Thursday, 30 August 2018


Sometimes, when you speak, you feel your words are hitting against a wall and disappearing in space. Have you felt that? I guess when we were growing up, such things happened all the time. The words of elders or even friends just went over the heads. Of course, words are airy. They escape. Unfortunately, the feelings they inspire do not disappear that easily. And therein lays the core issue. We live and relive the feelings. And instead of examining why these feelings came up, we start to blame the words spoken by the opposite person. No one is to blame. Feelings come out of a certain negative perception.
But actually, feeling a certain way is always a choice YOU make. And so, you can make a choice every morning by looking into the mirror and saying "I love you" to yourself and that " I am happy “. " I am going to have a great day". And smile widely at yourself.
I know sometimes, you just wake up not feeling good. People ask me, “if I don't feel happy, how can I say I am happy?" True. Very human but ironically, these are moments you should say this more and more to change the mind. We tend to give up too easily. "CAN'T" looms very large in our vocabulary, inspired by an inability or helplessness. How much we must overcome and how much we need to work to overcome to hit the straight road to growth can turn off many. Too much work. But then, this path is for the passionately determined because it is not a tangible path.
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 28 August 2018


I think we all know that we can change the belief systems that are obsolete and have stopped working for us. Which means that we can recreate our reality? So, if we wallow within the same obsolete non reality , and refuse to change it, what happens is, there is a clash between that and new realities of the people around them.
...and this might lead to a situation where," never the twain shall meet".
Evolution is all about changing perceptions based on an affected mind. As and how we realize we have not translated our experiences into true knowledge, we must change our quality of actions to inspire better experiences.
Life is a constant journey.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Monday, 27 August 2018

Quote of the day

Vibrational souls

We are vibrational beings. Our journey into this physical existence happened vibrationally and it continues with vibrational movement. Movement is the base of all Creation.
Thought is the prime energy and each thought has a vibration. For a happy life, our thoughts need to be in harmony with our source energy or soul consciousness. Compatible energies have similar vibrations and become bonded.
I learnt that attachment should be replaced by bonding because Attachment is an emotion which clouds the mind and intellect and therefore, its vibrations must be raised to accommodate a better flow of energy.
I learnt that living your dream starts with a thought which generates similar thoughts, which, if high in vibrations, become your reality which then manifests in action and outcome.
How little we know! This knowledge eluded many generations because there was no teaching of it anywhere. But today, when the old souls are being born, they seem to know already what we are learning. We are also supposed to know, but our conditioning made it difficult to align ourselves to higher vibrations and to our source. So, we ended up being needy, insecure and attempted to steer away from the natural flow of life.
The new generation will teach their elders the science of vibrational reality which reflects in the physical reality, So that there are more extraordinary people with a higher consciousness than these past few generations or more. There is much work being done in this field and in time, this vital
Knowledge will help low vibrational souls to upgrade.
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day

Thursday, 23 August 2018


No two cases are identical though there may be similarities. We tend to assess people and situations based on our experiences. Sure, that's normal. We form certain belief systems based on these experiences.
What we forget is, others don't necessarily have to have the same or similar beliefs. Just because their conditioning, their thinking patterns may be different.
And that's why in society and even families, tolerating and accepting people of other belief systems is vital to harmony and peace in the world. And that is what plagues us: the lack of what we should have in abundance.
Why is it so difficult to understand that if I am different from others and expect to be liked for whom I am, then others also expect to be liked as they are. It is a healthy attitude and one which inspires more learning. Because we learn more from those we like, accept and respect.
This is not for closed minds though. You have to be very open to critical, objective evaluation of yourself and the performance of surgery of the blocked energies or trapped energies to accomplish a free flow of transforming energy.
So much to learn and so much time wasted!
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Process of learning

As young kids, apart from coloring books, we had books where we had to connect dots to make a picture. I never realized that it was one of the most profound exercises we did. Today, as an adult, I am connecting the dots of my life episodes and thinking about how meaningless it was to rave and rant and fret and fume about what I wanted and could not get or what I could have achieved but was blocked etc. I tend to smile now because the picture is clear after the dots are connected. And there was never any need to feel all that negativity.
I learnt that the process of learning starts when you stop the blame game and start understanding why things happened the way they did.
The Divine plan is perfect. We, as humans, are not, because we don't recognize our core strengths or the nature and quality of our source energy. What we are not meant for during any phase in our lives is because we are not ready for it or something else must be experienced. Like your parents telling you that you have to finish your homework before you can go out and play. But the child only wants to play.
When the fires of expectations from life are kind of quelled is when we are able to think clearly. When the clouds of discontent and disappointment disappear is when we can see the sunshine coming through.
And all this happens when we connect the dots and review our lives, so many blessings and so many phases of happiness and joy which, if not sustained, were so only because of our erratic attitudes.
Living and learning, maturing and becoming wiser and calmer... the journey of life goes on.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Monday, 20 August 2018

Quote of the day

Flow of energy

The evidence of a close relationship is the flow of energy towards the ones you love. You can't force this flow. Mostly, it is reciprocity that binds people together. Funny how life takes turns and people you thought you knew, you never really knew. And you thought you knew yourself but again, you never knew the future "you". This is why emotions are futile to hold onto. If it comes, let it.
If it goes, let it.
Surekha Kothari

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Lack of responsibility

Can you respect yourself if you have no commitment to anything and anyone in life? When you just drift along aimlessly? I always wonder about the psyche behind this. Can there be no ambition, no drive, and no cognizance of what others around you might be depending on you for?
We are quick to point this aspect in other people. A lack of commitment goes hand in hand with a lack of responsibility. And these are not useful or admirable traits.
Living within a family and society makes responsibility mandatory and so with people receiving a salary. The proportion of commitment in relation to salary was never the thought in earlier times. Today, the respect for employers is scant in many places, especially domestic staff. And this is not the case only here.
This is the world of today. Dealing with it is the only option. And avoiding stress at the same time. Stress is the biggest killer.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Wednesday, 15 August 2018


Happiness has to go viral. Too many people have lost it in the wake of their complexities of mind. Why be complicated when you can be simple? Why tutor the world before you tutor yourself? Why concentrate so much on yourself and your own opinions that you are unable to see the flow of life?
I really feel for people I know well and for those I don't know also. Maturity and wisdom are in the public domain. We can access them by being calm, easy flowing, clear in mind and respectful of everything in Creation. Maligning anyone speaks of the pollution of our own mind. Let us be mindful of our journey and where we are heading.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 12 August 2018

Fear of death

The world today is conspiring to bring fear into everyone's hearts. The greatest of them is fear of people. We don't feel safe anywhere. We are unable to trust anyone. Whether family or friends or strangers, there is a whole lot of uncertainty? The dishonesty and decadence around humans has reached its peak.
Then, there are also environmental concerns. Fear of the kind of world we are leaving for the next generations.
Fear of death is huge. Fear of losing wealth, affluence, success. Losing the limelight...fear, fear, fear...
Fear psychosis rules under the beautifully masked people. Is there any point in continuing this way? Does it help anyone and anything? We are unhappy and others are unhappy. Waste of a life if we can't turn our lives around!
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Success and admiration

This choice of either following or leading is just like giving a choice of birth and death but forgetting to focus on the importance of the journey between the two points. When you ask someone to either follow or lead, you perhaps ask for a very simplistic choice.
To follow is essential in order to observe and learn. And then graduate to leadership. But it is equally true that people who are chosen to be leaders have to have the qualities of a follower. In fact, both the roles are constant and interchangeable. No one person can possibly know everything.
The premise is that we all are constantly learning from each other. And leaders need to keep their head squarely on their shoulders and their egos thoroughly in check to sustain their leadership.
A leader therefore, is a balanced individual who needs to maintain a sense of respect as well as respect those around, whether in families, groups or workplaces. And one who also switches roles as per the need of the hour, a definite formula for success and admiration.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 5 August 2018

Universal truth

When you want to be photographed, you are asked to present your best angle or profile. Today, everywhere, we must project our best selves too. No one really wants to know what lies behind or beyond with side effects always.
I have seen the most socially successful people who match the above description to the tee, very lonely behind closed doors and sometimes, very depressed because there is no one to bear your heart to. That is sad, don't you think?
What happened to "everyone needs someone”? There are so many empty spaces in the hearts of so many. These manifest in many different ways; often in an obscene display of wealth or in "one upmanship” trying to fill the empty spaces externally to compensate as it were, for those within. But can you ever accomplish that? I doubt. And you also stand alone in the bargain. You might be the object of sycophancy but may not be that of a heart connection.
The ultimate is to fill these spaces with spiritual thought and study and thus, to become grounded in the universal truth.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 2 August 2018


When you don't talk about yourself much, people feel you are alright. And you have no burning issues. But, actually, some just don't have the habit. Some are too private. Some don't see what this will accomplish. Some feel, "why bore others? How does it concern them?" Or even, why it should concern them, Kind of "not done" kind of feeling.
There are some who feel a part of other people when they talk about their personal issues. But often, I have seen that many also go through life's journey managing it as independently as they can. I wonder if being vulnerable to people's attention is viable in the long run. It is difficult to put yourself in the opposite type of shoes from those which you wear.
The final word of course, is, IT IS WHAT IT IS until it isn't that anymore.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Quote of the day

Depressing thoughts

Unobtrusively, we start to become what our thoughts are made up of. At first, we are taught to think like our parents. We imbibe our environment. Everyday actions we see around us speak of the thoughts that inspired the actions. And we emulate and emulate.
Later, when we see ourselves from the eyes of others, we realize that we must look onwards into our thought patterns which are seen by people in our speech and action. You cannot separate the people from their thoughts.
Depressing thoughts! Thoughts of envy and sadness or happy thoughts, thoughts of love and goodness. Every thought will manifest if given importance.
We foster the thought and then it festers. That's it! Many such festering thoughts create who we are.
So, think before you think! Meditate on what you think before you give the thoughts the pride of place within your mind, because they may enslave you. And what will that make you? A slave to your thoughts instead of the master who has command over them.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day