Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Quote of the day

Life in KALYUG

Very long ago, a definition was given about life in KALYUG...

1. KALYUG would be found in the streets of ADHARMA.

2. In DYUTKREEDA: that is, making easy money by foul play and without deserving it through hard work.

3. PAANAM / VYASAN: poisonous consumption, addiction of liquor, drugs and in thoughts, words and deeds.

4. Indulging in gossip

5. Less sleep and prone to several health issues.

6. More anger

7. Less energy and inner happiness.

8. More arrogance and showmanship

9. Less purity of mind and body.

10. Violence in all forms: thoughts, emotions and physical. Prone to enmity and opposition.


A shishya who lived in his guru's ashram had a habit of smoking.
Surekha Kothari

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Karma Theory

When Lord Krishna returned home after the battle of Mahabharata, his wife Rukmani confronted him “How could you be party to the killing of Guru Drona and Bheeshma, who were such righteous people and had a lifetime of righteousness behind them.”
Initially Lord Krishna avoided her questions but when she did not relent, he replied “No doubt they had a lifetime of rightousness behind them but they both had committed one single sin that destroyed all their lifetime of righteousness”
Rukmani asked “And what was that sin?”
Lord Krishna replied “They were both present in the court when a lady (Draupadi) was being disrobed and being elders they had the authority to stop it but they did not. This single crime is enough to destroy all righteousness of this world”
Rukmani asked “But what about Karna? He was known for his charity. No one went emptyhanded from his doorstep. Why did you have him killed?”
Lord Krishna said “No doubt Karna was known for his charity. He never said ‘No’ to anyone who asked him for anything. But when Abhimanyu fell after successfully fighting an army of the greatest warriors and he lay dying, he asked for water from Karna who stood nearby. There was a puddle of clean water where Karna stood but not wanting to annoy his friend Duryodhan, Karna did not give water to a dying man. In doing so his charity of a lifetime was destroyed. Later in battle, it was the same puddle of water in which the wheel of his chariot got stuck and he was killed.”
Understand that your one act of injustice can destroy your whole life of honesty.This story is great example of Karma Theory in Path to Prosperity. So let’s create any Karma with Awareness what is righteous.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Quote of the day


When we go out to a restaurant, there is a huge menu we choose from. These are items we love and want to indulge in. But they are not necessarily good for our health. We still bypass that thought and make the choice. We tell ourselves, it is only for that meal. So, we end up eating that food and develop indigestion or food poisoning.
Now, similarly, when damaging feelings enter us, we again must choose either to let them in and adopt them as ours or let them go immediately as being wrong for us. Knowing that this may start a pattern, we still accept these feelings because we want to retaliate.
The main cause is that we have not been able to separate ourselves from our egos. So, who gets hurt? Who wants to retaliate? It is the ego. If we learn to make a choice against the ego and in favor of ourselves, we can avert any illness of the mind.
If you want freedom from the ego, the most effective way is to simply acknowledge the undesirable thoughts and emotions that came in and the actions they set off. To say, "I was wrong" is really liberating. To say, "I am sorry" and MEAN it is even more liberating. It just clears the air within us and between two people also. Not that you mean to, but this rattles the opposite person and generally forces him or her to introspect.
Ultimately, our purpose is to work with love, not anger, resentment, feared or hatred isn't it?
Surekha Kothari

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Quote of the day

Energy exchange

I was listening to an interview on criticism and being a critic. It is amazing that we never think of it as energy exchange. But it is.
When you criticize someone, you cause pain. But in doing so, you also go through pain. In fact, if you criticize with negative energy, it causes you more harm because the energy is deliberately emitted. The receiver can deal with this kind of energy in three ways.
1. Either take it in, absorb and feel the pain.
2. See that energy coming at you and return it. Someone criticizes you. You criticize them back. But the negative vibrations stay.
3. Transform that energy. Understand that the person has negative vibrations and that you need not harm yourself by taking it in. This way, with understanding, you have transformed the negative energy.
I don't think there can be any contest in which one a clear intellect would choose. But is it that simple? It can be, though.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Packaging of knowledge!

Packaging of knowledge! Every generation responds to what it can understand and can get convinced about. Today, there is a huge movement towards spiritual understanding amongst youngsters. PROVIDED it is presented in a manner that they can relate to.
We still have the traditional, religious concepts like deity worship etc. And that is fine because it is the faith that carries us through, wherever we place it. But in a knowledge based generation, the "why" of every belief, every sentiment, and every action must be answered. Ironically, we have to explain logically the phenomena that are beyond logic.
This is precisely why the Bhagvad Gita is the most widely read and studied today. It is a way of life and even spirituality has to be understood as a way of life.
The meaning of dharma, karma , cause and effect , and all the laws that the Universe would have us live by must be experienced and not just talked about. Doubts must be addressed and cleared and this can only be done by practicing them and observing results. Only then can convictions become a reality.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Sympathy and empathy!

Sympathy and empathy! We tend to use these as synonyms very often. But there is a meaningful qualitative difference. You will notice that when people want sympathy, they will tell you about the issues in their life again and again. Once you give that sympathy, they tend to hold on to you . They come to rely on you because that sympathy makes them feel good. And soon, you find out that you have become a crutch for them. So, although you started off well, was the ultimate result that great?
On the flip side is empathy. Here, too, you support people, listen to them, advice them as best as possible like you are in their shoes, what is the difference, really? The difference is that after doing all this, you will ensure that your advice will make them take responsibility and hence, make them independent of you....that the next time; they can manage themselves without looking for a crutch in you. This would be an act of benevolence on your part and also a spiritual act.
So, which is better?
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Polluted Mind

Keep the pollution away. And I don't mean only environmental pollution. That is an obvious fact. There are other forms. For example, what a polluted mind can do is not apparent even when our own mind does it. We should be so much aware, actually, that even if a polluted thought enters your mind, you ask for forgiveness immediately. Excessive? Not at all!

You will notice that we all have formulated very "artful" ways of overlooking the pollution in our minds. Take humor. One always knew of laughter being the best medicine, as avid Readers’ Digest readers believed laughter to be. But how much dislike and aversion can humor be laced with is something we all have seen many a time. Right? In fact, every night, at bedtime, if you recap every detailed thought, word and deed honestly to yourself, some pollution will be visible. Some negative thought about something, someone...even you. (You are equally important, if not more). Or, some emotions that lashed out uncontrollably because someone else was at fault and "did that to you"...when you know that no one can do anything to you unless you permit it...and some acts also that we try to palm off on some incident or people , acts that we are not really proud of.

One way to reduce this pollution is to keep the mind outside of you. Examine it minutely and see what thinks is and what it says to you. And take the positive in and keep the rest out. With a little practice, you will see a difference. Once you know you can do this successfully, you will want to do this exercise again and again like a child because you will start feeling so good about yourself that you will never want to regress to that pollution stage again.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Quote of the day

Sunday, 14 May 2017


Understanding people! How often do we actually understand what is going on in the lives of people? Or, even attempt to ? Most of the time, we end up reacting to every look, every word....every gesture...
When we are in public, we expect a certain kind of behavior from people. But we forget, as we don our masks, others do, too. But a mask is a mask after all. It can slip with an unexpected trigger. And when the facade drops momentarily and the hurt and pain are revealed, we never stop to think of the reasons why that person may have accidently become transparent. Instead, we react immediately.
Understanding people is nothing short of personal healing. When you attribute a genuine reason to a person's slipped mask, you will feel a sense of well being for yourself for having been compassionate. For having gone into the depth of a person's psyche to recognize the soul within. What can be more elevating?

Surekha Kothari
Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day

Friday, 12 May 2017


I have realized how many little things we take for granted. Is there a guarantee we will wake up the next morning? Do we know for sure that our day is going to unfold as planned? Are we sure that the domestic staff will turn up tomorrow? Is it possible that you have an urgent meeting and the vehicle stops half way? To mention just a few.
Gratitude, therefore, is most important. The person who cleans your restrooms and your home. The one who drives your car, cooks your food. A friend who sits up with you when you are sick. Anyone passing you on the road who smiles at you or saves you from a near accident. Or blesses you without even knowing you....
The bottom line is, NO ONE HAS TO DO ANYTHING FOR YOU...and if they do it, regardless of their motives, we have to thank them as messengers of God. The universe works relentlessly and lovingly. We need to understand the significance and read the language minute to minute.
Surekha Kothari

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Quote of the day


A beautiful story with a message. There was once a clever businessman who, while crossing a river, fell in. Not knowing how to swim, he started shouting for help. A traveler who was walking along the bridge thought he would help him. So, he bent down and extended his hand, saying “give me your hand”.

The drowning man said, "No, I won't give you my hand". The man who was trying to save him understood that he has never developed a habit of giving. So, he told him, "can you at least HOLD my hand?” the man said, "yes”, and was pulled to safety.

If we look at the attitude of both, we understand how important it is to give.

Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Source of energy

We seldom nurture our inner child. Since childhood, we are trained at the conscious mind level to share, to give, to do things for others. But never taught that it is equally important to love our inner child. Some children are also abused for their ways. These kids grow up to subdue or even kill their inner child because the signals they have received very early in life is that this inner child is non functional. That it is that part of the personality that is not required.
But this inner child is the core of love. A child is very loving and very spontaneous. Imagine, if this source is turned off, how this child would survive as an adult. On arid ground. Without water.
 I don't think there is anything more detrimental than a lack of self love and the inability to get or feel that love from others. Love keeps the softness within us alive. Be sure that those who have a hardened exterior need love and frequent hugs more than others. Because they show a facade and suppress a lot. Just like those who love attention and a lot of limelight are deeply insecure.
There is no alternative but love, to love yourself, to care and have compassion for yourself first and then for others because they are fashioned in a similar way to you and have the same source of energy to draw from. And therefore, connected.

Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day