Thursday, 28 November 2019


When your consciousness expands and extends beyond the self, it is a wonderful feeling. You see what you didn’t see before. You hear what you couldn’t before. The same environment seems different. What used to bother you earlier you only smile at now.
This happens when you focus on yourself and learn to consciously look beyond the visible. Of course, you might also see what you may not want to see. But one has to make peace with the diversity in this world without getting affected in whatever manner. This process begins with a higher awareness which becomes deeper and deeper as you go along.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Prime Importance

It is really important to know why we do certain things. Why we think in a certain way. Why we react in a particular manner. Is any of this coming under the justification category ? Or is it our lopsided view of the world, people or even ourselves ?
I find there are people who are out to attack you for simple , unintentional and caring ways. They need to look deep down within themselves to see exactly WHAT plagues them. There are conflict areas in everyone’s lives. But to know who to trust and even what to trust is of prime importance.
It is so much easier to preach than to practice. Because the awareness may be only externally oriented.
The ones that go in to their own dark corners will see light sooner than those who block their inner light but continue to work for external value. Of course, value there will be for the world to see. But inner growth ? That comes with inner virtues which are honed painstakingly and from within, ripping apart the thick layers on the mind that create a continuous cloud over the light. But it is for each one of us to realise that. Ironically, this doesn’t come through even “Satsang” . Feeling good momentarily is different from feeling good in the moment and in every moment. And that happens only when we become simple , pure and transparent like glass. Like channels through which God can work.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 24 November 2019

Emotions and pain

The common theory is that the caliber and mettle of a human being is how he or she braves the hardships in life. This is what we are taught. Grin and bear it, or grit your teeth. Clench your fists ... etc.
But there is also another side to this. Bottling up emotions and pain can have significant side effects. Sooner or later, they could spiral into major health setbacks.
The only way you can assimilate pain of any kind is by not letting it sink into your cellular memory. Physical pain can be forgotten once it is treated. But emotional pain as also mental agony get registered and continue to give pain even after the event. We have to guard against this.
Always have avenues of releasing this kind of pain, in whichever way, before it becomes a deep wound.
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Thursday, 21 November 2019

A Nomadic life

A nomadic life is such a free life in so many ways. They have little opportunity to get attached to places because they never stay long enough . And even the few days are spent mostly amidst nature. In tents. Yes, they seem to be a close knit community and therefore, attached to and protective of their own . Lifestyle diseases elude them at the best of times and worst of times. Happiness is not a special acquisition.
City bred folks have all kinds of issues. For sunlight , they have to specially go into the sunlight. For exercise to the gym. There is little informal meeting and more meeting friends with appointments. What happened to the word “spontaneity”? Not to mention the artifice that seems to set in , often as a part of the survival kit, among other pretensions.
Simple pleasures are simply not sought. Those days are gone when small town life also made frequent inroads into nature . And the five star culture has deprived people of the wonderful experience of living on farms and rustic life. Even farms have five star homes now.
Spoilt, aren’t we ? But more than that , we have lost out on the beauty of being one with nature. I guess, what you have never experienced, you don’t miss.
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 19 November 2019


When you post some very profound words of wisdom , people often show a doubt in that , can we really practice all of it ? True that it takes an awful lot of will, determination and desire to walk that path. Not to mention a constant awareness. And many , therefore, turn around and walk back to the path is comfort. The common statement is, “ come on ! I am not a saint”.
As if the path of wisdom is only meant for the saints, or, the extraordinary ! And yet, if you read the biographies of the world famous personalities, some started at the bottom and worked their way up. This kind of gamut of experiences and learned wisdom to make such a stupendous success of their lives can be a beacon for those who think they can never emulate such people successfully.
The real Issue is not that we can’t do it. It is , that we have slotted ourselves as people with limitations, that of being “ordinary”. Or just with an established pattern which we kind of like and are settled into.
Actually, there is wisdom inside all of us , wherever we are and whatever we do. We just don’t know that we can use it anytime, in fact, must use it to better our understanding about everything to graduate to higher vibrational levels as students of life do.
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day

Sunday, 17 November 2019

Emotional angles

To say it as it is, clearly and without any emotional angles can be a wonderful way to show simplicity. Emotion of any kind colours your statements as also our behaviour. I also find that it shows in your body language. Basically, it is not coming from a clean space.
It is amazing how any blocked energy can be lodged in your system for years and years. Use your inner electronic conveyor belt , like that of a treadmill, to keep moving with a healthy plan for life and definitely include leaving each step behind as you take the next one. Retracing only helps when you want to heal something that was left incomplete. Don’t forget to revisit and heal. Nip any tendency of a residue build up in the bud. It takes a long time to clean so many cob webs. And time is short.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Thursday, 14 November 2019


I have found that things just happen even if you don’t interfere with your personal desires and efforts. Something will happen in your life. But people are not willing to take this for an answer. “But what about what I want ? And what if things don’t happen that way ?”
We tend to push away things that might have happened had we let them happen. Just by looking the other way.
The soul is here to interact with this world for the relevant experiences. So often, we say, “my heart is not in it anymore “. But after so many years of pursuing an activity ? Why now ? Because the soul is satisfied and wants to move on but we don’t want to let go. To make our peace with the fact that something is over and something else is coming up that we need to go through. The cognisance is lacking when the soul connection is weak. So, the answer is :
Accept. Accept. Accept. Don’t expect , expect and keep on expecting. Believe me, some amazing things start to happen at that stage if acceptance because acceptance is a way of surrendering.
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Understanding of people

When you develop an understanding of people and can muster up a kind of X-ray vision into their thoughts and predictable reactions or responses, life becomes very interesting . More than that, you begin to see it all as if you were watching a movie. You know what is going on and what is coming next.
What I discovered about this is that it kind of stops affecting your life after a while. You tend to get a little detached from what is unfolding before you.
I have stopped asking myself, “ what if ? Could I have ? Should I have ? “ etc etc. Because I can’t avoid the outcome. I think I could have done it this way or that way. But could I really have ?
So, getting immune is the best way to go.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 10 November 2019


I have realized that to be critical of yourself and hard on yourself can turn out to be a huge punishment in your future life and can really alter the quality of your life. To feel guilty, remorseful is human up to a point. But all your life ? Even to kick yourself for not doing things in a different way and looking at an undesirable outcome can really psyche you into believing you are inadequate or foolish or whatever tag you want to give yourself. Before others do it, you are doing it to yourself.
It makes no difference though. When the arrow leaves the bow, it will pierce something somewhere. Remember the story of Shravan kumar ? The king was innocent but had to bear the consequences of hitting the wrong target.
We do this very often out of our ignorance or misguided ness even. But having said that, what next is the moot question. How are we going to deal with a situation which was not in our control ? Or we thought it was but..... it has happened in a certain way. That is the reality.
This is the point at which wisdom comes in. Life has never been black and white. The shades of grey are what make you move through life. Solutions have to be found for our own well being . And if we have to bear consequences, we have to simply bear them.
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Quality of life

Reinventing you frequently! Life doles out all kinds of experiences. If we get stuck like the pin on the record, life becomes difficult and often, unbearable. I always ask my clients why they would compromise on a quality of life that is in their hands completely. You don’t necessarily have to cry your way through life Regrets, Bitterness and Lost opportunities. These are huge for sure. But having said that, what next?
I feel we want to vent and get sympathy but are not prepared to make changes, yes, and often drastic ones. Venting makes you feel better probably but nothing changes.
Examining established patterns is the first step towards changing them. Dragging behind those that don’t work is not a mark of intelligence.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Tuesday, 5 November 2019


Adamant and rigid to a fault! Rigid and adamant to a fault! Have you come across people like that? If you caution them about anything, they will simply shut you up. If you suggest something that will help them for sure, they will stubbornly clam up. They don’t want to hear anything new. Wow! How does it help though?
These people are in your life to teach you big lessons in patience and also in recognizing your own limitations. It can be very frustrating. But evidently, their road map is different from yours and there is nothing you can do about it. And if you persist, you will reach a stage where no one will be willing to listen to you, however right you may be.
So, wisdom lies in picking your battles, or you will be the only one likely to get wounded.
Surekha Kothari

Quote of the day

Sunday, 3 November 2019

Quote of the day

Energies to challenge

I was talking to a friend about how stress can pile up on you because of your vulnerability to some relationships. These people know which buttons to press to make you go a little crazy sometimes some contentious relationships which can’t be severed and can’t be tolerated. It is as if two people are just waiting with their fangs out, ready to pounce on each other. And even if this sounds funny, it is really not, when you are within the situation.
Change this and you can get the ownership of yourself back. Changing this means changing and transforming the feelings that induce and lead to the war like environment. Not allow anyone to take away your choice of response and turn it into an angry or frustrated rejoinder.
We can’t smoulder from within and keep a peaceful front for too long AND retain our health as well. So, either we have to completely get away from such people or decide that they are not getting anywhere with you. That you remain unaffected even amused.
The best way to change your energies is to challenge yourself to become immune and get your control back. And hope no one thinks that this is a minor task and can be accomplished with just a “hey presto! “
Surekha Kothari

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