I wrote this based on my observation of
close bonds being diluted due to non communication :
The uneasy silence of unspoken words .
The strain of meeting as if all is well.
The restless soul that feels this pain ,
And suffers in helplessness.
Of being so close but, oh ! So distant !
The boundary stretched across ,
Irrevocably perhaps ?
When and how did this happen ?
Only God would know !
As awareness , lost in the darkness of
life’s events
Not retrieved , as time knocked out what
could have been. ...
Talk to me, for I am no stranger..
Tell me how you feel..
Surprise me with your warmth ..
I know it lurks somewhere within ..
Just break the barrier..
It can’t be so hard !
The other beseeches you
But you keep your ego intact.
Futile ! Think a while !
For cruel is time
And fragile is life.
Atone, amend, salvage the bonds
For, death stands just beyond that door..
And regrets and guilt an inch away from
that door.
So, build bridges.
Rebuild the burnt ones
Reconstruct the old, loving patterns.
Let your heart be peaceful and content.
Surekha Kothari
Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari