side, friendly and smiling faces of those who are "deprived" of faculties, limbs but filled with divine energy and divine spirit...fearless and indomitable.
I learnt a new lesson today. A renewed awareness of these aspects of learning and the fact that it is so important to resume living life after every rest we take.

Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Friday, 22 September 2017

Sense of excitement

Life does not give prior warnings. There are no re tests. There is no fast forward or rewind. We just have to make sense of what works for us with a bit of trial and error. But that is the fun of life as adventure into the unknown...
It can also be a source of stress if not treated as an adventure. But come on… what is there to lose ultimately? Only what WE hold on to, right? If we just dropped things that we carried, it would be great. And we would experience freedom.
I have found that things I was so stuck on for a long time were actually trivial, though, as per current perceptions. But that's fine. This is what moving on means.
I believe that so much is changing in the external environment today because somewhere, humans are beginning to raise their vibrations. They have been creatures of low energy so far, their energies constantly being depleted and sacrificed to petty thoughts....not adhering to the universal principles or the spiritual ways of living. We have paid a heavy price. No more.
There is a new phase opening up. A better and hopefully, higher way of life. If you notice, several spiritual groups are meditating for world peace all over the world. The good news is, youngsters are joining in. The kids being born today are reflecting the phenomenon of the elevating vibrations of young parents. These kids are incredible.
We are gradually and surely moving into a new world where there is a sense of excitement, a hope and a proactive projection into the future. Where nothing less than merit, ethics and honesty shall prevail.

Surekha Kothari

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

State of abundance

Life works very logically. When you want something, it keeps you in want. When you feel abundant, abundance comes to you. Strange? Not really.
See...we are all about memories. Unpleasant and pleasant. Negative and positive. So, when we live within those negative memories and are not happy, we feel a lack, and we cut our cord with the completeness which is the Divine. Of which we are a part. It is like saying, I am born in my family but I am not a part of it. So, I will not do what they do.
So... a lack cannot be filled up unless you recognize that you don't have any lack actually. The Divine, your source, is complete. You CANNOT have a lack. It is only a perception.
In the second scenario, you feel abundance. Because you understand the truth about who you are and where you belong. So, nothing transient should be able to take away your abundance. However much you try and empty an ocean with a cup, you can't. It will always be complete. And when you don't react to the world, you live in a perpetual state of abundance.

Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 17 September 2017


To deserve what you get! How far is this true? Does everyone get what they deserve? "Deserving" is such a debatable word. We all feel at one time or another that we didn't get what we deserved. It is an imaginary yardstick we have for ourselves that makes or breaks us.
Who is really to say what we should have or not have in terms of anything ? Or, deserve it for that matter.
How many times we set goals, work towards them but fail to achieve them. Did we not deserve them then?
Likewise, we get pulled into a tunnel of success in something we never even hankered after. Did we deserve that when we did not ever work for it ? Was it luck? Or karma?
So, deserving is something it is better not to focus on too much. You want to achieve something, go at it with full steam. Try your best. Don't judge at all, whether you achieve your goals or not. Because, this is a most positive way you can live your life. Circumstances may change while you toil. You may also decide to change course along the way. Who knows? So, why care or wonder about deserving at all? You had what you had. You have what you have. You will have what you will have in the future. A perfect attitude for contentment.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 14 September 2017


Life makes us change by force if we don't do it willingly and with understanding. We resist and resist and resist....we agonize, agonize, agonize...we defy, defy, defy…we live in conflict, combat the world day after day....
And what happens finally? Nothing but exhaustion! More and more exhaustion. Till we want to drop.
When do we call it a day? When do we start looking for a little bit of heaven? A little bit of peace?
A tortoise withdraws into its shell to keep safe during an adverse climate. Not so the human...sometimes, two people are too many! And the shell is merely a nonexistent illusion. The desire to have your will prevail at all costs blinds a human to all else. After all, aren’t the free will a gift of God? While we move slowly but surely towards exhaustion, we lose out on life itself...and then nothing matters anymore.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 12 September 2017


I wish we could "see" ourselves growing up. And stop ourselves each time we were getting conditioned by thoughts and ideologies that would never work later in much of what we imbibe along the way is not our own. We have been indoctrinated with belief systems that are not personally experience based. So, they may not fit the bill. As grownups, therefore, we end up unlearning some, relearning some and creating some new ones.
The mistake we make is not stopping to re examine our thought processes often enough. We carry on living according to our obsolete thinking and wonder why we are not feeling light and happy.
So, recreate yourself time and time again to feel the pulse of life. Live life to the fullest. Release yourself from old pains, and go forward light hearted and adventurous into the exciting unknown.
 Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Quote of the day

Sunday, 10 September 2017


Relationships are longer lasting if they are spontaneous. When you keep away, despite closeness, out of too much consideration or an "iffy" attitude, you end up creating a vacuum in the other and often, distances may crop up gradually but surely. I have seen cases where one of the two in a relationship actually drives it. The other sits back for whatever reason. This is just one type which struggles to survive.
I really wonder whether there are too many "equal" relationships in this world. Spontaneous and happy.
Most of my clients struggle with inequality. It is amazing how simple answers aren't forthcoming or visible at the best of times and people love to wallow in their self created, self pity, aided by complex thinking inspired by a complicated mind.
They say, heart connections are more enduring. But I have seen them transform into controlling tendencies or over sized expectations.
Then again, heart and head connections are advocated. But if one has more heart and the other has more head, it might pose a challenge.
So, what works best is to just be you because life is a challenge for each of us. Often, just trying to manage relationships becomes stressful. So, stop managing (or manipulating) and start living your own life and live it well. Because living someone else's life is something you can't do without a lot of confusion and pain. You were not meant to in the first place.
And the good news is, some people will always walk through your life.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Friday, 8 September 2017


Sometimes, it is necessary to be cruel to be kind. To save the life of a loved one, we willingly sign an approval form for allowing a surgeon to use a knife on them. It is very painful to sit through each minute until we hear an "operation successful" verdict. It seems as if we lived those hours as if they were days and months. But we did it.
Punishments to kids are designed also for propelling them towards learning. Children often say, "You are so cruel". We laugh because we know we love the kids and why we do what we do. But they perceive it in a different way.
It is not only to others but on ourselves, too, that we have to practice this principle. To be tough on ourselves doesn't come easy. Grit your teeth. Tighten your belt....apt supporting thoughts. Indulge yourself a little only when you are generally in a state of balance. But success comes with resisting much temptation along the way, using much discipline, even more determination and perseverance. All these are symbolic "knives" . They "bleed" you but ultimately help you and give you a quality of life which could make you the object of envy.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 5 September 2017


Time is linear. From the day we are born, we are moving towards death. Ascension is symbolized as going upwards, evolving, elevating ourselves. Even the Holy Cross means just that. A horizontal line crossed by a vertical. The kunadalini rising through the chakras upwards also means the same, that evolution implies breaking the linear and circular dimensions to ascend, through higher vibrations generated by higher and purer thought processes and use this life to shed all that is meaningless for our ascension. Only we can do that by travelling the road enlightened people walk along , to walk in their footsteps and to learn from them before we move along on our own towards the only destination that we have been given this life for.

Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Quote of the day

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Level of faith

I find the fuss about genders very shallow. I mean, so... there are women and there are men. I may as well be saying, there are lions and deer’s, or roses and lilies. All creations of the Almighty.
Don't you think all this fuss is that of just being unable to accept that creation is made up of various forms, humans, animals and birds, nature, the flora fauna? We fail to see the unified field behind the various forms. Our main but invisible link. Unfortunately, we are very focused merely on the apparent and visible differences of forms. Like, when we are so engrossed in a movie, we fail to see the steady and unmoving screen on which the movie is being projected. Without which there would be no movie at all.
The actual consciousness of being a particular gender or the obsession with this has a very valid reason. We don't remember but we have had different gender roles in our past lives and the memory of this resides in our subconscious. Sometime or other, our personalities may come alive within us when triggers happen. The truth is, we are both female and male inside us. But we deny it while role playing. We are not comfortable in our skin perhaps. Coupled with this is our mind conditioning, of playing gender based roles.
It’s only when we connect on the level of faith and love and equality that we can start respecting all life on this earth. Instead of being intolerant and separatist based on personal preferences. Only then will the social evils that we see in our society today will be a thing of the past.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day

Friday, 1 September 2017

Vital knowledge

To have and to hold! This capsule has five words but meaning on many levels. To have what? A soul, a life, a mind, an intellect, a free will, relationships, education, feelings, values, ego, attachments, hatreds, fears....many , many more. We as humans, fashioned in the image of God, have everything that God has.
To hold is another story. What do we hold onto? Or do we hold onto anything? What is the ultimate realization?
Do we vibrate on the same level and connect with HIM? It is indeed difficult to have around us, everything that we don't need and must not want. And then we have to actually know this, separate the two and make choices. Sounds complicated, right? And that's why "to hold" becomes a journey of trials and errors. First, to understand what we have, what is of value in our lives from what we have, and to explore the hidden aspects of what we have to understand their meaning in our lives.
Next, to realize which items from what we have must be held on to. Holding on can be very illusory at times. Like, when you spot a monkey and a baby monkey clutching on to each other ( or so it appears), can you tell whether it is the baby clutching on or the mother ?
 In life, we also feel that people hold on to us, places and events draw us..but the fact is, it is we who hold on to these things because of our fears, insecurities and a lack of awareness of our own spirituality, of who we actually are and where we come from and go to.
Once we have this vital knowledge, we can easily go onto making the right choices. It is only the right knowledge and enlightened knowledge that will bring maturity and growth, which, in turn will make "to have and to hold" a meaningful reality.
For this, how many souls are ready to work, is the moot question.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day